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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Thanks! I should have this module released this evening or this weekend. Keep your eyes open in the add-on releases forum!!!!
  2. Here's a screenshot of it!
  3. Forgot one more thing, Whenever you are viewing the airport chart, I have added a quick airport list where you can just jump over to another airport charts.
  4. Thanks guys! Also, with the add and edit chart part, where you enter the ICAO, after when you input the first two letters, there will be a list of airports that you have and you can just select which airport.
  5. I'm not sure what is going on, But the error seems to tell me that you don't have the data class file uploaded to your common folder. Maybe try redownloading it and upload the files again and see what happens. Maybe a faulty download. . . hey joeri, I would have to update the module to filter it. But the login action is recorded every time you log on.
  6. Add Chart Form Edit Chart Form Enjoy! More to be updated!!!!!
  7. Main Page of Module with all the airports listed Page of Module with all of the airport charts listed by ICAO Admin Page Admin Page with Airport with Charts
  8. Okay, after a long hair pulling errors. I have completed the basics in the admin. So I will have the screenshots up tonight! Hopefully!
  9. Did you upload the PilotLoginData.class file into your core/common folder?
  10. Nabeel, ther are issues with the groups area. It seems the AJAX isn't working properly. When you add someone to a group, it messes up and goes to the white page. And the button on the add or change group too.
  11. Hahaha! I'll have the screenshots up tonight or tomorrow, I completed the basics of main module and started to work on the admin module.
  12. UPDATE! Okay, Last night I started working on the charts. It's going along good. Here's what I have done so far... 1) I added a main page with will the airports that you have in your database. 2) I have added a per airport ICAO chart page which it will list all of the charts by airport. Things to add... 1) Add Charts Admin module. Well, I don't know what to add now, but give me time to build it, and I'll keep adding new things. Cheers! P.S. I'll have the screenshots up this week.
  13. Hey Everyone, Since my last released module "PilotLogins" was successful (I'm working on the update still, hopefully I have it done this weekend). How many people are interested into having a "Charts_Module"? What it does is that you can add charts for each airports, plus chart types, and you can upload the PDF files to your site folder. And then it will display in the main page with list of charts, but you can search by airport. How many people are interested? Please vote!
  14. Whoa! Don't blame on us! The mods have the right to delete any topics that aren't aecpetable to the community's rules. And I'm not saying your VA is crap.
  15. Whatever! I don't care what you are saying. I'm just guessing the Mods had enough with your crap posting VAs. I'll stop there so no wars goes on here.
  16. Maybe you been posting so much topics about your VA and it is a no need to post again since you had other ones few days ago. So smarten up about running VA's and quit posting more topics about your VA often.
  17. Hey Guys, Just a update, I have worked on the module, making updates. Here's what I have changed..... 1) I removed the table prefix, it's easy to rename the table without losing your data. 2) On markonemillion's request, I have added the ip logs to the public profile, but you can integrate a paggy thing in it. Plus it has a permission needed, you can modify to which permission you want to. 3) I have added a DataClass where your pilots can know how many times they have logged in. In the profile area. 4) Also, I have added the last ip logged in, so in the profile area, it will get the last ip that the pilot logged in. Things still to add...... Add the DATE_FORMAT to the datestamp in the ip logs. ======================== Also, if anyone still have any request, please let me know and I'll consider your request and might add in the next version. Thanks!
  18. Alright guys! Going to work on it today!
  19. James, Why your closing down again? It looked like a successful virtual airline! I hope everything is okay. Good luck in the future.
  20. Sorry guys, I wasn't able to have time to update it, I will able to update it soon and I'll be looking into removing the table prefix with a simple SQL query so you won't lose your data. I will also still work on the last 5 or any number of pilot logins. Sorry for the delay but real world comes first. . Hope everyone had an awesome long weekend in the U.S. And Canada.
  21. OH GROW UP ALREADY! Your pathetic! And you don't know what your doing when you are fixing the problem. So I'm going to say it again! GROW UP! Sorry for hijacking the thread, but I had to say something.
  22. No problem, it's best to have one user to a database so it can be more safe than a default user to access all DB. Glad it's fixed.
  23. That could be done! Thanks James, I'll add that to my list and have a look after the weekend.
  24. Thanks! -------------------- Does anyone have a request something to be add to this module?
  25. Adding new permissions was a pain in the butt, you got to figure out the next permission formula in the app.config. However, I added ten new permissions, and they worked. But I still wanted to add more but it will mess up. I'm trying to work on something more better, like custom permissions, and you can add new permissions. But not a success. I wish Nabeel could make some changes with the group permissions, so the VA Admins can optionally add permissions for specific areas.
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