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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Go to local.config.php and change the following true to false. # Automatically calculate ranks? Config::Set('RANKS_AUTOCALCULATE', true);
  2. Need more info of what is going on. Is the flight info returning the info for the flight?
  3. 1) Will you make custom modules? Due to low demands for Payware/Custom Modules, I won't be providing anymore payware/custom modules. 2) Can I extend your modules to my preferences? Of course, that's why GitHub Exists for a reason! Go ahead, fork my modules, make changes, submit your pull request and I will add into it! 3) Do you have a website? Let's just say I really don't need a website, my modules will be stored at GitHub: https://github.com/Vansers and you can post for support request in my forums here: http://forum.phpvms....vansers-addons/ 4) Will you make some of your modules payware? As I used to, but due to low demands, I won't make my modules payware anymore. 5) I have a suggestion, where can I let you know? Simple, post in the forums here: http://forum.phpvms....vansers-addons/ 6) I have sent you an PM! Why you haven't still replied back? Busy with my life with a full time job, or you were submitting a support request which I don't allow in my PM. Your issue could help others publicly with my resolution. 7) I have found out that someone is selling your modules or distributing somewhere! Well that's a shame for someone selling my modules or distributing different places, please report it via PM to me with all of the information. 8) How often will you make modules? Most of the time when I can. 9) What is your modules licensed in? Every single of my modules are licensed in Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported. Full Details FAQ Last Updated: October 2, 2014
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  4. Good Question, step 3 was 4. LOL. Fixed. Must been tired this morning.
  5. phpBB_Auto_V1.2 This module is an phpBB Auto Register Forums Account. Whenever a pilot joins your VA, and if their account is approved, you will need to activate their forums account in the phpBB Admin Area. Source By: Here Created Under: http://creativecommo...s/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Completed By: Vansers phpBB Forums: phpBB Forums Version: 3.0.9 You must have that version to make the module work. How To Install: 1) Download the file that is attached here... 2) Unzip the file... 3) Upload the files same as the structure as your phpvms files. Enjoy the Module! ------------------------------------------------------- Download Here
  6. www.yourvaurl.com/install/checkinstall.php Replace the www.yourvaurl.com to your VA url
  7. AHHHH!!! The Cats! Again!! You made my evening go well!
  8. Ele me diz que você pode ter as tags ASP diante. Ele deve ser desligado. Contato para sua hospedagem ver se eles podem desligar as tags ASP off. ===================================== It tells me that you might have the ASP tags on. It should be turned off. Contact to your hosting see if they can turn off the ASP tags off.
  9. Olá, Você poderia explicar melhor o que está acontecendo. É o único mapa mostrando o vôo, mas sem informações sobre voo na tabela de mapa acars sob ela? ==================================== Hello, Could you please explain more of what is going on. Is the map only showing the flight but no flight info in the acars map table under it?
  10. We aren't being rude... We all have opinions, and it's our right to say them or keep them quiet. And what Josh said is correct.
  11. :lol: :lol: -Nick Tyson-, you just made my morning to go on the right foot!! HAHAHAHHA!
  12. Thanks for the help simpilot. Perhaps I'll have to find a way around to hook to get the pilot approved. 1+ rep!
  13. It means there's something wrong with your pilots_detail.tpl. Possibility of error coding. Could you paste your pilot_details.tpl here and we will find the problem.
  14. Hey, If I add a CodonEvent:Dispatch into the ApprovePilot area, will it affect anything to cause errors? Here's how I have it done... CodonEvent::Dispatch('pilot_approved', 'PilotAdmin', $_POST); If I added this, and then add a module listener. Would the CodoEvent:Dispatch work in the 'pilot_approved' area? Any help would be great! Thanks!
  15. Well, I guess the price is right if you even built a complex module...
  16. See if the file has the permission to read?
  17. Kyle

    Drop Down Needed

    Interesting other JQuery stuff! Thanks for for the share.
  18. Not to confuse you, the beta isn't fully fixed yet, but I think in the beta, there was an add in for the maintenance mode tpl file.
  19. If you have the beta version, you can at core/templates/maintenance.tpl.
  20. Thanks for your help guys! Rep given!
  21. Sorry, I'm still sucky at arrays right now. How would I make it work? Thanks
  22. Hey All, I'm trying to figure out how can I make this code into multiple emails. I want it to send to different people. $email = 'whois@email.com'; How can I make this line of code into sending an email to multiple email? Any help would be great! Thanks!
  23. Wow! Your VA is an billionaire! Unfortunately, I don't think is anyway to do that. But you made a ton of money from the flights? Maybe check your aircraft or ticket prices.
  24. I don't think so, I never seen one..
  25. Hey, There is a database file for the navigation waypoints in the install/navdata. You can upload the database into your phpVMS database. Then, if your flight report has a route, it will plot all of the way points on the report Google maps.
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