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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. -
  2. How about Youtube Feature?
  3. Great Share! thanks!
  4. Nice Add dimitris!
  5. Awsome!
  6. Nope, I never heard of anything. So I guess we would have to create a module and (module)Data.class and how it would work is that when a new pilot signs up at your VA, and then the module will automatically create a account in IPB and mark the account UN confirmed till if the pilot is approved or not. The problem is that about password encryption between VMS and IPB. But I think they are the same style. MD5 and Salt.
  7. Very Good Idea flyalaska!
  8. Cool James! I'll give it a test for you whenever it's done.
  9. Stuart, Thank you for this add-on. I will give it a try! 1+ rep.
  10. This does look interesting. I might give it a try tomorrow morning. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Tom, lately you have became a big mouth. Stuart had a valid reasons why someone stole his idea. (Same Layout, someone snooping at stuart's site) and Stuart deserved some Attribution of the airport idea. Besides, you don't really see how it hurts your feelings or stuart's feelings when someone steals his work.
  12. Well Said!!!
  13. I think it is likely possible that Jeffrey can do it for you.
  14. yeah Stuart, You just got to find someone who does really give in dedication and who is willing to really make the effort to the virtual airlines. Consider by getting staff who has been at your VA for a long time and fly alot (maybe) and see what they are really into for giving dedication. Perhaps staff who they have been at other VA's for a long time.
  15. Alright, I believe you...... Edit.... Staurt stated it. NOT ANYMORE!
  16. Yeah, I agree with you Mark. dimitris, don't even take the copy of someone's design, make your own.
  17. Wait a second, is this your module or what? Look at the codes and see if they are the same, then if it is, then I'll delete this module ASAP from the dev site.
  18. This does look really sweet! I'll try her out! Thanks!
  19. I DO NOT TAKE ANY CREDIT FROM SIMPILOT'S SCREENSHOT MODULE! This is a new function to delete the screenshot.
  20. Ok, here's how to add the delete function to simpilot's screenshot. 1) Back up your files!!! 2) Go to core/modules/screenshots/screenshots.php and go to the following line.... if($this->post->action == 'reject_screenshot') { $this->reject_screenshot(); } } And Replace with this... if($this->post->action == 'reject_screenshot') { $this->reject_screenshot(); } if($this->post->action == 'delete_screenshot') { $this->delete_screenshot(); } } 3) Go to the following lines.... protected function reject_screenshot() { $id = DB::escape($this->post->id); ScreenshotsData::reject_screenshot($id); header('Location: '.url('/Screenshots/approval_list')); } Add After the code...... public function delete_screenshot() { ScreenshotsData::delete_screenshot($id); //We need the screenshot id so the function can know which id to delete from the DB header('Location: '.url('/Screenshots/')); //We don't want to show the URL delete link, so it will go to Screenshots $this->set('message', 'Screenshot Deleted!'); //Let them know that the screeshot is deleted. $this->render('core_success.tpl'); //It will show the green bar on top of the page } 4) Go to core/common/ScreenshotsData.class.php and go to the following lines... public function reject_screenshot($id) { $upd = "UPDATE screenshots SET file_approved='2' WHERE id='$id'"; DB::query($upd); } Add After the line............. public function delete_screenshot($id) { $query = "DELETE FROM screenshots WHERE id='$_GET[id]'"; DB::query($query); } 5) Go to screenshots_large.tpl and go to the following lines...... <td align="center"><b>Views:</b> <?php echo $screenshot->views; ?></td> <td> <!-- <form><input class="mail" type="button" value="Back To Gallery" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"> </form> --> Then add after the lines.... <?php if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN)) { ?><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Screenshots/delete_screenshot?id=<?php echo $screenshot->id; ?>"><b>Delete Screenshot</b></a><?php } else {} ?> THEN! TA-DA. You now have a delete function! Big Thanks to dimitris for helping out to fix the errors! I DO NOT TAKE ANY CREIDT FROM simpilot's Screenshot Moudle!
  21. dimitris, Thanks for your help. I understand what errors i got. lol. Thanks! 1+rep!
  22. Ok, I'm stuck now, lol. I'm missing something and I can't get it out of my head, lol. Screenshot.php In the beginning of the php file } if($this->post->action == 'delete_screenshot') { $this->delete_screenshot(); } Screenshot.php public function delete_screenshot() { ScreenshotsData::delete_screenshot($id); } ScreenshotData.class.php public function delete_screenshot($id) { $query = "DELETE FROM screenshots WHERE id='$id'"; DB::query($query); } screenshot_large.tpl <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Screenshots/delete_screenshot?id='"><b>Delete Screenshot</b></a> When I click on the delete button, it goes to that url... /index.php/Screenshots/delete_screenshot?id=' If anyone can help out here, and tell me what I did wrong. Still a noob.
  23. Give me a few, I'll create a delete function to simpilot's screenshot center. I'll be posting it in the code spinets.
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