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  • Location
    Cork, Ireland

Conor's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Perfect thanks buddy.
  2. I'm getting a problem when trying to install a fresh PHPvms Fatal error: Class 'DB' not found in /homez.605/xxxxxx/www/xxxxxx/core/common/SettingsData.class.php on line 28 Any ideas?
  3. Just to let you know megaupload has been taken down by the US government do i would re-upload this somewhere else
  4. Yes but you are using their logos and font's. You still have to ask their permission to use such things including their name
  5. Congratulations, hope the VA continues to be successful
  6. May i point you in the direction of fstools.co.uk
  7. Its a bit bright
  8. I agree that is a fairly wrong
  9. I enjoy looking at other VA websites
  10. Thank you very much
  11. They are adding to the database because when we try again it says airport already added
  12. they are in the system because we have some routes set up but they dont show on the airport list
  13. Im trying to add an airport to the list but after i add the airport it dosent appear
  14. May I suggest contacting tom you can find him on these forums or his website fstools.co.uk
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