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  1. I want to switch my whole server envoriment to php 7.2, because there are some other business projects on the server which are vulnerable with php 5.6, because there will be no secuirty updates anymore. At the moment my va is the only webpage stopping my switching to 7.2. I am able to migrate the va to another server with one instance and php 5.6, but this could be wasted time, when I am able to port over the page to 7.2. The link from phovms lecgacy with 7.0 support seems to be down ;(
  2. We are using phpvms 2 (latest official one with tpl files), but ported it over to php 5.6 and it's working fine. I want to switch over to php 7.0 for secuirty reasons, but I think none of my modules will work. I've made an test installation and it's a hard work to rebuild every module.
  3. Is there a tutorial to port a phpvms va working in php 5.6 into this new version?
  4. Is there new navdata available? Don't have SSH.
  5. Thank You Leonard, I will try it
  6. Good morning from germany, I've created a new module with a form. But how can I get the form values as a variable into the DataClass query. The module has these 3 files: TourenDataClass.php Touren.php touren.tpl queries without variables from the TourenDataClass.php are working in the touren.tpl. I'm quity new in php so I need advice
  7. After switchting our page to https, the script had stopped working. What do we need to fix to get it working back again?
  8. It's phpvms classic (not the 5.5 version)
  9. Hi, yesterday I've updated to PHP5.6, since this update we have problems with our live map. Sometimes it's working, sometimes not (without changing something). It seems to be a javascript issue, the error is: I am usign phpvms classic, but also tried another acarsmap.js file (5.5), but this is also not working. Google API has been updated. When switching back to 5.4 the map is back again
  10. @mischka I've tried your code, but there is no graph, it's empty and there is only a "loading image"
  11. at the finances and in the pilot public profile (aircraft usage) are some more of these old
  12. We have expenses to simulate a real airline, but since 2 month every expense is doubled without changing something. The doubled expandes came in the database at the beginning of the monnth. In the phpvms_expenselog the expanses are twice, so that me make a big loss and the end of the month. Is there an option to fix that?
  13. Hi, sometimes a pirep is send up twice to the page, it's exaclty the same pirep at the same time. How can we solve this problem? We use kacars custom. thx
  14. just use the avg sql statement: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_func_avg.asp
  15. I think that my host stopped the cron after memory issues, the recalulate hours script at the end of the maintenance.php was enough I deactivated this script and the cronjob ist working again.
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