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Everything posted by RuiMiguel

  1. happened to me because I forgot to change the php version in cpanel 😊😊😊
  2. RuiMiguel


    it is only on my dashboard that this error appears the other pilots don't show up
  3. RuiMiguel


    Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions::handleError app/Support/Metar.php:896
  4. RuiMiguel


    hello Nabel I have this error on the dashboard: Facade\Ignition\Exceptions\ViewException Undefined offset: 4 (View: xxxx/resources/views/layouts/default/dashboard/index.blade.php) line 896 thanks
  5. I installed the module as written in the readme but it's not working I have installed phpvms 5.5 Can someone help me? thanks
  6. http://jetairlinesvirtual.com/index.php/acars
  7. the chrome latest version http://jetairlinesvirtual.com/
  8. phpvms 5.5
  9. chrome
  10. Hello, I have a problem on the map does not show the flights. I looked for the error with debugging and gave this error "initMap is not a function" Can someone help me solve this? Thanks
  11. I can not tell you how
  12. mine works
  13. see this image http://prntscr.com/iliwho
  14. in flightware
  15. You already have api flightaware? if you already have it in the puller.php file on this lines $apiUserId = "yourFlightAwareUserId"; $apiKey = "yourFlightAwareApiKey";
  16. Hello, Can anyone tell me how to put a map google in the event module of the David Clark? Thanks
  17. RuiMiguel


    i have this in profile main it works function getTotalScore() { $query = "SELECT SUM(`final_score`) AS score FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE pilotid = ".Auth::$userinfo->pilotid." AND accepted = 1"; $result = DB::get_row($query); if (!$result) return 0; return ($result->score == '') ? 0 : $result->score; }
  18. RuiMiguel


    yes I have a final score in the database on pireps this code is on the pilots_list Can you explain to me how I get the variable for $pilotid thanks
  19. RuiMiguel


    Hello I need help for this code: <?php function getTotalScore() { $query = "SELECT SUM(`final_score`) AS final_score FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE pilotid = ".$pilotid." AND accepted = 1"; $result = DB::get_row($query); if (!$result) return 0; return ($result->score == '') ? 0 : $result->score; } ?> <?php echo getTotalScore(); ?> the result is 0 Can someone help me? Thanks Rui Miguel
  20. hello see this
  21. I know ,but laravel it's not easy thanks
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