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Everything posted by ChrisTaylor

  1. Any luck with this on arrow chat V1.8 !
  2. Well there are two things. People can use VPNs or Proxys to mask and change their IP. You can just google IP address to location and it will tell you their location ect. Hope it helps, Chris
  3. Flash? Who uses that. And qualified dev..... Erm i've seen half of the re skinners are between 15-21ish (most) And I think they don't have a degree in HTML ect....
  4. Oh don't make me shut up and pay you money
  5. Shut up and take my money!
  6. Hi everyone, I need an ACARS tracker for my VA, what ACARS trackers or people to buy custom ACARS from. I was going to use cACARS from Crazycreatives but it had a huge surge in clients so he is no longer offering it. Does anyone know of some complex ACARS trackers like http://www.crazycreatives.com/cacars-flight-tracker/ Thanks in advance, Chris
  7. I;ll be buying soon!!!
  8. Bump!
  9. I never get the email
  10. I have that version on my site. I assume it is not a venerability or it looks like that.
  11. May I convert this into a module?
  12. Had a try and its really good
  13. Let's try and bump this thread up. I think we all wanna see!!
  14. I'll be trying!
  15. Any updates on this?
  16. VERRY INTERESTED IN THIS!!!! Random aircraft 100% yes, random time yes!!!!! How much? Is it out!? PM ME!
  17. Any luck on this, i'm interested
  18. Does your VA have the module installed?
  19. I don't but static images should load faster automatically
  20. I like the idea, i'll buy!
  21. Or go to the database to hard reset it to 0 or whatever, I don't know the table for that and i dont make a guarentee it will work
  22. Yes, go to your VA, Admin centre, site and settings, maintenance options and reset pilot payment. Or go to yourva.com/admin/index.php/maintenance/options
  23. Re dowload the module, it looks like codon hasnt been found
  24. [sOLVED] Thanks a lot, found out a way of gettings things sorted, i'll be going thought the forums. Another fine module by David!
  25. Thanks dude, i'll report back
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