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    Brisbane, Australia

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  1. I've identified that the images aren't loading because their address is absolute and refers to the old SSL site. Modifying the URL to relative doesn't work because the system is preventing them from loading due to a restriction in our system that restricts users from directly accessing our content and I'm not sure how to disable this. I'll keep looking through it though.
  2. This worked! Massive thanks! Yeah, I'm gonna do that with the images. I suspect they may also be having issues (I know the forums are) because the SSL (TLS?) certificate hasn't migrated across so certain links aren't working but I'm gonna try and see what I can do about that first. We're running on a new domain (with the old domain redirecting) for the time being until I can work everything out properly. Thanks again for your help!
  3. So, Thus far I think everything has come over... though there's a few minor issues here and there... The Java script/Google Maps function on our ACARS Map isn't working, which appears to be due to requiring a new API Key. I've had a look in a few files including core_htmlhead.php and local.config.php but can't seem to see where the API key is to be inserted. SmartCARS is working fine and all the core functions seem to be behaving correctly. (Flight can be booked, loaded into smartCARS etc) I'm also having some issues with images around the site not loading however this may due to them being Absolute links rather than Relative links and I'm still waiting for the old Domain to propagate to the new name servers. Still testing and working on a few things though. Thanks.
  4. I think it may have worked... but I need to do some more testing later. Thanks again!
  5. I'll give that a shot if I can get phpMyAdmin back up again (Seems to take ages to recover after I've hit Export, even if I reload) - The database backup function seems to have all the data and I've restored it into the new hosting... and it looks like everything is there... I just don't know if it's in the correct location. It appears under a sub-tree on the new hosting versus the old hosting.
  6. That error turned out to be due to a faulty install on the hostings behalf but seems to be resolved now. Still having no luck exporting the database from phpMyAdmin without the Nav Data.
  7. Attempting to change the php version to 5.5 and I'm getting the error "Unable to save data to /var/cagefs/60/vgva2/etc/cl.php.d/alt-php55/alt_php.ini ([Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/cagefs/60/vgva2/etc/cl.php.d/alt-php55/clseltmp_57d05458-785d-4bf5-af80-cdc779369cd2')"
  8. Are you aware if exporting the php databases through the backup function in cPanel does the same effect as Exporting through phpMyAdmin? I've attempted to Export the database as you've mentioned however it's been 'loading' for nearly 30mins with no change? Thanks.
  9. Okay thanks. Yes, The new hosting is cPanel based. phpMyAdmin is being slow but I'm already attempting the method you've outlined above.
  10. Hi, Thanks for your reply. Can I ask what this entails? I'm familiar with almost everything else but this has thrown me a little. Thanks.
  11. Hi all. I've just been advised that I need to migrate my hosting - I've purchased new hosting and I'm currently in the process of backing up our VA's website however I'm unsure of what the process to 'restore' the new site to the new hosting entails. Could anyone offer some insight in what's required, what needs to be set up on the new hosting and what's required to bring all the databases and files across in functioning order? We're running Sim Pilots phpVMS 5.5 and the hosts php version has been set to 5.5 but outside of this, I'm not aware of what else I need to change or set up. Any help is appreciated. Brendan.
  12. Hi all, V Group is currently searching for a passionate and experienced developer who would enjoy working with our brands and our team, to help create a unique and modern user experience for our members. Our background: V Group was conceived in late 2015 and launched early 2016 by a small group of passionate people wishing to create a modern and fun Virtual Airline based in Australia encompassing Virgin Australia and other associated airlines. Fast forward to today, we have grown to operating over 25 Airlines and an additional 5 unique to V Group as well as 5 Historical Airlines involving Ansett Australia to pay homage to Australia’s aviation history. We have operations across all continents (including Charter operations to Antartica), A fleet of thousands and still expanding. Our Vision: To continue our forward growth and to further expand within the Asian, European and North American markets through the addition of more airline partners, continuing to offer our pilots a thorough and comprehensive network and expansive variety whilst building our internal team and creating a community all our members and staff can be proud to be involved in. Successful applicants for this position will be required to provide support for our existing phpVMS database as well as provide implementation and long-term support for Next Generation versions of phpVMS or similar products after implementation. You will work closely with our Director of Digital Media for content creation and report to our executive leadership team. If you are successful in this application, You may also be eligible to apply for our Directory of Technology Services position. If you wish to register for this position, please register as a pilot and visit our Careers Portal (under About Us) We also actively encourage pilots who wish to fly regularly with us to join our team. Visit us today at VGroupVirtual.com Thank you, Brendan.
  13. After all that, I ended up opting for using the MailGun API which worked... plus our previous attempt to mail all pilots had resulted in outbound email being restricted from phpVMS through our hosting. All resolved now though.
  14. I think that's already in there, This is what I've got/had Current direct fro local.config.php (I'm trying Amazon SES at the moment) Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_NAME', 'V Group Virtual'); Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', 'noreply@vgroupvirtual.com'); Config::Set('EMAIL_USE_SMTP', true); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', 'email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '587'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', true); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SECURE', 'tls'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', 'REDACTED'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', 'REDACTED'); What I was using yesterday when I created this forum thread. Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_NAME', 'V Group Virtual'); Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', 'noreply@vgroupvirtual.com'); Config::Set('EMAIL_USE_SMTP', true); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', 'smtp.mailgun.org'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '25'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', true); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SECURE', 'tls'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', 'REDACTED'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', 'REDACTED');
  15. Hi all, I'm currently going through a stage of trying to move our Mass Emails over from the local hosting to a dedicated system designed for mass email marketing as my VA has gone over 100 active pilots and our hosting keeps shutting our email system down whenever we mass email due to 'spam protection' I've spent hours on the forums and I've updated the Local config php as well as other associated files to enter the SMTP/Auth/User data, tries TLS, SSL etc and have had no luck. I've even correctly set up the DNS and MX records (and reverted the MX Records for further testing) MailGun seems to make mention of an API requirement however it doesn't seem to be mentioned in specifics to the PHP Mailer. If anyone has any vague idea or direction on this, It'd be highly appreciated. I've become rather frustrated and haven't found any way forward with this. Any help is appreciated, Brendan.
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