NP, I ran into that problem when we were making our email template. I started out with 100, so I had an offset. Was also trying to display their password in their email, with no luck.
Nice! If anyone has a offset Pilot ID, any number that didn't start with XXX000 would have to edit your pilot ID line.
Pilot ID: XXX<?php echo $pilot->pilotid +99; ?> or <?php echo $pilot->email; ?></b>
Replace XXX with your Airlines ICAO
Replace 99 with your offset.
All the downloads are screwed up. I got that when I was going to make a dev domain. I tried the beta. No luck there. The admin links were missing when I went to admin.
Myself and another pilot are having trouble with FSFK sending a PIREP to the website. We are both trying to send a non-scheduled flight. Our custom kACARS alows it. FSFK seems to not allow it. I am on phpvms_Extended
Schedule does not exist. Please update this manually.
Anyone run into this problem?
if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false)
Logged Out Info
// Show these if they haven't logged in yet
// Show these items only if they are logged in
Logged In Info
Replace The Logged In and out info with your content.
I am stuck on step one. In ACARS.php. I dont have the line that I need to replace. Here is what I have.
# Jeff's fix for ACARS
$params->deplat = $flight->deplat;
$params->deplng = $flight->deplng;
$params->route = $flight->route;
$flight->route_details = NavData::parseRoute($params);
I am assuming Jeff made an edit for my Custom ACARS