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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Can anyone share their code that will link a random picture to the larger picture? Everything that I have tried has failed.
  2. I get an error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/codon.config.php on line 148
  3. How do I do that?
  4. NP, I ran into that problem when we were making our email template. I started out with 100, so I had an offset. Was also trying to display their password in their email, with no luck.
  5. flyalaska

    HubStats Class

    What version are you on? I have the same problem.
  6. Did you add the class?
  7. Anyone?
  8. Love the last requirement.
  9. I been using IPB for the last 3 years, recently switched to SMF.
  10. No need to be rude!
  11. Nice! If anyone has a offset Pilot ID, any number that didn't start with XXX000 would have to edit your pilot ID line. Pilot ID: XXX<?php echo $pilot->pilotid +99; ?> or <?php echo $pilot->email; ?></b> Replace XXX with your Airlines ICAO Replace 99 with your offset.
  12. Probably from VA Central. I had that happen to me. I disable anything to do with VACentral.
  13. Fix your javascripts. Most likley you have them in your layout in the wrong order. Something is misplaced there.
  14. That usually happens when you have your javascripts set wrong in your layout file.
  15. All the downloads are screwed up. I got that when I was going to make a dev domain. I tried the beta. No luck there. The admin links were missing when I went to admin.
  16. Myself and another pilot are having trouble with FSFK sending a PIREP to the website. We are both trying to send a non-scheduled flight. Our custom kACARS alows it. FSFK seems to not allow it. I am on phpvms_Extended Schedule does not exist. Please update this manually. Anyone run into this problem?
  17. <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false) { ?> Logged Out Info <?php } ?> <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { // Show these if they haven't logged in yet ?> <?php } else { // Show these items only if they are logged in ?> Logged In Info <?php } ?> Replace The Logged In and out info with your content.
  18. Good catch
  19. I get a blank map. This is what I removed // if(this.flightdetails.route_details.length > 0)
  20. I am stuck on step one. In ACARS.php. I dont have the line that I need to replace. Here is what I have. # Jeff's fix for ACARS $params->deplat = $flight->deplat; $params->deplng = $flight->deplng; $params->route = $flight->route; $flight->route_details = NavData::parseRoute($params); I am assuming Jeff made an edit for my Custom ACARS
  21. Enter them in manually. You can get the coordinates from AirNav
  22. I am using phpVMS Extended 1.3
  23. My Twitter isn't working anymore on the activity feed. Everything else works fine
  24. flyalaska

    HubStats Class

    I use phpvms_ as my prefix. I am using phpVMS Extended from SImpilot. Would that make a difference?
  25. Anyone know how to get my pilot list in order? Ever since the pilot ID went over 1,000 they went out of order. How do I fix this?
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