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    Antalya, TR
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  1. You should use "Paid Services" section or clearly explain your problem/question to get public help.
  2. Hi @IFL442, Of course I know the error, it is generic one and the logic of it is already posted in "most common errors" topic. Basically it says that you have a problem in your assignments (like a deleted / missing flight) and that blade of SPTheme is missing a failsafe. Just check line 27 of SPTheme/modules/DisposableSpecial/widgets/assignments.blade.php and if possible try renaming that file (which will allow the default blade I shipped with DispoSpecial to be used). If the error comes up with my original blade, I can try to debug but if it is only happening on the modified ones shipped by @PaintSplasher, he may need to investigate too {{ optional($as->flight->dpt_airport)->name ?? $as->flight->dpt_airport_id }} This is from my original blade, it checks for the airport and uses its name, if not it uses the dpt_airport_id. But before all these optional stuff I do have a generic @if($as->flight) check, which eliminates deleted / missing flights. Looks like SPTheme version may be missing this. Unfortunately I do not see that generic check in SPTheme version of the blade. Either you may need to wait for Thorsten to publish an update or you can replicate my wider check manually on that blade too. https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableSpecial/blob/main/Resources/views/widgets/assignments.blade.php Hope this helps
  3. Hmmm, I think I added a defined space to footer and used some space above it both were in stylesheet (to be compatible with Mac/iPad devices)
  4. No bad feelings and no need to get confused with ?!?! or ! I am just asking, you can simply reply or not reply too. Looks like, what you are doing is wasting your own time to develop/convert something already present in phpVMS v7 itself For me it is ok, people will also wonder what it does when you do not provide explanations. Like maybe you can have a different weather source (which can be extremely useful then as a backup tool) And if you are not happy about questions regarding your addons, why are you publishing them anyways?!?! I wish you have a good day too
  5. Also, if you like to store those times as local values, conversion to UTC would still be possible. Like displaying the local times directly from the flight (as you entered them), then converting the value to UTC as additional display (opposite of the example above)
  6. As everything else in aviation, all departure - arrival times should be in UTC too. @ProAvia is right, the flights table only stores those values as text, not datetime values (timestamps etc.), thus you can use them as you wish. Considering that people use them as UTC times and prepare their schedules in UTC format, some addon themes provide UTC to Local conversions for those values. What those addons do is basically convert those "texts" to "time values" (by default they are in UTC as expected) then convert the utc to local time of the airport. You can check the example below for that conversion. https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableTheme/blob/main/resources/views/layouts/Disposable_v3/flights/table.blade.php#L42-L43 Good luck
  7. Would you please explain the purpose of this addon ? phpVMS v7 already have built in metar/taf retrieval and translation services, each airport page provides wx data, also weather widget can be placed anywhere required (like dashboard, simbrief forms, briefing pages, flight pages etc.) What will this converted v5 module add to phpVMS v7 or what does it offer different than v7's internal systems ? Thanks
  8. It is not about being free or payware, or about making profit from something... Required code is already shipped with Disposable Special. But this does not mean that everyone can use it or just enable/disable it easily. And it is not "version locked" or "version specific", people using my method are well aware of how to edit core system files, how to track changes and take responsibility of their alterations etc. It is not something you install and then use style, when it comes to editing/altering core phpVMS files it becomes something different. Hope it is more clear now
  9. @a7c12a5 Yes it is still valid. Don't mix fare capacity values with weight and fuel values. Fare capacities are not casted to some unit, they are just values, plain numbers as you write/save. Aircraft weights and/or fuel figures are casted with units and they are shown in your own unit (settings from admin) but always stored with internal units (which is pounds, lbs). So during live operations, for example generating some cargo load to your pirep, that capacity number is used directly. Thus, yes you still need to define your capacities manually in kg if you are using kg at admin settings (for weight units). Hope this helps.
  10. Hi @IFL442, What you are asking is directly phpVMS v7 related, not something my addons can control or should control directly. Fares are a part of the core (as we call it) and they can not be altered with a module (without playing with core files). We can inject our custom income and expenses but it is not possible for the main fare (ticket income/expense). I do have a solution in Disposable Special (dynamic fare price calculation for each pirep when they get filed and accepted) , which I am using on my installs for a long time (and some friends also adopted it to their phpVMS v7's files) but unfortunately I can not share it publicly (or make it automatically installed) because it needs to be re-done after each phpVMS update. I also tried to implement something similar to what I have for phpVMS v7 itself but due to some logical differences it was not possible, thus that idea was trashed This is still something open for improvement at v7's core systems. Best wishes, Fatih
  11. Please do NOT post the full log as a message, it makes it hard to read/follow and hard to help you, attach the file(s) or upload them to somewhere we can download. You still got the same error `Unable to detect application namespace.` and it points out Application.php line 1532... Looks like either your .env file is doing something weird, server is not returning proper application namespace (folder names, capitalizing first letters etc.) or there is something wrong in composer.json itself. Hope you can figure it out because we can not help much for server side stuff when it needs to be checked/fixed on that end. Good luck
  12. I don't think that deleting that folder will help, if the contents are ok it should work but if there is a folder inside that folder, like `modules\DisposableBasic\DisposableBasic\` then it will fail of course. Also, there are errors in your log which have no relationship with DispoBasic (or any addon), your map page is not working too (again this has nothing to do with DispoBasic or an addon) so I think there are other problems, affecting everything running on your server. Maybe a .htaccess issue, an unintentional forced redirection, block of loading files, access issue some sort of.
  13. FTP = File Transfer Protocol, filezilla as an example is a client, FTP Client. Well if you have DispoBasic, and the folder contents are ok, then you have different problems because that error in your log about migration tells a different story
  14. As far as I know SimBrief does not have seat configuration definition and it can differ from airline to airline, and again as far as I know you do not need an API key to fetch the default profiles. I do define my fares according to the airline I simulate, I do not care what the addon provides at that stage because they do try to provide a single layout which can suit most of their users. Imagine it like Fenix providing a 220 seat A321, but the airline I do simulate has 20+180 for example, thus 200 seats max. Also opposite can be faced, the airline you try to simulate can have a special config of 230 pax (all economy on an A321, terrible config but there are companies using that), but the addon can give you 219 only. Thus reading something from SimBrief and then converting it to v7 fares is something I would never do (even if I can, I would not go that way), I do define my fares according to the real airline, then advise my pilots to match the Traffic Load or ZFW (if the addon is not providing enough seats or cargo space). Good luck with the script
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