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DisposableHero last won the day on June 23

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    Antalya, TR
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  1. Export/import is only two steps, which can be done easily via command line interface (aka command prompt) of the server or via your web based / graphical sql workbench. I would prefer using the command line interface (CLI) if possible, it is much faster and practical. // Exporting a DB mysqldump your-database-name-here > the-name-you-want-to-use-for-the-export.sql // Importing a DB mysql -u your-db-username -p < the-name-of-the-dump-file-you-exported.sql For GUI / workbench solutions you can find lots of guides (even videos to watch) via Google, your current hosting may have one matching the tools they offer. Using a GUI solution may be slow and risky due to timeouts, upload limits etc, therefore you may want to export each table separately and then import one by one. Takes time and effort but works. Editing the settings/config of phpvms v7 is again a one step task, just change the database server/user details in your .env file, save it, done. Nothing special needed except cleaning the application cache for the changes to take effect. Just be sure the database solution you are going after is allowing external connections and properly configured for it, you can (should) test it beforehand with a new/fresh install too to see it works and performance is acceptable for you. Good luck
  2. For the WASM/LVAR module to be installed by FsUipc main package, it needs to be selected (or a full install needs to be completed). Therefore installing FsUipc does NOT mean that LVAR module is installed automatically. Be sure that user has "fsuipc-lvar-module" folder under the community folder @Alexan, if not it needs to be manually downloaded and installed as per docs. If you are not debugging stuff "FsUipc WASM Module 1.0.4" is enough for download and install, otherwise the one + WAPI 1.0.4 is needed. Safe flights
  3. Ok, then there were some changes between my log checks and yours Glad it is sorted out.
  4. How ? :shock: I checked the logs and saw exceptions about stuff not being downloaded, was it that simple and widget was not enabled at all! But again those exceptions should prevent the widget from working too. Anyway, if it is solved then it is ok
  5. Follow up for future reference: Even though the settings are correct and module is set to download data with cron, somehow the server is not able to get data from IVAO/VATSIM servers, exceptions were recorded at cron log. Similarly server was not able to download discord widget data too. Both features use Guzzle HTTP client to get data from remote servers.
  6. Did you entered your IVAO ID to that field ? Profile > Edit Pilots can provide their info during registration too If it is still not working, please provide more info, like your laravel log as described in docs > Getting Help page. Good luck
  7. Did you created custom profile fields for your pilots to fill with their IVAO/VATSIM ID's @Alexan ? If all names match, and your pilots enter their network ID's to those fields, then there is no reason for the module to fail. Please check your custom user fields. Good luck
  8. Yes it can be used without an Acars system @Stijn Pilots will need to report their flights via "Manual PIREPs" Good luck
  9. This may help, looks like you are limiting yourself (either by rank/type rating or location) Good luck
  10. Congratulations for your first module 👏
  11. production.ERROR: Attempt to read property "code" on null This does not mean that the "code" is missing, contrary to what you think the main object is missing. And in this particular case it is an "airline" (hint is checking the line number provided in error details). How to debug this error is explained in Most Common Errors topic with a similar example. So in theory, checking and/or editing airports will not solve this, updating to latest dev and latest Dispo addons will not solve this either... Most probably this is a pirep with a broken/missing airline, it can be a flight too, as both have direct relationship to airlines. Disposable Basic offers a simple database check page, in which admins can see some risky records with their id's, it does NOT fix stuff but helps identifying the errors quickly. It can be used to figure out which pirep/flight is causing trouble. Also if this is the same problem discussed in discord, the error was caused by another 3rd party module which was messing up pirep records and directly recording stuff to v7's database etc. Hope this reply helps people in future Good luck to all
  12. Great news, glad you solved it out. Enjoy v7
  13. Hi @CactusDx , this is discussed in several different topics, both in this forum and also in phpvms Discord... Very brief summary is below; A similar topic, even with the exact same problem; Good luck
  14. Maybe you can use some sql queries to assign subfleets to flights after the import, it still may need manual corrections or some faulty assignments to be checked/fixed manually. But other than importing your flights via csv files (with fleet details) I can not think of an easy end user solution/workaround. Export your flights (either from v5 or v7, by airline if possible) Edit those exported csv files to meet v7's requirements and by some tools (like excel or similar) assign your subfleets to flights in that csv Import the flights Good luck
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