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Everything posted by DisposableHero

  1. You can use two different loops to display different awards according to your setup @Imanol @foreach($user->awards->whereIn('id', [1,2,4,5,7,90]) as $awards) https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/collections#available-methods may help Or you can use some basic php functions to check the name, like if it contains some specific words to separate then @if(str_contains($award->description, 'Medal')) Good luck
  2. https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/blob/dev/modules/Awards/Awards/PilotFlightAwards.php You can check the default award classes to have a better understanding how it works, and then you can create your own classes as you wish. For displaying them separately in pilot profile you need to edit the blade file(s) of your theme as you wish. You can use some filtering within the loops or anything else matching your needs. https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/blob/dev/resources/views/layouts/default/profile/index.blade.php Good luck
  3. Already did as we speak Issue Link : https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/issues/1873 Solution Link (Pull Request) : https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/pull/1874 So when this gets merged, a new dev build will be released and this will not be problem anymore for anyone I hope Have a nice night.
  4. Ok, Now disable (dash out) the dump by adding two dashes before it followed by a space as below. // dd($point, $attrs); Map should be working now
  5. I saw it, thanks Here 0 and 1 is ok, they are floats but 2 is a string (notice the double quotes and display difference) and it is the altitude. So line 42 is causing trouble. Would you please change it as below and save the file (keep the dd for now) $point[] = floatval($attrs['alt']);
  6. A simple way to debug this error can be done by adding below text to line 44 of the mentioned file (app/Models/GeoJson.php) and saving it dd($point, $attrs); With this, instead of erroring out code will dump the data (contents) of $point and $attrs and stop there (die), hence the helper is called dump and die "dd". Good luck again
  7. Also the error is simple (this is why I am suspecting the client and/or communications in between) GeoJson expects a value like "12345" (which is an integer) or "12345.67" (which is a float). So a value like "N 12345" (notice the N and space which is a string) or "12345,67" (notice the comma, which makes this a string too) or the value is just an empty string "" (thus can not considered as null in some cases) will create the above error We saw in some European servers, comma is being used as the decimal separator instead of a point, which was creating a problem in monetary values, same can be happening here too (a server forcing comma can mess up internal easily) Good luck
  8. As the error is related with a core feature (direct communication between acars client and phpvms v7 itself), it can not be related with any Dispo addon as my addons do not alter core/communication files. Dispo Theme only displays the map created by phpvms, only the look of the page is different. In the other topic same/similar error was reported, and the admin did not provided any details for debugging What I can assume from the error is, somehow the coordinates are not being recorded at all or not being recorded properly (faulty9, by the acars software being used (either vmsAcars or any other solution) thus the map is failing to create a geographic location properly. To better understand this error, we need to re-create or live debug during a flight (while the error is happening) @Aorly1, the data transferred by acars client and the data recorded to the database needs to be checked live (by some debug lines added to some files and then then inspecting the log to spot the differences). Additionally we can suspect the server dropping/altering http post data during a forced redirect (imagine like the server uses https, server has a forced redirection from http to https, client is configured to use http by the pilot). This needs to be checked too. Hope this helps.
  9. Probably you still have the same config error somewhere, your docker image is not able to load up the application at all.
  10. You probably created a new airline (automatically) when creating new schedules (by csv import) thus now you have both SKB and SKYBU airlines in your system.
  11. Hi, without getting error details or the log itself, no one can help you, even it is not an essential feature for you, you are getting errors and this can be a sign of other (maybe bigger) problems. If it continues, and if you want to solve it just provide required details and open a topic on v7 support section or use discord Safe flights
  12. Hi, No problem, was trying to understand what is going on there 'cause you are the first reporting something like this with the theme... If you are using vmsAcars, as you know it has a module for phpvms v7 and it needs to be updated too (depending on the changes) and when an update is needed you got notified during that process. I am not sure where are you referring with "maintenance tab", but there is not auto update feature for modules (or phpvms v7 itself) it is always done manually. Hope you can solve the problem and have a working livemap soon.
  13. Probably you are missing some coordinates for livemap or migrations at phpvms, without seeing more details or knowing more I can not speculate. There were some improvements for altitude values, these should not cause location based errors. 1. Are you using vmsAcars ? 2. If so, is your vmsAcars module updated ? 3. Are you really on latest phpvms v7 dev build ? Please provide the full version number installed on your end. 4. Which version of my theme you are using ? 5. Did you tried switching to non-modified default theme, is it working ? (Best way to understand if this is theme related or not) Also please provide error details, something publicly without any additional access needs.
  14. Anywhere you wish, just find a place to upload (or copy the contents of the scan here as text or in a code box) If you can find me at Antalya, why not, I can take them with a mobile device too, if you wish to wait that long of course. When you provide the scan log, people can try helping you, that's it Have a nice day/night
  15. Sharing acars log after doing a scan may help to get help back. Without it only God can help you. https://docs.phpvms.net/help#vmsacars
  16. Hi, speaking for Disposable Theme, footer is defined in app.blade.php directly, it reads the theme_version.blade.php to display the version of the theme and provide the attribution link automatically. If you want to have more space in the footer to add your stuff in, then you need to edit the css (stylesheet) file too and this is mentioned in the readme of my theme. https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableTheme?tab=readme-ov-file#footer-positioning-and-content As long as you comply with license terms (for both phpvms and my addons) all modifications are ok Best wishes and good luck on the design
  17. Did you checked your ranks? My answer is still same, check your ranks. You can thank us later
  18. Hi, There is a section in the forum for paid services, if you can not install the software then you can check that section and request services. https://forum.phpvms.net/forum/39-paid-services/ Good luck
  19. Some servers do DROP data (especially http post data) when doing that forced redirection, thus it can cause more/deep problems. Soft redirection still allows http being used. Therefore it is strongly advised to inform people, force them to do their vmsAcars (or any flight tracking software) profile settings right, check their favorites etc. and always use https://.... in their records. Good luck to all
  20. In simple terms, those users are not using correct url while visiting your site and using your services. This is a very well known issue and discussed here in this forum and in phpvms discord several times, so yes some others also encountered similar results... Both ended up checking / fixing their settings and advising their pilots to use proper addresses Good luck @CartesianPixels
  21. Don't enable Disposable Basic/Special expenses and income, Don't define Fuel prices, Don't define Ground Handling prices, Don't define Subfleet costs, Don't define Pilot salaries, Don't define Fare Price/Cost, Simply set everything as 0 usd/eur if leaving them empty is not possible. Then you may need to remove some stuff from frontend blade files to hide cost/balance related information. Good luck
  22. Do this with laravel relationships and by only using the `Pirep` model please Then add a csv export to that code, there you go, you have something built for phpvms v7 as an addon. (A widget will do the trick, no need to go for a full scale module) Condiser this as a learning target. Good luck
  23. There is a setting at admin side for this, works only if your cron is working properly. Admin > Settings ... Acars group, Live Time Set it to something like 2 or 3 (hours) according to your needs.
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