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Everything posted by DisposableHero

  1. Looks like this is a classic CORS (Cross Origin Scripting) error to me, check your browser console when the error happens, you will see the error live. Also please check the forum for problems regarding airport dropdowns, discord has the same/similar solutions provided. Main reasons: http vs https difference, app_url definition, ssl redirection, wrong url being used etc. Good luck
  2. I explained the reasons of that error to your VA's Admin... You have scenery scanning problems. Send your acars log to your admin for support Safe flights
  3. As ProAvia wrote, there a no stored html pages for anything in v7, almost everything is dynamic and database driven (except fixed stuff to deal with the data provided and render the end results). Only way to edit those "pages" is the admin panel, which offers you a simple WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) type editor. You can prepare something outside (in an html editor) maybe and then copy paste the code to that editors "code" section. Other than this, you need to design is visually. What can be done, at best, is editing the relevant file rendering those pages, put some conditional checks in it and when a page is loaded then it can behave differently according to that page. Imagine it like, when you create a page named "fleet" and another one named "rules", you can have a different design for these two with this. Data will be provided by v7 but the look of the page will be different (up to a point of course) If you want real fixed pages, with separate and hand coded blade/php files (yes, they need to be like mypage.blade.php) then you need to have your own custom module for them. Hope this helps, good luck
  4. What does the log says ? You need to share it to get support I am trying to help one of your friends, probably the admin for the same error. Simply your server is not accepting requests (according to the log your friend provided), so if you can share your log, which can be found on acars/logs folder, we can have a look and compare it for similarities.
  5. Simple logic to see what is needed is to create a manual pirep or check an acars pirep directly from the database, then you can prepare your old data to match the new fields and import via some sql queries. Or of course you can write a custom module, utilizing laravel features to make it more complex if you wish. Most important things is the data units, flight (pirep) times are in minutes and all weight / fuel values are in pounds (lbs) for phpvms v7 database (regardless what you select for display). Also you may need to match your old pilot id's in those pireps with new user_id's you have in your system (don't mix them up with idents, I am talking about the real database indexed id numbers of users) Then you may need to match your old airline codes with your new airline_id's to have more matches / reflecting details. You can probably use the same timestamps for created_at, submitted_at, updated_at fields of v7, it will not harm the system but if you have detailed times you can use them too (created_at is the time a flight is started, submitted_at is the the it gets filed etc.) Pirep type (manual/acars), pirep state, pirep status can be same for all these imported all pireps. In theory if you can match the pilot id's with their old pireps, nightly cron can re-calculate their pirep counts and times according to that data (pilots will be happy). What you will lose is financial details of those pireps (can be done if you want to go that deep but I think this is not important compared to the pirep itself), and detailed acars data (like logs, flown points etc) you may have in that old system. Good luck
  6. Well then there is something else is going wrong, I know it works as designed by defining your route code there
  7. Technically there is/was no need to edit the widget itself, the event "route code" is defined at module admin area and it works both for API endpoint and Event Widget. No need to edit/alter line 16 of the widget controller as it simply reads the above definition.
  8. So you want a "landing page", preferably outside of phpvms v7 namespace, something like a wordpress website which you can edit as you wish. It may not be that easy to achieve, because v7 "pages" system is not designed for that purpose. You can still have it by some tricks and injection logic of laravel but I am not sure that it will give you the best results out of the box. At minimum, you may need a modified app.blade.php which will be used only for that home.blade.php, and in that home.blade you can load a "page" created at admin side by (or maybe you can load more as per your design needs). And then display it without escaping html special chars, so it can be displayed as designed in a WYSIWYG editor. Or you can have a real landing page, with any CMS you like to use (like WP or Joomla etc) and have your phpvms v7 located under a subdomain like many of VA's around. Imagine https://phpvms.net (landing site) and https://demo.phpvms.net (phpvms v7) Good luck
  9. As I wrote in my first reply, it all depends on what you want to achieve, the method will then become relevant... I would not recommend running connections and sql queries inside blade files but in the end it is your va and install, it will be up to you Good luck.
  10. Try using html / iframe or with some php (and laravel) knowledge you can read data with curl (or guzzle) and then process it or you can place widgets to that home.blade.php once and then forget it completely. It all depends what you need and how you want to do it but most of the time anything is possible. Good luck
  11. https://docs.phpvms.net/help#vmsacars
  12. I am not a developer either So we are same, in fact you can be better than me (considering your technical knowledge on Sharepoint), I am an OCC Manager of a real airline, just doing all these virtual aviation stuff and development as a hobby to somehow clear my mind from daily workload What you did was the correct way to be honest, you only missed the cache stuff in the beginning but solved it after getting the server error. Glad to hear that you solved the mail stuff too, in that part, we really can not help people much as it is 99% of the time custom and not generic stuff to advise easily. Enjoy your updated and moved v7
  13. You can change the installation location or file locations without re-installing or deleting the database. Good luck
  14. https://docs.phpvms.net/config/email
  15. Installing methods did not changed, they were always same (only 1st and 2nd suggestion was swapped due to their usage frequency) ... Unfortunately, what you did is the worst and most unsecure method to install / run phpvms v7, and it was always like that. What your friend did back in time was one of the suggested methods and it is still ok to use v7. https://docs.phpvms.net/installation/uploading Hope this helps.
  16. Same logic applies, nothing different Replace the files under phpvms folder of yours with the ones from latest dev (simply unpack latest dev in that folder), then copy over the public folder contents over your public_html folder.
  17. Docs link is at the top already (which you have found too) Good luck with the update
  18. Good news, glad you solved it. It is up to you, update or do a fresh install... Just use latest dev build, how you do it is just a choice for now. If you have nothing to lose, fresh install will be easy, but I would prefer updating to have some practice for future updates
  19. Hi Rob, Technically either from discord or from this forum, downloading the latest dev (development) build is the best choice... Beta.5 is ok too but it had some nice bugfixes after release and latest dev is better than the beta.5 at the moment. Additionally, when you duplicate a theme (be it the default theme or an addon theme), you need to (this is a must) edit the theme.json and change the name, which needs to match the folder name you used. Only then it will be possible to use it and avoid any errors like you mentioned above. So considering the error in your hands; You need to either clean the application cache from admin > maintenance page or if you can not reach there too, then you need to delete the mentioned (bootstrap/cache/themes.php) file manually for it to be re-created with the corrected info. Hope this helps, good luck
  20. Probably OP is not talking about v7 (considering his other post he may be talking about v5.x)
  21. As far as I remember, Disposable Basic provides basic support for events (which is backed up with a widget and API endpoints to display events on your landing page). If it is not enough for you, or if it is not fulfilling your needs then yes, you need to contact a 3rd party developer to create you a custom module about it because market is extremely limited at the moment. Only full scale modules are Disposable Basic and Special, and some airline based / customized copies of them. A v5 developer tried to convert his old modules and published one of them but we did not heard from him since then. Nothing more is available at the moment Good luck
  22. Install latest dev build of phpvms v7, you are trying to run an old version with latest version of my theme. After installing latest dev build, don't forget cleaning the application cache (admin > maintenance). This applies to all Dispo Addons, all need the above mentioned build or something much recent. Good luck
  23. Honestly... beta.4 ? It is almost 3 years old and how on earth are you able to use Dispo Basic with it, I never tested my addons with beta.4 and they were never designed to work properly with it Are you really on beta.4 or it was just a typo If this is not a typo, I would kindly and urgently advise to upgrade to at least beta.5 (I would say latest dev, but beta.5 is ok too), with module and themes being updated of course. Best wishes,
  24. Debugbar itself adds some more time to the process, but it is nice to see the queries being run. Considering that the flights page is paginated and loads up maybe max 20 flights, how you ended up 112 queries is strange. Are you using an addon theme or default theme (not altered, pure default)? Are you using any modules being loaded at flights page, any custom widgets etc.? Why asking this, because I saw some addon themes loading up models in blades, doing direct database queries in loops, for some eye candy stuff which are already provided by v7 internally mostly. Example; I am using a custom theme, my airport details page loads up 4 additional widgets including a flights map, checking LTFM which has 600 inbound / 600 outbound flights and lots of pireps, page loads up fine in 2-3 seconds max, not something like your EHAM. Airport Details Page; (+4 widgets) Flights Page; (+2 widgets) Profile Page; (+40 widgets or more, did not counted them one by one) All above pages do load around 3 seconds max, as an example the last one (profile) was loaded in 2.28 seconds including the debugbar's own load and time loses. In a live server where it is not being called, my results are much nicer. Some of the duplicated queries are from the widgets placed (Aircraft, Pilots, Flight Reports, Personal Stats, Maps etc), they may be a single widget being loaded several times with different configurations to get different data, so some of their db queries are same/duplicated etc. Anyway, if you can provide some more info maybe we can talk about possible solutions / improvements.
  25. Why are you adding a new airport for an already existing real airport with a new non-standard (fake) icao code ? This is the main question. Just add LECH to your phpvms v7 database, either by lookup or manually then you can start using it with vmsAcars too. Good luck
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