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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Unfortunately, there is not any freeware module which allows you to do it. I assume that the bidding process should be updated and as a result, I would suggest you posting your question in the Paid Services Forum.
  2. I decided to release a new freeware module which allows you to set a custom pilot id for your phpVMS pilots. Since 2010, I have seen a lot of members requesting to be able to set custom IDs to their pilots. This module allows you to do that but it is not that easy. Before being able to change a pilot's ID and in order to ensure that your pilots will not loose any of their data, you will have to set up the module correctly. The module has a settings page from which you will have to set your database tables which store a pilot's id. The module already includes the default phpVMS database tables which cannot be edited or delete from the settings page. What you have to do is include any more templates as soon as you have installed any modules into your system. Screenshot 1 (Admin Center Main) Screenshot 2 (Admin Center Settings Page) Screenshot 3 (Admin Center Update Pilot Id 1) Screenshot 4 (Admin Center Update Pilot Id 2) You can view and download the module via here. How to Set Up the Database Tables (Example of Screenshot Center Module) I am going to introduce an example based on the phpVMS Screenshots Center module developed by simpilot. If you get into your phpVMS database, you will see that the screenshot center module uses 3 database tables. These are screenshots, screenshots_comments and screenshots_rating. Of course, each table has a database prefix. In the screenshot below, you will see that the database prefix is phpvms_. As you can understand, screenshots table includes the screenshots which have been added by your pilots, screenshots_comment includes the comments which have been added under the screenshots and screenshots_ratings includes the ratings which have been set by your pilots for each screenshot. In our system, there are two pilots. The first one is DEV0002 Captain Jim and the second one is DEV0015 Captain John. As you can see in the example, there is a screenshot which has been added by DEV0015 Captain John and there is also a comment under the screenshot which has been added by DEV0002 Captain Jim. This means that the screenshots database table has an entry with pilot ID = 15 and the screenshots_comments database table has an entry with pilot ID = 2. Let's say that you have not included the screenshots module database tables in the module settings and you decide to change the DEV0015 Captain John pilot ID from DEV0015 to DEV0016. This in reality means that you change the pilot's ID from 15 to 16. If the screenshots module's database tables does not get updated accordingly, the module will keep that this screenshot has been added by the pilot with ID 15 which is something false because his/her ID has been changed to 16. In that case, the "Screenshot by:" will be empty because it will not be able to find the pilot with ID 15. Let's say that after that, you decide to change the DEV0002 Captain Jim ID from 2 to 15. As you can understand that screenshot will be shown that was posted by Captain Jim (because his ID will be 15) and the comment posted by entry will be empty just like it happened before. So, what is this module doing? As soon as you set up the module settings correctly, it searches over the selected table and changes the pilot ID from the old value to the new one. As we descriped above, the Screenshot Module has three database tables. All of these tables keep data which have to do with your pilots. Let's check the tables one by one. Let's start with the screnshots database table. As I have written above, this table stores the screenshots which have been uploaded by your pilots. This table has several columns and we should find out in which column does the pilot ID gets stored. Below you can view a screenshot of the table's columns. If you have some basic knowledge, you will understand that the pilot id who posted the screenshot is being stored to the "pilot_id" column. This means that the "screenshots" table keeps the pilot id in the "pilot_id" column. The same should be done for the rest of the module database tables. Below you can see the screenshots_comments database table. As you can understand the pilot ID is stored in the "pilot_id" column. This means that the "screenshots_comments" table keeps the pilot id in the "pilot_id" column. Finally below you can see the screenshots_ratings database table. As you can understand the pilot ID is stored in the "pilot_id" column. This means that the "screenshots_ratings" table keeps the pilot id in the "pilot_id" column. As soon as we have analyzed the module's database tables, we are ready to proceed and update the Custom Id Module Settings accordingly. We will have to add three settings, one for each database table which stores the pilot's id. We will have to submit the form with the following data. 1st Database Name: screenshots Column Name: pilot_id 2nd Database Name: screenshots_comments Column Name: pilot_id 3rd Database Name: screenshots_ratings Column Name: pilot_id In our example, all of the database tables store a pilot id. There are modules whose database tables does not all store a pilot's ID. Also, there are table where the column name can be different from pilot_id or pilotid. Further Help PHP-Mods can assist you and set up the module for you at an extra cost in case you are not able to do this on your own. You can open a new support ticket under PHP-Mods Billing System via here. We do not offer support for this module via support tickets. If you have problems installing the module, post your question in the forum. If you have any question, you can post it here. If you are not able to understand which database tables store the pilots ID, you can get in touch with the module's developer and he/she should be able to assist you.
  3. I do not know which template you are using or where is has the navbar placed. In the default phpVMS crystal template it is inside the layout.php/.tpl file. Alternatively you will have to search on frontpage_main.php/.tpl .
  4. If you have the required knowledge, you can install the new phpVMS version in a new database and check what changes does it have (what is the difference between the database of the old and the new version (new tables, columns etc)). Then, do the changes in the database which has your data inserted (the old one) and connect your new phpVMS with your old database which you will have updated manually using phpmyadmin. The changes are not that much, someone with a basic knowledge will be able to do this without any special issue.
  5. Updating the phpVMS from 2.1 to 5.5 is not that easy and I would suggest it to virtual airlines which have an extended number of database entries etc. I know how much work might this for you but trust me, using the latest phpVMS version if the best you can do for your virtual airline's future. The version you have currently installed is compatible with PHP 5.3 which has started being deprecated by many web hosting providers which the phpVMS I send you is compatible with PHP 5.6 (tested and working).
  6. That is not the latest version and considering that you are starting your virtual airline now, I would suggest you installing the one which is currently under active development and compatible with the latest php versions. https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x
  7. Which phpVMS version are you using?
  8. I would like to inform you that I have released version 1.1 of the module. The new version includes several corrections and new additions. Below you can see a list of them: Changes - Added max-width in img's inside the post. In the previous versions, there were design issues when someone posted an image with an extended width. - Changed the way boards are marked as read. Now, the user should have read all the topics inside the board to have the board marked as read. In the previous version, a board was marked as read as soon as someone visited it. - Changed the way search results are shown. The search takes into consideration only words with at least three characters and the post which are not accessible to someone are not included in the results (hidden board, staff board, limited board etc). - According to the above, we have updated the latest posts functions too. - Users are not able to reply to a topic whose board is read only. - Solved some issues with the notification emails. - When there is any error during a board insert or update, the add or edit form is populated with the submitted details. Additions - Added a rating system. There are two options in the settings of the forum. Like only which allows the rest of the forum users to like a post and karma. Karma allows the forum users to like or dislike a forum post. - Added an extra setting to the forum boards which allows you to select whether the user signatures will be shown in their posts or not. - Added an extra setting to the forum boards access drop down menu. Now, you are able to select "Selected Pilot Groups" and select specifically the pilot groups you want to have access to this specific board. The forum administrators and the moderators have access to these boards even if they are not part of any of the selected pilot group. - Mark a topic as unread button has been added to each topic. - View unread topics has been added in the frontpage of the forum system. As always you can check the demo system and review all of the additions in the new version. http://php-mods.eu/phpvms.php?module=forum-system !!SPECIAL OFFER!! Order your Forum System license today and get a 20% discount using FORUMPROMO20 coupon code. Valid until 31/12/2016.
  9. You can use this one. There are not plus or minus. That is better and it is working without issues up to PHP 5.6. https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x
  10. You are correct. There is a third update too. 3) Open core/common/PIREPData.class.php, find this: return self::findPIREPS(array('p.pilotid' => $pilotid)); and replace it with this: return self::findPIREPS(array('p.pilotid' => $pilotid), $limit); updated my post above too.
  11. This does not have to do with the airports or the navdata you have added in your system. It has to do with the number of pireps submitted by a pilot. If a pilot has submitted a lot of pireps, his profile in the admin center might be a headache to open as @DesComm said. I would suggest the following updates. 1) Open core/common/PIREPData.class.php, find this: public static function getAllReportsForPilot($pilotid) { and replace it with this: public static function getAllReportsForPilot($pilotid, $limit = '') { 2) Open core/common/PIREPData.class.php, find this: return self::findPIREPS(array('p.pilotid' => $pilotid)); and replace it with this: return self::findPIREPS(array('p.pilotid' => $pilotid), $limit); 3) Then open admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php, find this: $this->set('pireps', PIREPData::GetAllReportsForPilot($this->get->pilotid)); and replace it with this: $this->set('pireps', PIREPData::GetAllReportsForPilot($this->get->pilotid,50)); In the above statement you can replace 50 with the number of pireps you wish to be able to view though the pilot's profile in the admin center. Bare in mind that as the number increases the page is going to slow down accordingly.. 50 is an example. I do not know how it is going to work and if 50 is ok.
  12. You are correct. This has to do with the system itself and not with your server. I will try implementing something in the phpVMS core. I will keep it updated.
  13. That's what I did. I added a table row and column (with an extended colspan) to shown the error inside the table.
  14. I made an extra update into the file and merged the pull request. Thank you
  15. Open the lib/skins/CrewCenter/profile_edit.tpl or .php file and replace line 29 from: <input type="text" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $userinfo->email;?>"> to: <input type="text" class="form-control" name="email" value="<?php echo $userinfo->email;?>">
  16. Could you please share with us your website url? Just the source code of your website will allow us to have a clean view of the includes you have done and what is wrong with them.
  17. So, where do you use the codes you pasted above?
  18. How did you add the fields? Did you add them through the Profile fields menu in your admin center or manually?
  19. I can see the pilots without any problem in your website. Are you sure about this?
  20. I agree with mattsmith. Remove the phpVMS you installed and installed the version mattsmith shared.
  21. Which phpVMS version have you installed?
  22. You have already posted your question here: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/24215-need-help-installing-a-skin-i-can-pay-for-the-help/
  23. I remember that in VAFinancials you do not have access to the database in order to parse the data from their website to phpVMS which is a standalone system. You only have access to lists you have show in your website using iframe. Please correct me if I am mistaken.
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