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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Have you added the aircraft with code "XPI" on your phpVMS?
  2. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/23473-fatal-error-when-installing/#entry123746
  3. Unfortunately it is not possible to offer support for something which we do not have access to. I assume that this is a payware phpVMS module. I would suggest you getting in touch with the developer of the module. He will be able to assist you.
  4. Via visiting the url you have posted I understand that you have not uploaded phpVMS files. Download phpVMS via here.
  5. local.config.php is empty because you have not processed with the phpVMS installation. Re-upload the files, visit your website url and follow the installation steps in this page.
  6. The aircraft range field is just informational as far as I remember. The unit is based on your phpVMS settings set on your local.config.php file: Config::Set('UNITS', 'nm'); # Your units: nm, mi or km
  7. What is your website url? Can you give examples of the schedule and the pireps filled for that schedule? I suspect that you are not using a correct flightcode when you file a pirep and as a result the system does not count it.
  8. What is the link you are trying to use for the rank image? Also, is the logo you uploaded as topbanner titled as "topbanner.jpg"? Pay attention to the .jpg extension.
  9. Yes, this is because you are using a php version > 5.3. Try downloading phpVMS via here.
  10. Double check the details you are using to install your website (the database details). It seems that the database host field is not correct. Contact your web hosting provider, they will be able to let you know which host you have to use. GoDaddy is not using localhost as far as I remember.
  11. servetas


    It would be great if you could use more descriptive titles in your posts. Have you set up all the permissions for the database user over the database you would like to use-access?
  12. What is your website url? Hours should normally get updated as soon as you accept a pirep. As for the total hours, they are cached in the system for a few minutes and as a result when you accept a pirep they might not added immediately on the va total hours. The same applies to the rest of the va statistics too. Have you tried waiting in order to see if they get updated without clearing the cache?
  13. Which phpVMS version have you installed on your web hosting plan? As far as I know the latest phpVMS version developed by simpilot is compatible with PHP 5.5.
  14. Hello, The module is not integrated with the default phpVMS acars map. It is a stand alone module which shows the pilots who are flying on IVAO, or VATSIM or both of them. It gets these data directly from each network. Also, you are able to select one icao code to check only. If your pilots are flying with different ICAO codes based on their flights, this will not fit your needs.
  15. Just to clarify that IPS does not have to do with PHP-Mods. PHP-Mods products and services can be found on our website: http://php-mods.eu/ I am moving this thread to the correct board.
  16. Smaller base of airports based on which region? The best thing you can do is removing the airports you do not need. It can be done through phpMYadmin if you do not want to delete them one by one.
  17. Change the brackets of line 156 from $pirep->flightnum to $flight->flightnum.
  18. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/22739-fatal-error-class-db-not-found-in-customersf54aircanadavaorghttpdwwwcorecommonsettingsdataclassphp-on-line-28/page__hl__%2Bfatal+%2Berror%3A+%2Bclass+%2B%26%2339%3Bdb%26%2339%3B+%2Bfound http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/23408-fatal-error-class-db/page__hl__%2Bfatal+%2Berror%3A+%2Bclass+%2B%26%2339%3Bdb%26%2339%3B+%2Bfound http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/23336-solved-error-on-installation-of-version-21935-build-number-936/page__hl__%2Bfatal+%2Berror%3A+%2Bclass+%2B%26%2339%3Bdb%26%2339%3B+%2Bfound http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/22099-error-on-install-attempt/page__hl__%2Bfatal+%2Berror%3A+%2Bclass+%2B%26%2339%3Bdb%26%2339%3B+%2Bfound http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/22075-problem-with-the-installation/page__hl__%2Bfatal+%2Berror%3A+%2Bclass+%2B%26%2339%3Bdb%26%2339%3B+%2Bfound http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21988-help-website-problem-solved/page__hl__%2Bfatal+%2Berror%3A+%2Bclass+%2B%26%2339%3Bdb%26%2339%3B+%2Bfound http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21780-error-instalation-phpvms-solved/page__hl__%2Bfatal+%2Berror%3A+%2Bclass+%2B%26%2339%3Bdb%26%2339%3B+%2Bfound http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21460-error-while-installing/page__hl__%2Bfatal+%2Berror%3A+%2Bclass+%2B%26%2339%3Bdb%26%2339%3B+%2Bfound Search, search, search
  19. <?php if(!defined('IN_PHPVMS') && IN_PHPVMS !== true) { die(); } ?> <?php if(!$pilot) { echo '<h3>This pilot does not exist!</h3>'; return; } ?> <h3>Profile For <?php echo $pilot->firstname . ' ' . $pilot->lastname?></h3> <table> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top"> <?php if(!file_exists(SITE_ROOT.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png')) { echo 'No avatar'; } else { echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png'.'" alt="No Avatar" /> '; } ?> <br /><br /> <img src="<?php echo $pilot->rankimage?>" alt="" /> </td> <td valign="top"> <ul> <li><strong>Pilot ID: </strong><?php echo $pilotcode ?></li> <li><strong>Rank: </strong><?php echo $pilot->rank;?></li> <li><strong>Total Flights: </strong><?php echo $pilot->totalflights?></li> <li><strong>Total Hours: </strong><?php echo Util::AddTime($pilot->totalhours, $pilot->transferhours); ?></li> <li><strong>Location: </strong> <img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location);?>" alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location);?>" /> <?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location);?> </li> <?php // Show the public fields if($allfields) { foreach($allfields as $field) { echo "<li><strong>$field->title: </strong>$field->value</li>"; } } ?> </ul> <p> <strong>Awards</strong> <?php if(is_array($allawards)) { ?> <ul> <?php foreach($allawards as $award) {?> <li> <img src="<?php echo $award->image; ?>" alt="<?php echo $award->name; ?>" /><?php echo $award->name; ?></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- Google Chart Implementation - OFC Replacement - simpilot --> <img src="<?php echo $chart_url ?>" alt="Pirep Chart" /> What about that?
  20. Changes the file's extensions from .tpl to .php. I hope that it will work.
  21. Have you edited the pilot center/profile page? You should be able to see them as soon as you are using the default templates as I remember. What is your website url?
  22. Yes, all these are known errors which come up when you use the old phpVMS version on a server which has PHP 5.5 installed. Try downloading phpvms from here: https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x/archive/master.zip If you server uses PHP 5.5, the above phpVMS version will work correctly. Alternatively you can switch to PHP 5.3 if 1&1 hosting allows that but I would not suggest that if you are going to install a new phpVMS system.
  23. For each issue you have to open a new thread in order to keep the questions categorized and grouped. Post your question in a new thread and describe the problem more giving examples too.
  24. This is an English speaking forum. Please use English instead.
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