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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Hey! Open admin/templates/ruleregs folder and change the extension of all the .tpl files to .php (if any). After then open core/modules/Ruleregs.php file and on line 11 replace this: $this->set('sidebar', 'ruleregs/ruleregs_sidebar'); with this: $this->set('sidebar', 'ruleregs/ruleregs_sidebar.php'); The same philosophy should be followed for Strider's module too.
  2. What is your phpVMS website version? Are you using a default or a custom template? When the problem started happening? What is your phpVMS url?
  3. Unfortunately that is not possible. You might be able to transfer to another web hosting provider who is offering several php versions.
  4. As I am the person you are referring to and I am always trying to do my best to answer any questions I can, you will have to place the part of code you posted here wherever you want in your local.config.php. Place it at the end of the file for example. There are dozens of posts regarding this issue in this forum. With all the respect, I did not like the "Come on i need help or i will get it from someone else off phpVMS" and this is why I decided to leave it there. As Vangelis stated, we are not obliged to answer cause this is something we do voluntarily. If you wish to have all your problems sorted in time, you can either hire a developer to solve them for you or, as you stated with your threat, "get it from someone else off phpVMS". Again, with all the respect, you are here to request support and we are voluntarily here to offer support. At least be nice and everyone will be happy. Help us to help you, say when the problem started happening, what have you tried so far on your own before posting, what is your phpVMS url and anything which will help us solve the issue. And the "us" includes you too. Not only me, Vangelis or anyone else.
  5. In the database there is an extra column for the status of the pilot (accepted or not). I think that David should consider it during the score calculation. I am transferring the topic to the vacentral board so that David can see it and do any changes if he finds it useful. By default, as soon as a pilot registers, a new entry is inserted on the pilots database table. As a result, there is not anything we can do for this except if you change the way your pilots register on your system but this requires some extra developing. George
  6. Unfortunately it can't be done. Where is your problem exactly? I mean, what do you need that? If your problem is the ability for the pilot to login before he gets accepted, there is a solution for this. We can find alternatives too.
  7. First of all, are you able to send emails from "ceo@gulfjet.org" to the email you are expecting the emails from phpVMS?
  8. Transferred the topic to the correct board. As it was stated before, phpVMS is not compatible with free web hosting companies cause they have some limits and as a result these limits affect the functionality of phpVMS. Try switching over to a payware hosting.
  9. The local.config.php file replaces the settings on the app.config.php file. Does the "AIRPORT_LOOKUP_SERVER" setting exists in your local.config.php file?
  10. Hello Michael, It is a known issue with the latest php versions. Please open your core/common/RuleregsData.class.php file and replace where "public" = "static". This will solve the issue. Alternatively, copy-paste the file contents via here. (greek transmition too: ΕυχaÏιστώ Ï€Î¿Î»Ï Ï†Î¯Î»Îµ μου, νa σaι κaλά!) (Thank you very much my friend, have fun!)
  11. Do you need someone to design a new repaint or the repaints will be based on a standard design which will be used for the painting of your fleet?
  12. This does not affect the functionality of the module. It has to do with the check update system. You should not receive the error now. Thank you very letting me know.
  13. Search, search, search. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8920-sudden-problem/#entry59386
  14. It seems that the url you are using is wrong.
  15. You have already posted your question here. There is no need for double posting.
  16. You have already posted your question here. There is no need for double posting.
  17. Search should be your "friend" in these cases. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/23202-phpvms-dashboard-error/#entry122506
  18. Open common/EventsData.class.php, and find this: $query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."events WHERE date >= NOW() ORDER BY date ASC"; replace it with this: $query = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE date >= CURDATE() OR (date = CURDATE() AND time >= CURTIME()) ORDER BY date ASC"; Then find this: $query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."events WHERE date < NOW() ORDER BY date DESC"; and replace it with this: $query = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE date < CURDATE() OR (date = CURDATE() AND time < CURTIME()) ORDER BY date DESC"; By default the Events module marks the event as past when the date you have selected reaches. I notice that a few others have come up with this issue during the last years after reading the topic. This should print the events accordingly. The event will be marked as passed as soon as the date and time reaches. Bare in mind that it is based on your mysql server time.
  19. Can you recreate it cause I can't see it on your website.
  20. Your pc time does not have to do with this. Try to set an event for 31/1/2016 at 17:30. Until 17:30 (server time) or 18:30(your pc time) it should be shown on the upcoming events. Does it?
  21. I do not offer support via private messages. You may post your questions on the forum. :)

  22. Topic locked. You have already opened a topic regarding this a few hours ago.
  23. Maybe this helps you. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4345-recaptha/#entry28858
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