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Everything posted by servetas

  1. The module does not have to do with the admin part of your phpVMS system. As it was stated above, you should locate the layout.php file inside the lib/skins/Your_Skin_Folder_Name/layout.php .
  2. Maybe you are using a latest phpVMS version and it's titled layout.php?
  3. It is on crystal as soon as you use the default phpVMS template or you have customized it. lib/skins folder includes all the skins you have installed on your phpVMS. Inside each skin there is a layout.tpl file. Open your skin's folder and find the layout.tpl file.
  4. Hey Darryl, This is a known phpVMS issue when you use the latest PHP versions. Simply open your core/common/OFCharts.class.php file, find this: protected function show_chart($title) { and replace it with this: protected static function show_chart($title) {
  5. You can install two different phpVMS systems. One on the /en folder and one on tne /fr folder and connect them into the same database. After that, you can edit accordingly the template files of the /fr version. Of course, values coming from the database will need to be written into both languages (your news for example) and both languages will be shown. Another quiet good solution has been offered by Vangelis.
  6. Can you please paste here your pilot_public_profile.tpl or .php file of your template?
  7. Unfortunately, that is not possible. You will have to give him the required rank in order to be able to fly the aircraft.
  8. Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server Contact your web hosting company and ensure that the database details you are using are correct.
  9. Where did you downloaded phpVMS from? Have you tried reuploading the files on your server?
  10. Have you checked if it is working too? I mean, does it blocks you from registering until you fill in the captcha form correctly?
  11. What is your website url? Does your registration form includes captcha?
  12. During the last year, PHP-Mods Team has started offering web hosting services. What is better than offering something free for the phpVMS community? For a limited time only, we have decided to share with you a total period of nine months of free hosting on our Standard Web Hosting Plan. Three clients will receive three months of free hosting. The first three who will get in touch with us at info@php-mods or via pm to my account will receive the 100% discount. Below you can see the list of the requirements: You should have already registered or register a new domain name (no free domains allowed). It is not required to register or transfer the domain to PHP-Mods. You should host an active virtual airline website in your web hosting plan (no under construction page). You should add a link back to PHP-Mods Website on the footer of your phpVMS website or your partners page. You should accept and comply with all the PHP-Mods Terms and Conditions. Kind Regards, Servetas George
  13. I do not believe that it is currently offered (to get the airlines listing using xml). Which statistics of your va do you want to show? (I am moving the thread to the VACentral support board)
  14. Have you tried clearing the browser cached data? First of all I would suggest visiting the forum via opening a "private window". Also, have you tried accessing the forum through another url? Maybe forum.phpvms.net instead of phpvms.net or even http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php ?
  15. Check this: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/22846-lance-skin-some-errors-help/#entry120959
  16. Delete your phpVMS files and database, reupload the files and reinstall phpVMS.
  17. First of all I would suggest trying a full clean install.
  18. Which version are you using? Did the error happen after a clean install or it started happening on a system which was working without any problem before?
  19. Are you sure that you have uploaded the module correctly?
  20. A better way to do this is adding the following in your core/local.config.php file: Config::Set('PILOT_ORDER_BY', 'p.joindate ASC');
  21. Are you sure that you have uploaded the skin you want on your lib/skins folder?
  22. Which phpvms version are you using? I would suggest downloading and installing simpilot's. It works with php 5.5 without problems. https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x
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