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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Thank you very much! If you have any problem just post it . More modules to follow...
  2. Rules and Regulations v1.1 You can add rules categories and add new rules to these categories. After that you may remove the Registration for from the public and just redirect your users to this page. The user has to accept the rules in order to proceed with his registration on your virtual airline. This module was developed by php-mods and it is registered under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. How to Install? Copy and upload the files same as the structure as your phpvms files. Run R&RInstallSql - this is going to install the database tables. Delete R&RInstallSql folder. (IMPORTANT) If you want to link your website's visitors/users to this module, use this: www.yoursite.com/index.php/scenery -or- <?php echo url('/ruleregs'); ?> Screenshots Rules Category Administration: http://php-mods.eu/m.../ruleregs/1.jpg Rules Administration: http://php-mods.eu/m.../ruleregs/2.jpg Module's public page for those who are not logged in: http://php-mods.eu/m.../ruleregs/4.jpg Module's public page for those who are logged in: http://php-mods.eu/m.../ruleregs/3.jpg Download The module has been uploaded on github and you can download it here. Support will be offered by this forum. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
  3. That is true and it is also an easy way to make money via registering domains which can be used for a good project. These are not really a lot of domains .
  4. Follow us on Twitter ( @phpmods) and learn more about our next modules releases!
  5. Have you got anything on your mind?
  6. I am having the following modules and i want to sell them: free-module.eu free-modules.eu freemodules.eu freemods.eu freephp.eu free-php.eu fly-now.eu flight-simmers.eu flightsimming.eu flight-simming.eu virtual-flight.eu aviation-magazine.eu my-va.eu If you are interested in any of them, do not hesitate to contact me via pm.
  7. As Tom said, you may use different mysql database prefixes. During the installation you can select a different table prefix.
  8. Firstly i think that topic's title is not correct... Personally i have no understood what does this exactly do. There is just a Uploader.class.php file... Where we have to go in order to upload an image and where is the image uploaded on our server?
  9. Version 2.1 is now available! See #1 post for more details. Change log A new rating system has been added. A preview screen shot can be set for each scenery. The search function has been updated. You can now search by Fs Version (also). Security Fixes Thanks to those who sent us their suggestions! For those who have already purchased the Scenery Database module the update to v2.1 is free. You may download Scenery Database 2.1 phpVMS Addon Module UPDATE FROM 2.0 .You are suggested to keep backups before each update.
  10. What if someone else will have the same question-problem with your's in the future?
  11. For those who are going to participate in our event, we would like to inform you that there will be a discount on the Aerosoft's Heraklion X Scenery during the next week because of Heraklion Virtual Flight Event!
  12. Please stop spamming! This is not a chat room... soon you will receive an answer from someone you knows. Give 755 permissions to your loca.config.php file and check if it works...
  13. OK... This is not probably a vms error. It has to do with Apache...
  14. Check your error_log file. In many cases when the error_log file becomes "big" and if your server runs on apache, it cannot handle it. So the solution is just to delete your error_log file.
  15. Check this: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/7842-security-fix-released-for-21x/#entry52390 There was a problem during the update so you have to download and install version 2.1.934 or just replace the files which gives you the errors. The stable version is on the latest post by Kyle
  16. Can you describe what do you mean imprint creation tool? As for the rule page, give me time to think how it could be...
  17. Do you updated your phpvms to version 2.1.935?
  18. We are here to listen your suggestions! Tell us your ideas and we will try to do our best...
  19. Our terms can be found on our main website. Forum Board Rules You have to stay on topic. You must use a title that describes the content of your post. Respect the community and the members of this forum. You must not publish any part (php code) of our payware modules. This board of phpvms also applies to phpvms’s forum rules.
  20. Just a question, what if i am going to upload files more that 150GB? I am paying for unlimited so i have the right to upload unlimited files or create unlimited databases or run unlimited websites with millions of visits every day(unlimited bandwidth). Do not answer because i know exactly the answer... I just wanted to protect phpvms users. Plus it is not very good idea to advertise hosting services which are already provided by the creator of phpvms. You registered this forum and posted this message just to advertise your hosting. I am not going to continue the discussion whatever the answer. Good luck with your web hosting company...
  21. For those who may think of buying from ZoneCloud or any other hosting company which offers unlimited plans. Unlimited is never unlimited when we talk about servers-hosting. Best hosting for phpvms is fivedev hosting because you are sure of who is going to manage my shared hosting server!
  22. Personally i use Firefox, Dreamweaver and Photoshop. If someone can combine these programms into an IFE i would buy it. Obviously, it can't be done...
  23. Yes but you have to give us examples of your work in order to prove that it is worth the money!
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