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Everything posted by servetas

  1. I cannot find any solution to this problem: From the module: $this->set('comment', xxxData::xxxSearch($icao)); From the template (xxx_searche.tpl): <?php foreach($comment as $com) //This is line 14 { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $com->xxx; ?></td> And in the end it gives me this error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\AppServ\www\fss\core\templates\xxx\xxx_searche.tpl on line 14
  2. Why don't you open one topic in order to announce that your pilot have flied 50+ hours from the previous record? http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/7091-aalv-hits-1000-hrs/page__fromsearch__1
  3. I think that you have to contact your webhosting company in order to find a solution.
  4. If you are a member of VATSIM network you can use this one: http://stats.vatsim.net/
  5. You have to find the core_navigation.tpl file. It is on your template(:brillancev1) folder.
  6. I was having this problem after my fs reinstallation. I had to redownload the kACARS client and when i trying to login i faced the same problem. I just updated my kACARS_Free Module on my site and everything worked perfect!
  7. servetas


    After a quick search i found a "solution". Go to the Logout.php file and replace where: public function index() { Auth::LogOut(); /*redirect back to front page */ header('Location: '.url('/')); #$this->set('redir', SITE_URL); #$this->render('login_complete.tpl'); } with this one: public function index() { Auth::LogOut(); /*redirect back to front page */ $URL="http://www.vbirdva.com/vbv/"; header("Location: $URL"); #$this->set('redir', SITE_URL); #$this->render('login_complete.tpl'); } Tested and works .
  8. Why don't you try to put it in a public function? public function viewawardspage(put here the valiables) { your code }
  9. Hello everyone! On behalf of the Greece Airways Virtual Staff we would like to inform you that we have already created a trainning center which has: a)Material Articles and Categories Administration b)Class creation with sign up with a review to its lessons. c)Another one page with trainers of the academy. You can administrate all these functions via your phpvms admin center. We will publish it in about 5 days or maybe less.
  10. Do you want to create a new one td (column) which will show the pilot's last location?
  11. ></td> <td><?php echo $pilot->totalflights?></td> <td><?php echo Util::AddTime($pilot->totalhours, $pilot->transferhours); ?></td> <td><?php echo $report->arricao; ?></td> <?php $params = (array('a.registration'=>$aircraft->registration, 'p.accepted'=>PIREP_ACCEPTED)); $pirep = PIREPData::findPIREPS($params); $current_location = $pirep[0]->arricao; $current_location2 = $pirep[0]->arrname; ?> <td>Here I think you can understand what will we do.
  12. You can create a row on the personal profile (.tpl file) table and add in on a <td></td>.
  13. What do you mean? You can use it on a .tpl file like pilot's profile...
  14. <?php echo $report->arricao; ?> This will maybe help you !
  15. Hello everyone, I would like to inform you that i am 16 years old. So you must not say that these people are kids...There are also kids who have done something and trying to help the virtual community (maybe more than you or more than everyone)! I am saying that i have done something big but i am trying. These people are not kids. These people are persons who do not respect themselvs, fistly, and after that ourserlves. Another one person(he is maybe 15 years old, named Orpheas Panayiotopoulos as you can see, has copied some material from my website. His site is http://www.aegeanvirtual.org/index.php . Are you Nabble, or anyone from you who administrate phpvms, able to make it payware with a low prize? (Maybe 5$) If you do not want money you can send them to unicef directly . In this way i think that we will deal with it. These people would not pay anytime for something so they will left phpvms... Another one idea is to create an area on your forum (like the downloads,documentation etc) where we will having the chance to add the sites which copy our websites with evidence. I think that you will have to sign on a validator in order to check the applications and validating them. After that we will having the chance to check it and not to give support to them on anything. I am all ears to listen your views about this! (Sorry for my english but i am trying to make them better .) Kind Regards, Servetas George
  16. If i have understood what do you mean: Find screenshots_viewer.tpl and then find this: if ($tiles == '4') { echo '</tr>'; $tiles=0; } } Replace the 4 to anything you want. (If you want 3 screenshots per row you may replace it with 3.)
  17. On behalf of the staff of Greece Airways Virtual we would like to let you know that Greece Airways Virtual using Facebook and Twitter in order to keep you updated.Find us on Facebook. Or follow us on Twitter. Kind Regards, Servetas George Greece Airways Virtual Vice Chief Executive Officer vceo{at}greeceairwaysva{dot}com
  18. I have not check any virtual airline which using this module but i would like to inform you that due to the Greek Civil Aviation Authority it is prohibited to publish any chart material from any Greek airport. I do not represent the Greek Civil Aviation Authority but i want to let your know. servetas
  19. As i can see there is no any pirep with id 1933. Here. It may have been deleted.
  20. Were can we add these lines? Because i am having a problem Here.
  21. Are you using free webhosting services?
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