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Everything posted by savagegrave
When i have built websites in the past and used SSL I've not always but the "whole" site under the HTTPS://. Im currently waiting for the newly acquired SSL certificate to become active and play with phpVMS (Sim pilots version) and see if there is a way to implement it without much problem. In the past I know it can be a pain in the rear end to fully implement, more so when calling javascript. I know google recomends using https: rather than http when using their CDN scripts. Back to the point I'm trying to make tho, I'm sure only implementing it on the "login" and "registration" controllers may solve issues since thats mainly the areas of clear text that we want to secure? Just a thought if its easier implantation your looking for..
great coding thanks for sharing
Hello I am trying to use the API functions however I get the following message: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/imgvirtu/public_html/facebook/index.php:13) in /home/imgvirtu/public_html/core/codon.config.php on line 40 The code i use is: <?php include ('../core/codon.config.php'); ?> I was wondering if anyone could please shed some light here....
I must admit I started out using the "obsess Blue skin" which tbh can only be modified so many times before every site that uses it kinda looks the same. Problem with creating a "bespoke" design is the amount of editing required of all templates you need to use Can be scary at first but a crash course in CSS and as your using CS5 code hinting is also available to assist in coding syntax.
The problem is the bot system has now got smarter and human beings are registering on forums and websites then turning the account into a spambot. Of course ip banning and other tools available will stop some and deter others, however its worth keeping in mind advertising companies will always seem to find a way through these tools we set. My forum alone gets around 5 spam members a day which is a work load for our moderators to control, delete, ban on an ip level to find another 5 in a few days time...
Cheers will give it ago thanks for that!
sorry to mislead ppl here, its the url fopen thats disabled... will re-check the code to make sure i wasnt using a url parth to the file, but i know i had an error on the lines of: " URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/imgvirtu/public_htm"
ive tried doing the same thing however fivedev have disabled the "fopen" command so trying to figure out how to open the image to be edited...
Imagine Airways - New Skin
savagegrave replied to savagegrave's topic in Virtual Airlines Discussion
Thanks for your constructive comments, its the first time i've designed a layout from the ground up more so using the 960 system, The "missing tpls" are from modules i created for the obsess blue skin, but still need to convert the layouts, believe me there is not enough caffeine in the world at the moment!!! Rank images and other layout problems should be fixed in the upcoming days, as for colors i'm still in the "undecided" stage, was hoping the less is more theme would work better than a visitor being blinded by too much... Ill also upload screen shots of the pilot pages once again thanks for your comments, Steve -
Hiya Guys, THe past 12 months on phpvms have been fantastic and my skills in php css and the codon framework have increased tenfold. With some minor template fixes to finish off i thought I would share my work with you all Please tell me what you all think.... Imagine Airways Homepage
ty for your help guys, will have a play over the w/e and see what i can come up with lol
Hi Guys, Im trying to get the departure board on my site (www.imgvirtual.com) to show the "actual" dep time according to kacars or fsacars... Changing the NOW() function in AcarsData.Class.php to UTC_TIMESTAMP() changed the lastupdated field in the acars table however not the deptime/arrtimes. These are still in EST and not UTC which i would like. I can see the code uses a mix of FROM_UNIXTIME() and time() functions, even placing date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); at the start of the function doesnt seem to change these fields.... any pointers?
Hiya, Ive done a quick look through the searching for this answer however can someone explain in a yes or no fashion... When updating VMS do I need to start from the first update, or do the latest release contain the previous updates? I ask because Ive been lazy and havent applied an update since first using vms back in May. Thanks for your help Steve
for somereason the PMDG 747x has always played games with acars and other flight management addins, Having owned the aircraft for a couple of years ive realised that its better to fuel the aircraft, set the pumps accordingly then leave them alone even if the message display and the overhead tells you to start pushing buttons. As nebal said, it balances fuel automatically and does things that fsx cant really understand, and as such most clients think its "re-fuelling" when in actual fact, its just moving the fuel between tanks. While under KACARS i get the message (mostly when doing flights with a full tank) it hasnt to my knowledge caused any problems. Howver it did return a negative fuel load when i pushed the fuel tank buttons mid flight when the overhead asked me too..... As a result i leave alone now hope this helps.
World ACARS - phpVMS ACARS Program
savagegrave replied to AFVA | Mitchell's topic in Development Help
I would be happy to take up the challenge, through loosing my job car and everything else Im looking to get back into programming. I have dug out my copy of VS2008 so am happy to give this a go if you dont mind.... just an idea anyway -
Hi Am working on the same kind of thing here to display the flag on the pilots page next to hub, also to include the ICAO and location. Ill let you know if and when I win
Lol I copied the code from the public profile page, took me ages of reading through all the sql you coded.. (Learnt alot in doing so tho). Eventually the eurka moment happend and changed the variable. Thanks for providing such an indepth and advanced system! I think you dont realise how much code goes into it untill you start looking at it Cheers Steve =)
Ok, So I think I'm getting somewhere with 2 big books on sql and php, utill ive spent the entire night trying to place the IVAO and VATSIM callsigns into the private profile page of the website. THe code I'm using is the one laid out within the public profile tables, so i know there is a logical way to display it. The code I'm using is: <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'IVAO Callsign') However, It doesnt work in the profile_main.tpl files and maybe this is a reason it wasnt there to start with? Please could someone steer me in the correct direction? Not to worry I fixed it by changing $pilot to $userinfo... Must be tired lol!
When I first came into the VA world 18 months ago I spent alot of time reading about how to set up airlines.... Based in the UK myself I found little information and relied on information regarding the issue of "Real Life" airlines suing VA managers etc. The problem is the VA world outside the FS community is still in the shadows, and since 9/11 its been hidden away even more (So I can see)... My First airline was going to be a BA virtual, (yes another one). Anyway, When I left my first va (US based) to start my own, the CEO advised me of a letter he recieved from Delta (the name he was using before i joined) explaining what you have already posted... A couple of emails to British Airways, Easy Jet, BMI, Monarch, Tompson, Thomas Cook (list goes on) later I finally came up with Imagine Airways. One airline however allow me to use their name (forget which) but there were restrictions, such as correct fleet types, schedules and flight times when creating the schedules. Also they wanted a .co.uk / .com website that themselves could have access too and I had to have in a min of 14pt text on the top half of the front page say this was a virtual airline and link back to their main site... While they were happy with the idea of me creating a VA of theirs the copy-right and restrictions for creative lisense was far too tight for my liking... afterall the point of a VA is to have fun in a controlled enviroment is it not? Now here is my problem and 2pence worth, From what ive dug up looking around the internet, a way around the legal position is, change the name, but use their flight schedules... While I'm still hunting dep / arr times for Virgin and BA there are loads of sites regarding fleet regisitrations and schedules flown. It would be interesting to know if other va's doing what I am doing could also technically be sued by using "Real Life" registrations and simulate airlines under a "fake" name... I know for a fact that VA Hosting such as fsairlines.net (for example) will actually close a VA down before any pilot takes to the skies, if the "CEO" can not provide documentation from the airline it is copying so it protects not just itself but the guys/gals running the VA. I do think there needs to be more information within the VA world, regarding the legal position of using Real Life airline names. Maybe those that have experienced such difficulties and have failed, along with those that have taken the years like BA virtual and succeeded could produce hints and tips, aswell as sharing the legal roadblocks they have come across. Anyway thats my feeling having only been in the VA world for a couple of years. Steve
Hi Ive just bought my Airline from fsairlines.net over to phpvms. The reason being having learnt the basics of php and css i felt displaying the data myself better than using standard Integration kits or XML parsing. My site is still under-construction but was wanting some feedback. I am aware i need to adjust some of the .tpl files that dont come with the template but this is what ive arrived at so far. Thanks for comments, constructive, postitive or negative Imagine Airways homepage Steve CEO Imagine Airways
Thanks for posting this, Having installed the landings stats mod, ive implemented the code to allow the arrival ICAO be displayed as the Airports Name instead.... Just to make it easier for those who arnt sure on what airport the icao stands for.... btw Sorry to "bump/reply" to an old thread, but wanted to say thank you
agreed thanks alot for this... cant wait to put it in action cheers dude!
Hiya I would like to use the Greased Landings, but like some other noobs here I have limited knowledge of php and mysql. I can see the downloads have been removed due to version 2 having it "pre-installed".... does the following code do this or is there othercoding required? Sorry to ask a silly question but after hours of reading these postings I'm on the verge of being very confused..... Thanks for you time Steve