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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Tested it on a pilot this morning, working great. Thanks Jon
  2. Hello, <?php if ($userinfo->totalflights<1) echo "You Have Not Completed A Flight Yet Please File A Report To Avoid Being Removed" ?> That's if you haven't completed a flight yet, so: <?php if ($userinfo->totalflights>1) } ?> Show whatever <?php } ?> Hope That Helps! Jon
  3. Or, What I do you could go into your phpvms database phpvms_aircraft make a .txt export of it then just change the Registrations of each aircraft after copying and pasting Jon
  4. Jon

    Basic V1.0 BETA

    Just finshed a very basic (hence the name) skin for the phpvms community. It explains the parts of the css.css file that people may want to edit in order to change their colour scheme.It also includes a rotating banner image. Live Demo (Until I start Something new) - Here Screenshot: Download It Here Comments Welcome Jon
  5. You could make your top navbar a different file for example main_menu.tpl. Put that in the ObsessBlue skin folder Then, in the mnav div in the layout.tpl: <?php include "main_menu.tpl" ?> Then for the nav bar down the left content side you could do, <h2>Other Links</h2> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li> Hope this helps, Jon
  6. Dear All, vNetjets have officialy opened our doors to the public va world. About Us Welcome to vNetJets Europe. We are a virtual airline that are based on the real world NetJetsEurope. We offering Passenger and Charter services Inside Europe along with a "Fly Wherever you want" Charter Divsion. So, why not join up and see what the fastest growing,business jet airline can offer you! Opening Event Our opening Event will consist of 5 legs, visiting all of our hubs across Europe. The first departing Manchester airport and arriving at Genève airport. Flight time should be around 2 and a half to three hours. So Why Not Stop By At www.vnetjetseurope.com and see what we can offer you?
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  7. Jon


    Thanks for that, will see how it goes, Jon
  8. Jon


    Dear All, I have seen the other topics about icons but I can never find any good related icons to avation. Does anyone have a good link with them in or somethign that will be useful for the Pilot Center? I have been searching for a while now but to no avail. Jon
  9. To keep fake pilots out I just make sure they enter a VATSIM id making it compulsary then make sure their IP matches with their coutry etc before accepting them. Jon
  10. Ok so have searched and found nothing. I change the font colour on frontpage_main.tpl and it changes the top of each side box header. It changes to the right colour on every other page though: http://www.vnetjetseurope.com/index.php/Frontpage I've experinced this a lot with other skins. Any ideas? Jon
  11. That's an amazing looking pilot profile and a great site to go wtih it. Regards Jon
  12. Jon

    HubStats Class

    Thanks for that Tom, Jon
  13. Have you checked your phpvms database? Could be that all your tables are missing. Jon
  14. Jon

    Connection error

    Check you local.config.php? Might have a / on the end of the url? Jon
  15. Yeah Thanks All Working Now If Anyone wants what I have it is: CSS: #warning { background-color: #FFCDD9; height: 20px; width: 800px; margin: auto; border: 1px solid #F90409; } The Actual Notiication Itself: <?php if ($userinfo->totalflights<1) { ?> <div id="warning"> <div align="center">You Have Not Completed A Flight Yet, Please File Soon To Avoid Inactivity</div> </div> <?php } ?>
  16. Hi All, I was wondering, Is this the right way to go about calling whether the pilot has flown a flight or not to display a notifcation? <?php if ($userinfo->totalflights<1) echo "You Have Not Completed A Flight Yet Please File A Report To Avoid Being Removed" ?> Help Appreciated Jon
  17. I Opened ANother va a while ago and It was hit with over 150 Bogus Applications. NOTE TO ALL: If you find the IP block it! As They Say Catch It Block It Kill It Jon
  18. Might be silly, but are they running it as admin? I had a pilots from my va not doing that and it fixed straight away. Jon
  19. Hi Mark, Thanks For That, Happy New Year Jon
  20. Is There Anyway Of Changing the database it writes them to? Happy New Year, Jon
  21. You can edit download_list.tpl in your core/templates folder this is the exisitng code: <h1>Downloads</h1> <?php if(!$allcategories) { echo 'There are no downloads available!'; return; } foreach($allcategories as $category) { ?> <p><h2><strong><?php echo $category->name?></strong></h2></p> <ul> <?php # This loops through every download available in the category $alldownloads = DownloadData::GetDownloads($category->id); if(!$alldownloads) { echo 'There are no downloads under this category'; $alldownloads = array(); } foreach($alldownloads as $download) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo url('/downloads/dl/'.$download->id);?>"> <?php echo $download->name?></a><br /> <?php echo $download->description?><br /> <em>Downloaded <?php echo $download->hits?> times</em></li> <?php } ?><br /> </ul> <?php } ?>
  22. There is still no need to shout, Jon
  23. First of all I don't see the point in shouting because that'll get you knowhere. It's just comething that happens with kacars. I get it it still works. Jon
  24. Hi There, I'm not meaning to sound stubborn or anything but I don't think that anybody will do repaints for free until the va is at least on stage one.Which is gaining pilots, having a decent website (thats a start but the logo etc needs to be changed which I can help you with if you want) and most of all pilots flying reguarley. I had a quick go at the flight one ATR-72 is this what you want? If you need any help with your website etc PM me or just reply in this topic, Regards Jon
  25. Ok Thanks Nabeel, Jon
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