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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Shoot me a PM and we'll talk Jon
  2. By the looks of things it's exactly what I had a few years back with a SQL injection attack. We had to start again as the host couldn't restore it. Get in contact with them. Jon
  3. I am really having issues with this. I am wanting to put the table on one part of the page and the map on another. Every time I try to move them around the map just doesn't show. Help appreciated Jon
  4. I am going to ask only once, that you take down the skin I created for http://www.flyflorida-va.net/. If you want a custom skin, PM me and I can do something about it. I DO NOT allow people to have the skins I create for one customer only. You can even see the skin folder is at: http://fastjetvirtual.co.uk/lib/skins/FDD/scripts/header/3.png I'm fed up of this now and if you don't take it down I'll be in contact with your host. Jon
  5. Generation Host offers an exclusive service known as “CDN†to any website whether you are being hosted with us or not. CDN is a new technology that allows aspects of a site to be loaded from the nearest server to the visitor. This not only decreases the loading time but reduces the amount of bandwidth you’ll be using. A faster website will really help your virtual airline make a quick,long lasting impact on your pilots. For only $4.99/mo you’ll gain a great asset to your virtual airline's website. Not only increasing the speed, but reducing bandwidth. For more information, visit Generation-host.com or send a PM to myself. Jon
  6. Jon

    Fastjet livery

    Can we stop wth this verbal abuse to new and long standing members? The attitude from some members really is starting to bug me. With regards to your repaint, shoot me a PM and i'll see what I can do. Jon
  7. Hi all, Sorry for the delay will do it ASAP. Jon
  8. Totally agree with you here. Being a mod on the forum does not mean you have the right to critcise in the way you are which your comments all seem to be. You should be a role model for everybody who is a member here. Grow up and show some respect for the members of this community you should be setting an example to. Jon
  9. Milehighost is a company that provides hosting, website creation and virtual airline support. We are a company that makes sure all of our customers get the hosting they want. We not only have set hosting plans, but also allow any customer to "pick'n'mix" their hosting plan to suit their needs. For more information or a quote for a skin, please visit: http://www.milehighost.com/ Regards Jon
  10. I too was approached by this guy to make him a skin. Is this really what people are coming to? Jon
  11. Jon

    An Idea

    No need to bite my head off about it Just an option if you want news to be duplicated as a NOTAM. Jon
  12. Hi All, My site has suddenly started the issue for every pilot with a "Error you are already logged in" message when the pilot tries to log in when the page loads showing them logged out with the login form available. ANy ideas? Jon
  13. Jon

    An Idea

    Something that could be linked with the va news perhaps? Jon
  14. Hi All, So many people have been asking me for this after it's been on my site.Displays a small text-based output that shows the pilots callsign and name. You can adapt as you wish. PLEASE NOTE: The code may not be as short as it could be, just as long as that because I edited it from the live flights board. Enjoy! Jon <?php $results = ACARSData::GetACARSData(); if (count($results) > 0) { foreach($results as $flight) { if($flight->client == 'FSACARS') {$plane = OperationsData::getAircraftInfo($flight->aircraft);} else {$plane = OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($flight->aircraft);} ?> <?php echo $flight->flightnum;?> - <?php echo $flight->pilotname;?> <br/> <?php } } else { ?> No Flights in Progress! <?php } ?>
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  15. Try making the nav bar actually show the available pages I can access. At the moment I have links to the pilot centre which looks unprofessional. Jon
  16. Sure i'll take a look later Jon
  17. v
  18. They weren't my va's as you well know, I was a staff member for them. Air France Virtual is my first va i've done. Jon
  19. What about Air Uk? Matt spent some time making repaints for you and all you do is just open another va? Jon
  20. How many va's are you opening? Jon
  21. Hi Ed, I used Sony Vegas but you can use any video editing software such as Movie Maker. I used to have video editing as my main hobby which is how I got Sony Vegas many years ago before FS. What I do is find the music I want and then design what I want the video to do( make a storyboard). Once you have filmed it all with FRAPS, get editing! I suggest FsRecorder to record the aircraft movement then you can play it back and film it etc. Hope this helps Jon
  22. Updated: Cheers Jon
  23. Jon


    Yes I can, PM me Jon
  24. Hi all, Could I have your thoughts on this promotional video I made for air France virtual? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFZXaUnr-OU&feature=feedu Jon
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