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Everything posted by Jon

  1. The virtual airline that Mark runs is massive and has an amazing amount of dedicated pilots and has an amazing group of staff members, as Mark as already said in his post. That's like saying, why do you need two supermarket chains, why don't they just combine? Jon
  2. Afternoon all, I've decided to start providing paid services again, and what better way to start it than with a 10% discount on all orders if you're a phpVMS user? I'm providing web design and module creation at affordable prices with professional quality that'll get your virtual airline noticed for the right reasons! Currently trying to source out all of the sites that I did do work for previously to construct a portfolio, I'll also have a few free modules up on the forums soon, so you see the work I do. If you're interested, please visit jpderrick.co.uk and contact me for a free quote. Cheers Jon
  3. I wouldn't agree with that, and I'd hope that the new owner didn't pay more than what it's worth because it needs a lot of work to make it a great looking virtual airline. Might have a basic structure of pilots, but the site design and tiny little things like being able to register without accepting the terms need to be sorted to make it a successful virtual airline. The site design that you've got has been around and used by so many as a concept for ages, if you want to get noticed, I'd suggest you have a look at a more modern and unique design. Might be harsh, but if I don't give constructive feedback then it would be a waste of Zishan's investment into what could turn out to be a good and successful virtual airline. Jon
  4. Air France are a real bugger when it comes to permissions, they changed their mind when I was about a year into the previous va I had running. I wouldn't suggest bothering, after all that work getting the virtual airline up with a solid pilot base, it just gets wasted. Another lesson after running the va I also learnt was that you have to know the language that is spoken by the airline's country. I was lucky someone fluent in french was on my staff team! Jon
  5. Jon

    Main Content Box

    It's pretty simple to grasp once you know how, here's how I would do it: <!--The Invisible Div --> <div class="wrapper"> <!-- Set out the layout for the frontpage --> <div class="right"> <!-- This checks if we are on the frontpage --> <?php if(MainController::$activeModule == 'FRONTPAGE') echo $page_content; else { ?> </div> <!-- Echo the content into the full page --> <div class="full"> <?php echo $page_content; ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> That's not tested but it should lead you in the right direction for what you want. You can then just call the left hand side div for your homepage in frontpage_main.tpl Jon
  6. Another one of your ridiculous week long virtual airlines it seems. Jon.
  7. I think the Link back Required by License It referencing to the phpVMS link back. And come on, sort it out, you don't own the idea of that news system, look how many non-phpVMS websites use a similar function in commmercial business! Don't cry over spilt milk and just get on with life! I don't see you complaining to those companies they have your idea of a news system? All I'm going to say on the matter Jon
  8. Well if your happy with PHP etc, how about doing some modules and addons for the community? Jon
  9. Does the topic title not give you a clue?
  10. That IFE for Virgin Virtual you might of edited but I can tell is not your design. That has been around for a long time, don't claim you designed something you didn't. Jon
  11. Thanks for that! Couldn't find it on my PC Jon
  12. Send me a PM. I'm sure we can work something out you like.
  13. Well the error tells you to fill in the alternate, do as it says Jon
  14. I'm still offering skinning services for phpVMS whether it be for a whole site layout or just a page. I have got a ready made skin for sale for GBP£45 ono that can be customised to your liking for a possible extra charge depending on how muhc you want it customised. It includes dropdown menus and an image rotator, PM me if you are interested in this skin. Any other skin enquiries can be made via PM. Jon
  15. Send me a PM or add me on skype (b767jonathan). I'm sure we can sort something out. Jon
  16. I don't see what's wrong? Jon
  17. That scared me. Snakes is not my thing. I do a bit of driving on Live to Cruise (A server on LFS - Live for speed), programming, golf, running, play bridge a lot (yes it's a game for us teenagers too!) and thats about it! Jon
  18. Those are known to many as "accordian" menu bars. Here's an example of one with the code etc that you can have a look through: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/ddaccordionmenu-glossy.htm Jon
  19. I actually love this
  20. Hi Josh, the header is a different colour to the page background. how about re-adding the shaddow to the site outline? It made the site really stand out. might just be my opinion, but add some left padding on the homepage boxes support centre links to an open directory replace the forum title with the logo welcome message needs changing regarding custom system is there a need for the email confirmation script message? some of the content still relates to virgin atlantic va your partners with your own virtual airline and the image seems squashed Hope that isn't too critical Jon
  21. At the start, it's more of a landing video but good effort and good luck! Jon
  22. Jon
  23. Jon


    You can just change it to something like <?php echo SITE_URL?> so that nobody has to change the domain Jon
  24. h
  25. Hey Everyone! Jon
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