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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Topic closed.
  2. Hi Can someone tell me what and how schedules route details is populated in the schedules table, as its making my schedules row massive.
  3. No changed url from a dev site to a live one, so registered www.mysite.com/dev then when we went live updated the local config and va central url to www.mysite.com, then things started messing up for some reason.
  4. Take a look in the core/common/RSSFeed.class.php
  5. You will probably find its an unclosed div, sorry at work on phone and its not easy to look at code.
  6. Change the setting in your local.config.php from 720 to what you wish. # ACARS options # Minutes, flights to show on the ACARS # Default is 720 minutes (12 hours) Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 720); Config::Set('ACARS_DEBUG', false);
  7. That is a div misplacement.
  8. We don't have no aircraft restrictions on rank. Just normal hours to ranks.
  9. Yes it is. If your site is showing access to http:// and http://www. then you will be ranked down in site rankings within google as they can look at it as 2 sites. Basic seo crap courtesy of google themselves
  10. Yes do as i do, use the .htaccess rewrite rules to change http:// to http://www.
  11. I removed the VA from vacentral and re registered, now everything is OK with the jetva one, it seems when you change the url for some reason VA central goes all screwy. I developed and registered another va with www.myurl.co.uk/dev which was registered on va central, when i moved it to the live site and updated the url in vacentral things got all messed up.
  12. Use this and change it to 100 if needed, as Auz said. <?php MainController::Run('FrontBids', 'RecentFrontPage', 100); ?>
  13. That's probably to do with your airport latitude and longitude coordinates. Might be worth checking those.
  14. I have just deleted it and registered again which seems to have fixed it. Strange.
  15. Just noticed also that I have another VA which is doing the same. Thats on the latest beta release.
  16. It stopped working when i changed the VA name, not sure whats going on tbh. I think most people that are running a beta have this problem as i have spoke to a couple of other va owners and noticed myself on the va central map.
  17. mark1million


    Yes it will do, you notice if FS reloads or refreshed it will also log a pause. If for what ever reason FS just hangs as it does every now and again that will also register a pause.
  18. Add this script to the top of your tpl, <script type="text/javascript"> setInterval(function() { $("#fboard").load(location.href+" #fboard>*",""); }, 60000); </script> Place your flightboard between these divs, <div id="fboard"><---Place your include here---></div>
  19. I use jquery i think, put the board between a div that is set to refresh every xx seconds
  20. Nabeel, I have been on this for a while now and for some reason the VA central flights are not showing up on the map not sure if its a name change on my part or something else, before the names were showing up but with not flight details, now not even the va name is showing.
  21. There is no limit, i have imported it and its fine. does take some time to load on a dedicated server though so that's maybe the problem especially if you are on shared resources.
  22. Permissions for the folder pages should be 777
  23. Thats the feeds that were down for the past few days. Maybe they are back not checked.
  24. Ah yes there is different content available when you login sorry forgot Basically when you are not logged in you see one set of menus and then when you are logged in you will see all the options dropdowns etc.
  25. Is it me or has fetching NOTAM information got very difficult? A lot of places have now closed or stopped working, does anyone have any suggestions?
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