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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Pilot id's are generated in sequence, if you mess with this things could get messy and confusing.
  2. I have noticed some slight changed but that is because Kyles module excludes retired pilots.
  3. Cor use a round function on the time in the index.tpl i had this and was an easy fix. <?php echo round ($flighthours), (1);?> the column you need to mod i think is this one. <?php echo $ptime->time;?> So would be this, <?php echo round ($ptime->time), (1);?> Not tested but should be good
  4. You can add an if else loop there so if they have not logged in you can echo out Never logged in etc, else display the date.
  5. If there is no data in the database then this is the default php date will show, check your database as if its in there it should be displayed. Last login is, Last Visit: <?php echo $userinfo->lastlogin?>
  6. Thanks mate working a treat!
  7. Kyle all fixed on that latest release you have done, Cheers mate great addition.
  8. Not been about for a while so just catching up, that was the only issue i had with the addition. Great work by the way Kyle.
  9. Cheers Kyle just got in so will try that.
  10. Kyle, Great addition, just the one problem i can find is when you change the selected date the h3 does not change it stays on the current month, the year changes but the month does not, <h3 align="center">Stats For <?php echo $month_name;?> - <?php echo $year;?></h3> I think its getting confused with the defined parameters at the top of the page.
  11. I was thinking more along the lines of adding some extra code to the pilot admin side of things, banned pilots is a manual setting we change their group to so adding something to the code there to delete all sessions created by xx pilot id would work.
  12. Does anyone have the location where to put and the code as to when you change a pilots group to banned it also deletes their session cookie forcing them to go through the login control again? Im being lazy so any pointers would be great
  13. You are playing with fire, I will give it a week before you are closed down, take it from someone who has a friendly acquaintanceship with the ezy solicitors.
  14. Doesn't work for me im afraid.
  15. We have never had problems controlling pilots on either of my VA's and we have quite a few active.
  16. Do a search in the beta releases, there is already a fix in the files for that its just a few changes.
  17. The beta has a place for week and repeat, your database structure should be, -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump SET SQL_MODE="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; -- -- Database: `Development` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `phpvms_schedules` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `phpvms_schedules` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `code` char(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `flightnum` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `depicao` varchar(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `arricao` varchar(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `route` text NOT NULL, `route_details` text NOT NULL, `aircraft` text NOT NULL, `flightlevel` varchar(6) NOT NULL, `distance` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `deptime` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `arrtime` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `flighttime` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `daysofweek` varchar(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0123456', `week1` varchar(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0123456', `week2` varchar(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0123456', `week3` varchar(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0123456', `week4` varchar(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0123456', `price` float NOT NULL, `payforflight` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `flighttype` varchar(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'P', `timesflown` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `notes` text NOT NULL, `enabled` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `bidid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `depicao` (`depicao`), KEY `flightnum` (`flightnum`), KEY `depicao_arricao` (`depicao`,`arricao`), KEY `code` (`code`), KEY `idx_code_flightnum` (`code`,`flightnum`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `phpvms_schedules` -- -- -- Constraints for dumped tables -- -- -- Constraints for table `phpvms_schedules` -- ALTER TABLE `phpvms_schedules` ADD CONSTRAINT `phpvms_schedules_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`code`) REFERENCES `phpvms_airlines` (`code`) ON UPDATE CASCADE; Just run that and it will alter your phpvms schedules table and you should be able to import. ----Make sure you do a Backup first-----
  18. I created my own script to look at pilots that have not flown within 7 days its just some sql that runs on a cron.
  19. Its interesting how certain issues arise when the database is big, we live and learn and then we improve All makes for better software.
  20. Thomas, shoot your host out the window mate, you are being restricted, if you do a reverse ip check on your server you will probably see there is about 300 sites on there which is why your being restricted. Nabeel has the solution, speak with him as fivedev is tuned for phpVMS.
  21. Your are in the core directory, you need to go up a level to the root and upload the install folder.
  22. Looks good Kyle well done.
  23. Download the files again for what version you are on and upload them to replace the two effected files.
  24. Those " should not be there at the start and end of the file
  25. Can you copy all the file and place it in a code tag in the forum? So code "file contents in here" /code
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