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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Just use search .
  2. Just do what i did and make the things. I made the blinking green and yellow dots a couple of years ago, just take them from my site.
  3. You should split all that css to the style sheet and allocate id's to the table, that would make things a bit easier and cleared to see what's happening..
  4. We use both systems and also the very popular Tour module from Simpilot, very popular those tours. Sometimes pilots just want to be told where to fly, thats where the random flights from Jeff comes in handy and the adventure of completing a tour and gaining a badge for their profile.
  5. I have 2 years worth of mail except from the deleted items which i ran a line of sql to delete, Is there a way to preserve folders and saved mail from the old system?
  6. Ps this software is much better and best of all its Free
  7. That's excellent Dave, thanks for that.
  8. I will give you 1 last warning, if you post again i will remove your posting ability for a week! I keep removing your posts as all they seem to do is cause upset and bring nothing of value to these boards! We have said many times, the people attracted to this environment ie this forum are mostly VA creators who are not in the slightest bit interested in joining a VA but creating one themselves.
  9. No problem Just a piece of advise, i would specify the column widths then they will al be uniform on that pilots page
  10. OK no problems, does he exist in the database and is he active? Also is he allocated to a hub.
  11. How are you trying to send mails? If google then you need to authenticate to send, ie you need a valid address.
  12. What is your address?
  13. I believe the latest beta has addressed this issue, tut there ate other issues with that beta, there is a post here somewhere about this and a mod if i remember right.
  14. On the release there is not the option there to prevent logging in., this was only introduced later with the betas.
  15. You are on a beta release? These are still some problems identified in the latest release which is why its a beta Nabeel is on a programming break at the moment for a while to recharge but when he ius back im sure this will be sorted.
  16. There is more development to be done as i believe it would be better showing in the pilots public profile, I have the latest release running on my site and most problems have now been sorted, just some fine tuning. I believe the url is , /index.php/PilotShop/pilotHomePage
  17. This should help, http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5512-last-10-flights-in-home-page/page__p__36910__hl__%2Brecent+%2Bflights__fromsearch__1#entry36910
  18. Sorry to jump in here but you need a valid address to sent from or authenticate to your mailserver, your messages and being rejected as your server thinks they are unsolicited spam, set up a valid email account and use that as the login or send from.
  19. Thanks again Jeff this was driving me mad.
  20. Jeff this is driving me crazy lol, I now have it working with just a minor adjustment UPDATE phpvms_pireps SET `flighttype` = 'T' WHERE `flightnum` LIKE 'T1L%' Had to replace the `T` with 'T' I hate sql lol Thank you for your help.
  21. Same thinig for some reason im getting #1054 - Unknown column 'T1L%' in 'where clause' Wall :--( bang lol The damn thing does exist.
  22. Thanks Jeff I have already duplicated that table to play with, will give that a go in a bit.
  23. Ah no i have the correct output its just i need to update the database, i ran a query and reset the flighttypes all to P lol. oops Im in phpmyadmin trying to run the query to manually update the entries.
  24. You would be better off making a plugin to bounce off the pilots table and return a yes no response then triggering the email verification page the same way as ipb does. I gave up trying after the migration and conversion failed so i stopped wasting any more time on it.
  25. HI, I have been messing about for a few days not but cant seem to get the right code. I want to update a the pireps table flighttype field where flightnum = T1%% that's not important but i cant get it to run. Basically i have tours that i have now created a separate flighttype for, at the moment they are all in there as P for passenger flights, i want to update them to T for tours as im now reporting in the profiles flight types. Any help would be appreciated. Slightly going mad with banging my head against a wall
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