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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Well what i did was change that file above to read from, $comment .= 'FSPassengers Flight. No aircraft entered'; Change it to $comment .= 'FSPassengers Flight Pirep'; You can change it to whatever you like really or just comment it out all together.
  2. HI im not sure what you mean, sorry. What codes?
  3. I dont have this on any more, can you send to me and i will have a look
  4. Cheers i will have a look through that.
  5. Just go in to the local.config.php file and change the group access to allow logging in, Example, Config::Set('PILOT_STATUS_TYPES', array( /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS ACTIVE NUMBER OR STATUS OR THINGS WILL BREAK!!! */ 0 => array( 'name' => 'Active', # The title to show in the dropdown 'message' => '', # Message to show if they can't login (below is false) 'default' => true, # Should this be their default status? 'canlogin' => true, # Are they allowed to log in 'active' => true, # Are they an active pilot? 'autoretire' => true, # Use this status for the auto-retire functionality 'group_add' => array( # ID or name of the group this user is added to with this status 'Active Pilots', ), 'group_remove' => array( # ID or name of the groups this user is removed from with this status 'Inactive Pilots', ), ), /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS INACTIVE NUMBER OR STATUS OR THINGS WILL BREAK!!! */ 1 => array( 'name' => 'Inactive', 'message' => 'Your account was marked inactive Please contact us to resume your career.', 'default' => false, 'canlogin' => false, 'active' => false, 'autoretire' => false, 'group_add' => array( 'Inactive Pilots', ), 'group_remove' => array( 'Active Pilots', ), ), 2 => array( 'name' => 'Banned', 'message' => 'Your account is banned, please contact an admin!', 'default' => false, 'canlogin' => false, 'active' => false, 'autoretire' => false, 'group_add' => array( 'Inactive Pilots', ), 'group_remove' => array( 'Active Pilots', ), ), 3 => array( 'name' => 'On Leave', 'message' => 'You have been marked as on leave', 'default' => false, 'canlogin' => true, 'active' => true, 'autoretire' => true, 'group_add' => array( 'Inactive Pilots', ), 'group_remove' => array( 'Active Pilots', ), ), 4 => array( 'name' => 'Resigned', 'message' => 'You have requested to Resign, To continue your career please contact us', 'default' => false, 'canlogin' => false, 'active' => false, 'autoretire' => false, 'group_add' => array( 'Inactive Pilots', ), 'group_remove' => array( 'Active Pilots', ), ), ));
  6. The only other thing you could do is remove the hard drive and if you have the ability then format it by using another pc with a caddy devise, you could then either load a windows image or ubuntu image on to it for when its back in the laptop to build. Strange one though about that CD drive not booting.
  7. Hi Ray, if you set the bios you will be able to boot from CD and format the drive, depending how old the laptop is you could boot from floppy.... yes showing my age now or usb, my recommendation would be download ubuntu on to usb and try to boot from that, you can boot on the dongle so no files are written, you also have powerful access to disk tools from there, but if he has deleted the partitions then there is nothing there anyway. Sometimes you have to press F8 to select the boot devise on some pc's maybe that's worth a try.
  8. James I don't really see the point of your post. Topic closed.
  9. If you run the installer again and choose your existing phpVMS database to install the tables, or you can do a dump of your existing and import in to the phpVMS database which would be easier as you would have populated data. Then just change the config file with your new connection settings and database name.
  10. I have IPB and yes it is good but the other free developers are fast catching up with the features, I have had another look in to mybb and its looking good so far.
  11. I could set you one up on my box if your stuck.
  12. Do you integrate registrations from phpVMS straight in to the forum database?
  13. The error is there.
  14. It means you have not set or put in your correct password so the installer can create your tables into your database. Just check your username and password for the database.
  15. I use an hours one which could be tuned for airlines to add the awards. Maybe that is of use to someone.
  16. I installed SMF years ago, i cant remember how to now but should just be a case of uploading the files and away you go follow the install url.
  17. Sorry for hijacking this thread but when did you release the pilot manager....... Classic If your wondering what im on about http://www.simpilotgroup.com/manager/index.php
  18. That's genius What a great addition for charter VA's
  19. Check the file permissions, you should set them to 777 full read write access
  20. Thats great but my list takes long enough to load anyway lol
  21. Hmmmm didn't know that, is it a freeware or payware module?
  22. I have just looked at your site, do you have simplexml enabled? Upload the install folder and check thats the easiest way
  23. Are you on a free host? Looks like some of your files have been corrupted. I would check out your core/modules/Registration/Registration.php with teh stock one see if anything is different there.
  24. I think there is already a public function, I will have a look.
  25. Your welcome.
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