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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Don't forget to comment out those url rewrite rules in the .htaccess with a #
  2. What you are using seems OK, for the email when they register that is template that should be in your skins folder and its called email_registrationaccepted.tpl, The variables to use in there are, //Firstname Lastname <?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname ?> //Firstname Lastname Pilot ID <?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname ?> <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)?> This is what i use OK. Let me know how you get on.
  3. I had those errors, jost log in to your mysql and the update sql file run each querey separably, you will find the tables are mostly altered anyway so you will get errors, just go through them all and you will be sorted You will probable only find that success is on about 3 tables
  4. Nabeel, its the sql not running that was causing the problems. Manually running each line corrected my issues all of them. As for the rewrite i would just forget it Does strange things to the bids and other stuff after all its not doing any harm the way it is really.
  5. All seems OK now after running those manual sql updates.
  6. OK so i had to manually run each line on the sql update because some tables were already modified and it was just stalling there, and its OK now done a recalculation of the finances and the cash has been updated as well. One final thing to check is that the pilots are getting paid now and the pireps and being populated with fuel and gross revenue.
  7. Nabeel, No errors now but still getting, [ERROR] The column paytype is missing! [ERROR] The column payforflight is missing!
  8. My main problems at the moment are, Finances, Pireps coming in with values of 0 Pilot Cash is 0 Admin, New schedules cant add Im just updating to the latest release and will report back.
  9. Have i missed something in the recent finance overhaul???? All pireps and fuel are coming in as 0, there is a used fuel figure nut the values 0 Ill go and have a look over at the other releases just in case i missed something as its been about 8 months since i last updated a beta.
  10. Any fix yet to the financials???
  11. Thats in your, tablesorter.pager.js needs a slight change in line 22: change "absolute" to "static" I also right aligned the div tag to make it look better imo. File is in core/lib/js
  12. Nabeel, Thats fixed the sql, now the pilots payments are all now sitting at 0, and no pirep finances are showing for fuel or load.
  13. Try to reupload the lib/js/ofc and teh core/common/OFCharts.class.php
  14. I have modded that file and directory so i didnt upload that on mine. Try re uploding that file see what happens
  15. was about an hour ago now. should i re download?
  16. I have some other issues with this as well, Schedules export doesn't have pilot pay per flight, currently all pireps coming in to my system are showing as 0 revenue as well.
  17. Also tried with mysqli same thing, DB check shows missing, [ERROR] The column paytype is missing! [ERROR] The column payforflight is missing! So that is stopping the updater running. Check files gives the usual errors which are expected on the files i have manually changed.
  18. Nabeel, What is this please? Came up on the install/update.php Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 202
  19. No worries i sorted it Nabeel, did you manage to get rid of that fs pax message about no aircraft entered?
  20. Do you need to update that file plus the htaccess? to get this to work?
  21. With a windows server you can add a task so the result will be the same
  22. All the changes that have been happening i think i may need to look at updating my dev site to see whats changed, and re modding all the custom files i have changed, where to start. Good job i created notes when modding them all lol or i would be well and truly screwed.
  23. Well currently i was looking at the possibility of creating a script that looked at the hours and added awards accordingly, this was based on a cron job nightly.
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