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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Just redownload the files again and upload the ones you want to repair. mark[AT]mgrant.info is my msn
  2. clicky what is that, web analytics's? You shouldn't be getting errors from that. Use the standard web analysis tools from google.
  3. Ah i see what clicky is, just use google if i was you.
  4. Do you use that new admin editor? I would go back to the standard editor as there are a few js files in there and i couldn't verify them so im not uploading to my site. Also that map error i found when browsing your site, that should be as easy fix just go through the myroutesmap and routemap tpl's and check with the standard templates.
  5. I think he means add a new user via the admin function, the answer is no as a lot of things happen behind the scenes when a pilot is registered.
  6. I cant see anything that pops out but try running the console in firefox while adding a bid see if that throws up any errors.
  7. That setting is in your local.config.php in your core folder.
  8. Whats your site, what skin are you using? The no route passed is usually a double include for the javascript library.
  9. lol and there is me complicating the issue.... You could try something like, <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code)?> Or something along those lines, I dont know if you can get the airline name, but you must be able to. Ill have a dig in the docs
  10. Just make sure you save as csv and when it tells you your data may be lost just ignore it
  11. Hi teh import format is, code flightnum depicao arricao route aircraft flightlevel distance deptime arrtime flighttime notes price flighttype daysofweek enabled
  12. I believe this has been brushed upon before based on the login and an if statement. So if they login with abc you use abc.css if xyz then xyz.css. I have not tried it but im sure it would work.
  13. The main problem i had was it took for ever to load up the page but that was all the calls to the database, it was heavy on calls which slowed things down.
  14. I would just delete him from the pilot admin and create another account see what happens then. Is he a new pilot? if so that would be the easiest way forward.
  15. What happens when he uses the password reset?
  16. Just clear that table see what happens after that. If your site is getting hit by bots or other stuff then just reduce the session time in your local.config.php
  17. Just add this at the top of that tpl, <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false) { echo 'Please login to view this page.'; return; } ?> You can also hide in the nav bar by putting the line under the section if logged in.
  18. Self explanatory, <?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname ?> <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)?> I would strongly suggest that you do not send the password in that mail.
  19. I Hope you have changed that password?????
  20. Have you checked his group access, if he has been put in to a group?
  21. I may have been getting confused with http://www.airnavsystems.com/RadarBox/ thats what i was going to use to compile my schedules, yes the data would be historic but in reality it would only be a week late
  22. Now i looked at that before, looked like a good idea
  23. Will do, cheers.
  24. Nabeel, Is it possible to add a button to the admin side of the pilot profile to resend the welcome information? email_registrationaccepted.tpl
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