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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. You can contact me depending on what it is.
  2. If you want to improve your scores use the following, http://websitegrader.com/ http://www.seoscores.com/ Tune your site as per the results
  3. You can easily do an if else, same way as teh pilot list displays No data yes of they have not filed a pirep or the date is 1969 etc, not got round to that yet myself
  4. This is what i use, <li><strong>Join Date:</strong> <?php echo $userinfo->joindate?></li> <li><strong>Last Visit:</strong> <?php echo $userinfo->lastlogin?></li> <li><strong>Last Flight:</strong> <?php echo $userinfo->lastpirep?></li>
  5. You need to find the text property then add the background colour to that. Example if you wanted the <p> tag to display green background you would be able to use the existing css as its already defined in there, Example <p id="success">Hello this is a test</p> To define a new colour just add it to your skins css.
  6. sorry forgot all about this, you should be able to use this function Not tested though. using the existing api this should give you the total miles <?php echo $route->distance . Config::Get('UNITS');?>
  7. If you have a look at the existing permission sets you could assign one of the existing to your module.
  8. Check you local.config.php you have a white space.
  9. You can add then as group names like i have, So all event awards start with Events all flight awards start Flight all exams start Exams etc then all you need to do is order the output in the awards.dataclass.php file. /** * Get all awards * * @return mixed array of objects * */ public static function GetAllAwards() { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'awards ORDER BY name ASC'; return DB::get_results($sql); }
  10. This has come up before, have a search here.
  11. Having a look at your page in code view try changing the table names about so from, <table width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter"> To <table id="th" class="tablesorter" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> I think its the ID you have wrong there.
  12. Looks like your missing this script in your tpl, OK so at the bottom of that page you should have the options which i can see by your page you have, then after that the below script needs to be added <script defer="defer"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#th") .tablesorter({widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra']}) .tablesorterPager({container: $("#pager")}); } ); </script> If your using the code above then that table needs to have the class, <table id="th" class="tablesorter">
  13. Im on the previous release to this and my news is now showing up on VAC just started working by its self The only thing i can see for me is the Pireps when running the maintenance.php but all is showing OK on the site and the VA total hours. But i have not updated to this version.
  14. If were going down this route updating this code what about a leave system? Something simple, Define max leave days in local config Pilot has a checkbox in his profile to go on leave, if ticked places account on leave, Also echo remaining days in the profile, after all leave expired pilot enters the usual inactivity rules. Would be nice to roll this up in to a beta release
  15. Nabeel can you roll this in to a release or everytime an update is performed it will get lost?
  16. I remember having this conversation before with someone else on here, just create a form on your existing website for your pilots to click the button and they are transferred to the new sites registration page, you can post from your existing site values in to the new registration form on the new site, that way you can ensure that registrations are correctly handled. All they have to do then is confirm their details are correct and enter the captcha details, job done.
  17. Hey that's pretty good. Have to look in to that
  18. Currently there is no Addons defined for access, i would speak with Nabeel or preferably Dave, (simpilot) as that's where all his addons go. If you have a look at the current structure then you could probably figure it out but it would get overwritten in an update.
  19. Just replace the code at the bottom on the tpl where you can see the function to list all the dates.
  20. Problems i currently have, Total Hours on public index and admin not updating (wrong) "Total Hours Flown: 838:59:59" News not exporting to VA Central Pilots count wrong not updating to VA Central While running maintenance.php Reset pireps count all showing 0 for every pilot.
  21. I have noticed the performance updates, very good
  22. Just reran the maintenance script and everyone's pireps are still showing as 0 but their hours are counted and have come back, how strange.
  23. How much difference a comma makes That's fixed it. Thanks again Jeff.
  24. Just looking at that now Jeff, Cheers.
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