Hey guys,
With the addition of the fsd server i have enabled voice in to the network using teamspeak2, why ts2 i hear you ask? Because its only ts2 that is compatible currently with FS Inn..... So all you pilots who use FS Inn can now configure the connection to use voice over the network if you use the server for your flights or events.
If you want specific frequencies created then just let me know and i will create them for you.
I have introduced a Unicom channel for my guys when they are connected to Vatsim and they are switched back to Unicom, then then automatically connect after switching their Com1 frequency to 122.8 to the easyJet Teamspeak channel, when they are requested to contact another controller they leave the channel and move over to live atc, this seems to be very popular especially when everything is controlled through through your flight sim.
So for connection details you use FSInn to connect to the server, the address is the same as previous, the ts channel is also the same url, i will post a screen shot of the settings shortly.
Here are the settings,
The only other setting you may need is to tell FSFDT where your teamspeak is installed,
Go to FSFDT control panel (in your taskbar by the clock)
Go to the Voice tab and put in your teamspeak 2 path so most users will have it installed in C:\Program Files\Teamspeak2_RC2