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Everything posted by James142

  1. Yeah it looks so much better at the bottom now, James
  2. What do you have in your URL in the options tab in kACARS?
  3. Do you have the kACARS module in your core/modules folder?
  4. You dont need anything in the local.config.file for kACARS (i dont think so anyway) hasd kACARS ever worked for you before or have you just installed it?
  5. You dont need anything in the local.config.file for kACARS (i dont think so anyway) hasd kACARS ever worked for you before or have you just installed it?
  6. I got that error once, i think i fixed it cause i had a "/" at the end of my URL (http://flyaerova.com/'>http://flyaerova.com/ => http://flyaerova.com) Your better off waiting for lorathon to reply though.
  7. Wait what? You didnt even give the error message...
  8. Nice site! but i would either remove or place the advert on top somewhere else.
  9. Ah i was putting the code in the wrong place, thanks!
  10. Whats this got to do with VaCentral?
  11. Is it possible to have the latest news in a rss feed? If you know what i mean :S thanks
  12. When I use that code, the image still does not appear. When I look at the source its showing this <img src="" alt="" /> Thanks
  13. I am trying to get the event image to show on the main events page (www.mysite.com/index.php/events). I have tried using <?php echo $event->image; ?> but it doesnt work? Thanks, James
  14. Nice site! Bit I would get rid of the curves on the images because it doesnt look right with the black box that pops up at the bottom of the image.
  15. Have you tried making a modual?
  16. Congrats on the 8 years of service!
  17. R.I.P FlyIreland Virtual :(:P

  18. Don't know if this will work but you can try this: <img src="'.Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location).'" alt="'.Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location).'" />
  19. Thanks Vansers
  20. How do you make a drop down menu that lets you pick to show 5, 10, 15 ect.. per page? thanks, james
  21. Thanks
  22. @flyalaska whats the name of the thing that you have at the bottom of your page that has page 1/35?
  23. damn
  24. are the live fuel prices still disabled?
  25. Thank you!
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