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Everything posted by Cor

  1. Hi all, I already updated the php memory to 64M but with running the script Recalculate Distances in the admin menu I get Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 256 bytes) in /home/vbirdva.com/public_html/vbv/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 273 Is there anyway to change things that he will recalculate for example the last 100 pireps, because I don't see the need to recalculate everytime the old pireps. Any one an suggestion? As always with regards, Cor
  2. Hello David, I am not a programmer but has this line nothing to do with the PHP memory. Basicly that it is too low. I had that problem also one time and increasing the memory worked. When starting Custom acars some scripts are being started on the server. When some scripts can not proceed because of a memory problem you have problems. Not by fault of acars but problems on the server. I have put in my .htaccess file on the server the line and that helped. As for now I don't have problems with my hosting providerbecause here in Holland most of the providers are saying that if you need more than 32M for php, the scripts are not right for a shared server. Till now it is going well. Hope this will help for you. Regards, Cor
  3. Good staff is hard to find. I have for a few years now a very steady staff around me and luckuly without much changes over the years. I had one that my staff that donate some money because he could do it in name of his company and then he tought he could run the show. he is not a staffmember anymore When you start you just need to see what people want to do for your VA and put them on trial to see if they do what they promise. Good luck. regards, Cor
  4. Hello VA Owners, I understand that everybody who is starting a VA want to have a lot of pilots. One of the suggestions what is given is to promote your VA on IVAO but to do that there is a rule that you can promote your VA in the forum as it is an approved VA by IVAO. To get this approval you have to read the following rules. §1: To become a VA affiliated with IVAO™, your VA has to be free of charge for the members, and a non profit organization. Your VA will not profit directly or indirectly from using the IVAO network, neither use IVAO™ name to do publicity of the company. §2: Registered VAs are responsible of the logos and names they submit to the IVAO database. IVAO™ will not be responsible of copyright violations. §3: Your VA should use its assigned 3 letter code, to be able to use the network services provided, and only IVAO™ member VAs will have the right to mantain a registered ICAO code. §4: VAs are required to log per week at least Nº of users X 2 hours = Required hours. It does not mean each user must fly 2 hours, it means the total of hours flown by the company must be calculated with this formule. This is the minimum required to maintain their membership status in our Virtual Airlines System.. §5: VAs are required to update their membership details when they change (URL of website, e-mail, etc...). Not reply mails due to not existing mails will do the company will be removed from the database. §6: Member VAs will link to IVAO™ using the logo provided to them on registration. The logo MUST be only the logo sent by us. §7: IVAO™ reserves the right to accept, deny or remove a VA from the database and/or VA's system without any advise neither explanation if Executive Commitee decide it. §8: To be included in the VA system, the company must have at least 10 users, and you have to send an email to the email account advised in the Virtual Airlines pages requesting become active in the system. §9: Companies not having activity in the VA system for more than 4 months will be removed from VA system. The company will continue being in the IVAO™ database but not in the VA system.. §10: Companies not having contact mail or contact person in the database will be removed from the database. §11: The VA's System is copyrighted by IVAO™. Any company active on it can use it freely of charge. IVAO™ will only support problems with the pages, but will not support problems between the company and its users. §12: A VA can change the CEO/Owner at any time but any new appointed CEO/Owner must always: · be a person at least 18 y/o · hold minimum a PP or ADC rating · have been registered on the IVAO network for at least 6 months, with a clean suspension history in the last 3 months · not be a CEO/Owner of any other VA/SOG (that is any IVAO member can be the CEO/Owner of only 1 VA/SOG at a time) · be active on the IVAO network. VAs with CEO/Owner whose account is inactive will be removed from the database if a new active CEO is not appointed in a period of 15 days after receiving the warning from the Flight Operation Department. §13: The VA must have and maintain a fully functional website at all time. A VA without a website will be removed from the database. Regards, Cor
  5. Waleed, Don't give advise about advertising on IVAO when the VA is not an approved VA on IVAO. To get approved there are rules on IVAO and then you can promote your VA. You know that because it has been told to you a few times. regards, Cor
  6. Cor


    Nabeel, Everybody needs a break sometimes to re-charge. To get some rest and to develope new ideas. You already did a great job to provide us with this great program. Regards, Cor
  7. Good move Regards, Cor
  8. We getting the same messages on the IVAO forum also and there is happening the same as here. This VA seems to be closed again and he want to start now a VA with multiple airlines in it. Regards, Cor
  9. To run a VA is very difficult, it is almost a fulltime job and the problem is there are to much VA's. Most of all made up VA's are gone within the first year. We existing now more then 5 years and still is hard work because the world of flightsim is changing also every day, you have to keep up with the wishes of your members and also dealing with problems between members. Before you start a VA you need really think everything over, because when your VA is getting bigger it starts the look like a litlle company with a the work and problems with it. If you can manage that then the VA will promote itself via mouth to mouth. When you pilots are happy they will tell others ect, ect. Regards, Cor
  10. I have a few people flying around with FSACARS and it works very good. Made 1 or 2 changes in the config, but for the rest no problems yet Regards, Cor
  11. If i where you I also change the text, because now it looks like you site is still in development, because the standard PHPVMS text are still visible. And NO I won't join your VA Regards, Cor
  12. Hello all, I has take awile but all pilots are transfered to the new website on PHPVMS. The pilots are loving it. I want to thank this community for al the help with the little probs. A special thanks for Nabeel for making this program that brings so much for Virtual Airlines. Also a special thanks for Simpilot for his excellent modules and lorathon for making K-acars and ofcourse the V-Bird VA acars and the perfect support you all three giving to the people. Now to convert Aerosvit Virtual Airlines to PHPVMS and then get busy with Flightkeeper and PHPVMS and hope I can sort that out. Check the website here Regards, Cor
  13. Cor


    Joeri, I have notice that to. Al lot of points having the lon and the lat on 0.000 ect ect. I have change a few by hand in the database, but that is a lot work. Regards, Cor
  14. I always keep my own stats every month in a serate database, so the amount of hours never gets lost. I don't see the point of keeping pilots who don´t fly anymore. Because they keep their number and at some point I will run out of numbers We have a 3 digit pilotnumber, and if I see how much pilots just do 1 or a few flights. I would be nice if the pilots who are retired automaticly are assigned with a new number or for example when VBV010 resining he will get automaticly will get number VBV010(032011)as refering to resinged in March 2011. Those records will be stored in a serpate table like phpvms-pilots_retired. Just an idea, it will keep all the records and you can use the original VBV010 again. Regards, Cor
  15. I always deleted a pilot when he is not active for awile. There is no point of keeping him to the database. his pilotnumber can be used again. Regards, Cor
  16. Thanks Jeff, I had something like that with the old websit. I can use this one Regards, Cor
  17. Cor

    VMSEditor 1.1

    It is good for the mailer, but when you have made text with pictures or file in it, the files need also be in the root dir, because it not accepting anythings else. When for example the picture is in /vbv/pics/test.jpg ans je put that in your page, as soon as you view the page it doesn´t show the pic because he is looking into the root to /pics/test.jpg So therefore I use the standard editor for making the pages for the website. For mails I use this one. Regards, Cor
  18. Cor

    VMSEditor 1.1

    I had only troubles using it with making pages and inserting links or pictures. It's want everything in the root. Regards, Cor
  19. Good luck. Regards, Cor
  20. As far as I understand it. Xacars does not log the landing rate. Regards, Cor
  21. Mark, Got it working now. Jeffrey sent me his template and Java scripts and when I took a closer look I saw that I had at the end of the template the following lines Took that out and it is working now also in IE. Thanks Mark en Jeffrey for all your help. Regards, Cor
  22. I don`t have that file Regards, Cor
  23. Did not work in IE. Regards, Cor
  24. Well I don`t mind, but i have a lot of people who still stick to IE even if you say that the most problems are with that browser. Regards, Cor
  25. I was happy, When using the search function it will not show any flights in IE8. Of course in firefox no problems. Any ideas. Regards, Cor
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