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Hi All,

I've been working on a project for my VA, and I had an idea to make it bigger.

You know how VAs, especially new ones need routes. It takes time and energy to make them.

Well, my idea is a Give and Receive Route Project.

It is basically where VAs share all their routes in a large route import file, and that file is free for anyone to use with their VA.

The only few rules are that every time a VA uses the routes in the file, that they put all of their (freeware) routes in that file. In return, they may download and use all/any of the routes as they wish. No one may in any way sell this file. All routes put into this file are to be freeware, or made by the VA. No payware routes are allowed.

Here is an example of how it works:

(Note that hereinafter, the words "removed, removes or remove" may be used in the context of copying/using routes for use in the VA. The term "Removed" is not used to say that the routes are "deleted" from the file)

Airline A (my own VA) puts all of their routes into the file. Airline B also puts their own routes into the file, and removes the routes that are in the file for use in their (B's) own VA. Airline A now has access to Airline B's routes, as well as Airline B having access to Airline A's routes. Airline C comes along and put's their routes into the file and adds the routes that are already in the file to their own routes for pilots to fly. Airline D, Airline E, Airline F and Airline G do the same thing.

You may have not counted, but there are now routes from 7 airlines in this file. If each VA put in, say 500 routes, then the file would have a good 3,500 routes in it for the airlines to use.

All of the airlines that gave routes may use all of the routes that are in the Import File for their own use. They can edit, add/remove routes that they download. As long as they do not sell it or pass it off as their own work.

See the potential in this? All of these VA's can get tons of routes for almost nothing! The only exchange is that you give us an import file of your current routes to add to the file.

I know that people could just get a Charter System, and make all their own routes. But sometimes it's better to have plain old schedules ;)

If you want to partake in this, simply reply here giving me the export file to your routes. You may also PM me the files OR email me @ tobyrice01@gmail.com.

All you have to do is send me your Import File. Upon receiving it, I send you the file with all the schedules in it.

Note that when you get the file, it will not have your own routes in it! So do not delete your routes when you import. After we send you the file, we will upload a new one with yours added.

Current the file has 2 VAs of routes in it, plus some AAL and all of NKS routes. A Grand Total of 1173 routes!

I recommend doing this because it is utterly impossible to loose anything with this. You either gain a ton, gain a little, or nothing. You do not loose anything. 99% of the time you will gain a ton!

I will update the files and whatnot in replies to this thread.

Please give me your ideas and feedback! I cannot do this project without you.

The files will be sent to you once you ask me :) Reply or PM.

  • Like 1

I know. This is meant for fictional VAs.

BUT, I am making routes from RW airlines. Such as American, Spirit and more. I already have every route that spirit airlines flies.

And those are also put into the file as well.

So if your va is fictional or not, please do this! Even if it does not really benefit you more than you would like, there will still be many VAs that will always appreciate your gift.

Note that I will record the VAs that participate, and give credit to them in the file.


Thanks Dave! Your routes have been sent, and the file updated.

Official Update 12-20-14

Airlines Participating:

BlueHawk Virtual Airways

Orange Air VA

Soar VA

There are an estimated total of 2,417 schedules in the file.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Stazzer1234, I got your email. I'll send it your way on Friday. I'm not in a position to send any files until then...

longhorns19, if you want, email me your routes and I'll send you the file on Friday.

  • 3 months later...
  On 4/24/2015 at 3:19 PM, poole3003 said:

i would to have a copy of Etihad flights please if thats ok or would you be able to tell us your way of doing it

Hi, all you'd have to do is export all of your routes to a .csv file, and email it to me at tobyrice01@gmail.com

Once I get the files, I'll send you a file containing all the previously added routes. They are not organized, but you can play with them.

  On 4/24/2015 at 3:35 PM, poole3003 said:

no i am runnning reaql ops so i would only be needing real etihad flight plans

I don't have any RW Etihad routes. We do fictional and mixed up routes, mainly for new VAs to use.

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