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I'm currently revamping my schedules and creating some more routes/schedules etc. I have run into a problem thats slightly baffled me.

I exported my current schedules and get (its a bit squished displaying here)

code	flightnum	depicao	arricao	route	aircraft	flightlevel	distance	deptime	arrtime	flighttime	notes	price	flighttype	daysofweek	enabled
AVE	1001A	CYZF	CYYC		AVE-B21	17000	681.568	13:30 UTC	 15:00 UTC	1.3	 Daily Schedule	625	 P	123456	1
AVE	1001B	CYYC	CYZF		AVE-J31	33000	681.568	16:45	 18:35	1.5	 	625	 P	123456	1
AVA	1002A	CYZF	CYRT		AVA-B14	33000	614.866	10:20	 12:15	1.5	 	720	 P	123456	1
AVA	1002B	CYRT	CYZF		AVA-B14	33000	614.866	15:10	 17:00	1.5	 	720	 P	123456	1
AVA	1003A	CYYC	CYYZ		AVA-B36	31000	1453.98	10:25	 15:20	3.55	 	720	 P	123456	1

but when i add more in exactly the same way i get the following when importing it back.

Aircraft "AVE-B21" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVE-J31" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVA-B14" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVA-B14" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVA-B36" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVA-B36" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVA-F59" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVA-F59" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVA-F58" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVA-F58" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVA-F50" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVA-F50" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVA-F51" does not exist! Skipping
Aircraft "AVA-F51" does not exist! Skipping

both the above are snippits. All the aircraft do exist, the result is zero added schedules.

So to clarify, i import back the csv file in the same format as its exported but no joy adding any schedules this way.

I can manually do the via admin "add schedules" fine.

Thanks for any help



I last updated 23/3/11,to Build 934 (Version 2.1.934) all a/c are still there, as i say i can still manually add the schedules, just not by uploading the csv file.


In the Administrator Panel, Click on "Airline Operations" to expand the menu.

Click on "Add & Edit Fleet".

Click the "Edit" button next to the aircraft you want to edit.

Make sure (in the box where it says "* Aircraft Registration") that you have the aircraft Identification it is asking for. (in this example, your first plane would be AVE-B21).

So if your airplane is an Airbus A320, then it would look like this:

* Aircraft ICAO Code


* Aircraft Name/Type (i.e B747-400)


* Full Name (Boeing 747-400 Combi)

Airbus A320-232

* Aircraft Registration



Jeff, you miss the point. That IS completed. All the aircraft are in the fleet, the aircraft registration is completed which is why i'm baffled as to why its not importing.


I'm just going out on a limb, but does phpVMS actually allow hyphens inserted in the Registration part? (I don't know, just asking) Try removing the hyphen and see if there is any change.

  • Administrators

I have run in to trouble with hyphens coming out of a excel csv file. I started using open office calc for the csv files and dont have near as many issues with special characters in csv files. Might be worth a try if you are using it already.

  • 4 weeks later...

Have removed all the hyphens from the aircraft registrations, re-exported them, tried adding another schedule but when importing get the same error?

This is getting frustrating!


I assume the folder is showing permissions "777" for the import?! That is the only thing I forget to do sometimes, although I get a different error than you seem to be getting.


schedule import does not work on all hosting providers (restrictions & php-versions)!!

I know that since I have discovered the same problem on my old host

best regards



well im with 5dev so one would assume i would be able to import? Nabeel, any idea?

I am also on fivedev and it work for me although I am not use that Option often

Best regards


  • 8 years later...

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