58 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi all, phpVMS Hosting is now available - it's going to be through my other site, called 'fivedev': I've spent alot of time tuning this server, and I've set a cap on clients, then I will buy another, to keep it speedy for everyone who's on there. It's in Washington DC, with low pings to everyone. I've priced two plans: Standard - 15GB Space, 50GB Bandwidth $10/monthly, or $100/year £6.68/monthly, or £66.77/year €7.42/monthly, or €74.23/year [*]Mini - 8GB Space, 25GB Bandwidth $7/monthly, or $84/year £4.67/monthly, or £56.08/year €5.20/monthly, or €62.36/year While it might not be "unlimited" as some hosts have (…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
You can now purchase a license to be allowed to remove the "powered by phpVMS" from your site. It's a one-time, $45 fee, which applies towards one VA. The link to the cart is here.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Hey everyone, The next update is now available, 1.1.437. Alot of changes in this build: * Delete pilots (the clean way! * Aircraft registration options added * Routes can be assigned specific aircraft/registration * Pilot avatars added, with sizing options * Pilot country with flag images added * Dynamic signatures generated, to use on forums * Bug fixes and other such things. Don't forget to follow the update instructions, and read the changelog. There are still more updates coming, with more features. The forums have also been updated to SMF; your profiles are still there, you just need to reset your password. It's much easier to use and work w…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Hey, A few critical patches in this one, run the update.php I had stopped manually doing patches, and replaced it with a build script (automatically checking versions, patching files, and just using test-cases), leaving bugs in there for the last update. There were a few database changes as well, so this was not completely checked in the auto build. The first releases were tight in how they handled data, but now with all your feedback, that needs to be loosened a bit, so it's just going through growing pains... Stay tuned this week and next since I'm issuing patches fairly quickly with bug fixes as soon as I find them. There's going to be quite a bit more Q&A from …
Last reply by davehardy, -
- 0 replies
Hey everyone, 1.1.458 is available on the downloads page. It's been going under heavy testing, and all the issues from past have been fixed. * Added page encoding option * Added option for changing pilot ID length * Added option to change signature text color * Admin can edit PIREPS * Some admin reports added (more to come) * FSACARS bug fixes - follow the instructions in the docs * Admin panel styles cleaned up * Bug fixes (alot of em!) Some notes : If a PIREP is not showing up, or the aircraft is blank, edit the pirep to include the aircraft. Because of the switch to registration numbers, some PIREPs did not "cross over" to include them. …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
After a long, long wait, over 150 revisions, phpVMS 2.0 has finally been released! In this version, you'll find a ton of enhancements and bug fixes, with most of them coming from you, the community. Check out the changelog for full details, but some features now include XAcars and FS Flight Keeper Support, groups for the admin panel, and an enhanced financial and add-ons system. This version also enabled support for vaCentral, which is the upcoming virtual airline stats and ranking system. Now your VA has to compete against other airlines in the virtual world. more details about vaCentral will follow, it's currently in open beta, and anyone who uses 2.0 can participate.…
Last reply by G-NEWC, -
- 2 replies
I've released a minor update for 2.0 which fixes a few issues which have been found. I highly recommend updating. Thanks!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 10 replies
Hi everyone, I'm proud to announce that version 2.1 is now available! This release has a ton of improvements, including an upgrade to Google Maps v3, and a complete overhaul of financials and ACARS (more customizable!), and a multitude of other improvements and bug fixes. All-in-all, there are over 100 different changes and fixes. You can see all of the details here. When upgrading, it's important to read the changelog! There were a lot of changes to the front-end templates, and the affected templates are listed there. And to further celebrate the release of 2.1, use the coupon "21GO" on fivedev hosting ( to get 90% off of your first month of hos…
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, I've just released a supplemental update for 2.1 which fixes a bunch of bugs people have found. It's available right now. Thank you everyone for your patience! -Nabeel
Last reply by Tom, -
- 14 replies
Hi all, I've updated the download to 2.1.936 - basically to null the file where I believe the exploit is coming from. I looked through the other files, and I think they look OK. Please update as soon as possible - really the only updated file was core/lib/php-ofc-library/ofc_upload_image.php. Instead of deleting it, I patched it, so then it will get patched on an upload. Sorry for all the trouble guys! Please be sure to look through your server and account very carefully - if you see something suspicious, delete it, or rename it to add a .txt extension so it can't be found, until you can verify if the file is safe or not. Thanks!
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi all, I've released phpVMS 7 beta 2, you can download it here: This is mostly feature complete, releasing it now to help with testing for bugs and glaring omissions. Thanks!
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 0 replies
This next build is up, with a ton of fixes and some new features:Download it from here (Admin) Custom fields can now be added into PIREPS (Admin) "View details" link on PIREP Added flight queue/bid feature PIREP report page reorganized, shows additional fields Contact, Live Map removed for now (Will be re-added) IMPORTANT NOTESRun the following queries, change the phpvms_ if your prefix is different.These changes have been reflected in the changelog and the installer. CREATE TABLE `phpvms_pirepfields` ( `fieldid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `title` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL , `name` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `fieldid` ), UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`) ) E…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Is up... with a lot more updates and improvements!Download it hereBuild 1.0.361 Schedule importer (yay!) CSV Template included Notes and enabled option field added to schedules PIREPs check for route existence before submitting "Times flown" for schedules now updated on PIREP submit Update script test in this build Some file organization, admin panel skin moved Bug fixes Notes: ----- * Run the update script in install/update.php * IMPORTANT: core_javascript.tpl has been renamed to core_htmlhead.tpl Correct this in your skin if you're not using a default!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
This is the changelog for the next update. I've decided to post it now since it's basically "feature complete", except for a few minor things. It'll be in "testing mode" for the next couple weeks or so, I'm aiming to release at the end of January, if there are no major "blockers". I don't think I missed anything but it'll be revised when it's released. Enjoy! - Changelog updated changelog.htm
Last reply by maxwaldorf, -
- 0 replies
There's an option in local.config.php to now notify about beta updates. See this docs topic: This is working from the release version.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
The forum was hacked just after a DDOS attack on the server Saturday night and I thought the database had just been deleted which I restored from a backup from June 28th. What I did not realize that in the process of destroying the forum database the InnoDB engine on the mySql server was corrupted as well, which in turn corrupted almost every InnoDB table on the server. Drive volumes were also damaged in the attack. With so many sites experiencing issues with database corruption I had no choice today but to rebuild the MySql server and restore all databases from the June 28th backup. This includes the forum and VACentral. Any data that was recorded between June 28th and …
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 0 replies
I have had a few emails in regards to members profiles being deleted and hope this explains the why and how; there was over 33,000 users in the database, the vast majority were spam signups and it was just weighing on the speed of the forum. I deleted all the users that never posted anything in the forum, and that had no login activity on the site since January 1st, 2014. Meeting one condition or the other kept your profile in the system. No one that ever posted on the site was deleted and if you had logged in since January 1st, 2015 your profile was not deleted. I am sorry if you did not meet these conditions and now noticed your profile gone, but never posting and not …
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 0 replies
Hey everyone, This past week's release has been bad. Tons of bugs cropping up, and it will be fixed by this weekend, most of them are fixed right now... just doing rigorous testing on it. I've setup 3 test areas that they move through. The reason for it was a problem with the place my code is stored. The server was corrupted, and my newer code ended up being replaced by some older code. I though I had fixed all the problems, but my automated build tools did not have test units for some of the basic functions, which were also reverted to older versions. My build tools are supposed to update my main testing server. They did not, so I didn't notice most of the issues which…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
I'm slowly moving the documentation and updating it to the new tab called "Resources" on top. IPB has an add-in called IP-Content, which rocks in how it can be customized. I like having one system for everything, and with this I can start condensing everything into one more manageable system (rather than the now 3 separate pieces of software setup), and this is what I was looking to do for the docs anyway. Especially now there are comments allowed, so everyone can pitch in their two cents I need some docs written, mainly on sections in the admin panel. So if you consider yourself an 'expert' in some part, it would be great if you can write up an article. I'm creating al…
Last reply by Kieran, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, phpVMS and vaCentral will be down tonight, around 8pm EST, for upto 2 hours, for a migration to a different datacenter. This will hopefully allow live fuel prices to resume, and improve connection speeds for everyone. Edit: Migration has been completed Thanks
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 15 replies
I've made the decision that as of 2.1, FSACARS won't be supported anymore. The connector and code will still be there and working, but there are just too many issues to continue wasting time on kludging it to work. The client has not been in development for years. However, there is a free alternative - kACARS. It's an excellent ACARS app, very stable, and in active development. phpVMS 2.1 will include the ACARS connector piece, so all you have to download is the client. You can view the kACARS thread here, the documentation here. Thanks!
Last reply by Kieran, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone, The forums, as you can see, have been upgraded to IPBoard. I will skin it soon, but for now it will stay on the default skin, until I can work all the little kinks out. All your posts, etc should be intact. Your old password also should just work. Thanks!
Last reply by caribbeanflyboy, -
- 3 replies
I was planning on keeping this under wraps, but the first few flights using FSPassengers have been logged ;D So...I am proud to announce that phpVMS will have official FSPassengers support in this next update! Same as FSACARS, just download a config file and drop it in. FSPassengers (for both FS9 and the new FSX version) supports exporting your pilot reports to a VA, and using phpVMS, this makes its easy for both you as admins, and for your pilots. The only downside is that there are no status updates, but hopefully that will be something added in the future, to dot track your flight along on the ACARS map. Along with basic financials, this next update will be an exci…
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
There are two topics, for phpVMS legacy, to fix and address these issues:
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, fivedev/phpVMS hosting is now officially starting an affiliate program - you get 7% of every referral, with a payout of $25. You also get a $5 bonus for signing up. Top referrals in every month will get a month free hosting. The servers have also been upgraded to PHP 5.3, and given more of a kick in terms of RAM and CPU. So, check it out! In phpVMS news, the bug tracker has been moved to github, and more of the project is being moved there, to allow more community involvement in the direction and development. As I've said always, it will remain completely open-source. vaCentral - a few changes have been implemented, mainly, any airlines …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 52 replies
I will be offering VA hosting shortly, along with nav-data updates with the upcoming 2.1 release. Pricing hasn't been decided yet, but the web-hosting will be completely certified to run with phpVMS, including support for the new phpVMS maintenance cron files, FTP support, and any other pieces which are required for phpVMS to work - including command line access, and access to tools such as mysql and git on the command line. It will include scripts to install phpVMS directly from the command line, using git (which the move to was just completed). I don't have a timeline yet, but it will be sometime soon, I'm in the process of setting things up. Navdata updates will also…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Everything being moved to a new server; sorry for sporatic downtime Update 12/04/12 - All problems seemed to have been solved
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, Live fuel prices for US airports are back online, for now. Nabeel
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 15 replies
Hi everyone, Without any notification or warning, my live fuel price provider has blocked me from getting updated fuel prices. This really affects US airports, so for now, live pricing will not be available for now, until I work out and figure out exactly what's going on - sorry all. I've changed the API to refer to the last updated fuel price, so they may be off (they were updated last week). I will be adding an airport import/export so that fuel prices can be updated en-masse, as with schedules. This will be available soon. Again, my apologies Nabeel
Last reply by clsard, -
- 4 replies
As I'm sure many of you have noticed, phpVMS has been without a logo, due to my lack of artistic skills. I know many of you are creatively skilled... so I though it'd be nice to have a competition going... Requirements? None really. Just a super high res copy with layers in either Photoshop or Fireworks. It can include the phpVMS text (shown in the header). A modern look, "Web 2.0"-ey (I'm sure you know where to get inspiration). Then we can vote (or I'll decide, depends ). Something orangy/blue, that goes with the theme of the site. I figure about two weeks is a decent time to run the competition. Winning gets your name in the about for credit, and a free copy of.....…
Last reply by Strider,