Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
I really wonder how did Nabeel started the phpVMS project? It looks like he did a hard work on that project and i am really liking it!
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Beta Testers Needed for ACARS Development
by Guest N402KC- 12 replies
Hi Guys, I am re doing the acars I have been developing and am going to re code the acars from scratch. Why am i recoding it? Answer is simple, I want better features. Some Major features that will be in this acars are as followed; In Flight Information Flight Announcements (Pre Taxi, Safety, Departure, etc...); Load Bidded Flight Chat Penalty's Who's Online (Google Maps, Vatsim Integration, etc..) If you are interested, Please post on here and also in PM. From their i will send you a link to where you will download it. You will only install it once, And everytime you re start it, it will check for updates. So what you see is what i see. Let me know ASAP. Im begi…
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 7 replies
I need to get a good c++ beginner book so if anyone has some suggestions it would be appreciated. Thanks
Last reply by Paul, -
I started a web design company with my friend now we are both amateurs at it and I was hoping I could get some answers here or something basiclly this is what I want to know: Should we have all our sites from CMSs like joomla and drupal? Or should we just have static websites were everything is basic and has to be done manually? If we do it manually is making a simple admin panel hard?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Feature [Request]
by Guest N402KC- 2 replies
Hi, It may sound cool, or not. Here is what I had in mind. For Flight that have been bidded on, and flights that are currently in progress, We should have a feature like Flight Aware. Where we can enter the flight's callsign, dep, or arrival airport and see all the flights. It will show all info about the flight, and have its current location on a google map. I think this would be a killer idea and moudule to incorporate to phpvms. Please let me know if this could be possible.
Has Anyone Truly Thanked Nabeel and the Moderator Crew for phpVMS and Addon Modules?
by Guest N402KC- 7 replies
Well if you have not Thanked them for their hard work and such Great Software and Addons, Then I think We all should. Coming from my words, I want to really Thank Nabeel for all the hard work he has put into phpVMS making it the #1 Virtual Airline Management System on the web, AND MAKING IT FREE! Understand that if it wasnt for you, A Good fortune of VA's that are on the web right now, Would not be their. I also want to thank the wrest of the crew, and Everyone who has spent a good measure of time creating modules and addons for phpVMS. You guys are doing a fantastic job, Keep up the great work, And thanks for doing all of it.
- 11 replies
Could someone help me get my date picker working? Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Hi Nabeel. I am REALLY out of date. I am still on Version 2.0.874 Has there been a new stable since then I need to update to then upgrade from there? Or am I good to go as far as upgrading my current install to latest beta? As we all know I have ran into some major medical issues the last month or two and I have not been on a bunch or able to do any web work. I am so far behind if I start reading posts now, I might be caught back up to speed by tomorrow afternoon.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
My New Gaming Rig (Completed)
by Guest N402KC- 0 replies
Hola, Im so excited i just wanted to share with everyone, hehe. Its 2:33 AM And I have Completed my New Desktop. Ive been running on a Laptop (XPS M1530), and now i have my new desktop. Specs below; (PS, I was on a budget, So no i did not get top of the line); Case: Coolmaster HAF932 Motherboard: Gigabite P55A-UD3 CPU: Intel Core i7 860 Ram: 4 GB Patriot Ram 1800MHz Video Card: Nvidia GTX260 Superclocked Hard Drive(s); [1] 32GB Solid State Drive; [2] Western Digital "Black" 500 GB 7200 RPM; [3] Western Digital 1TB Drive 850 Watt Power Suply (8 pin) Heatsink: Corsair Liquid Cooling Self Containing Heatsink CD Drive: Some $50 one I got Operating System: Windows 7…
phpVMS Fully Custom ACARS *Beta Release* 1 2
by Guest N402KC- 34 replies
LAST EDITED: 2/28/2010 @ 3:50 AM CST. Message: ACARS Is doing good, Hoping for a evening Sunday Release. We shall see
ATTN: Professional Aircraft Painters!
by Guest N402KC- 0 replies
Hi Guys, I'm looking for a good Aircraft Painter, Who is flexible, easy to work with, understands the concept of painting, and reliable. I have a couple planes I need painted. Any Painters who are good at what they do, Please PM Me with an estimate on how long it takes to paint a plane, and the price you charge. I am looking at 2-5 planes. Thanks!
- 4 replies
HEy guys, i'm was wondering what was phpvms 1.0 like. IF you still have the file for 1.0, i want to see it. Please
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 2 replies
If there is anything missing let me know. I think I got it all View Setup
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 12 replies
Can you guys make a quick PHP script with this in it, and paste the output here. <?php echo(date_default_timezone_get()); I wonder how many hosts have properly set it up. It seems like I'm running into issues where the time is not being in the right timezone with some data I'm getting back to vaCentral. So I'll have to manually fix this... but I'm wondering if any hosts have this set properly in the first place. I'll manually do it...and I guess GMT is the aviation standard?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
I just wanted to swing by and say hello to all and see how things were going? I am about 4 or 5 beta versions behind now as time slips by me. I have been finding myself in the hospital and doctors offices now when not at work. Makes it kind of hard to work on a website or even fly for that matter. I do find an hour a week to brew up a new batch of home brew beer though. I hope to get back into the swing of things soon and I hope everyone here is doing well. Have a great day/night Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 8 replies
I am getting really frustrated with FSACARS. I am thinking of getting FSFK. Anyone use FSFK with phpVMS with success? Would you recommend FSFK?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
Thank you Kieran for getting me the code to align my awards. I really appreciate the time you have taken to help me. Now our profile doesn't look so cluttered.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 2 replies
Nabeel, Is it possible to integrate this in to phpvms? What a d***!!! forget that lol i got all excited then realized its what we have now lol.....
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Is there a legal age limit to join a va ? I don't wanna get hit with any legal mumbo jumbo
Last reply by Conor, -
- 5 replies
I'm about to start some full on development (perhaps even for phpVMS) with another PHP Framework. Does anybody have a favourite? I don't have much experience with PHP frameworks, the only framework I've ever used is Rails for Ruby. Thanks guys.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
I've looked here before and I always thought of phpVMS as a CMS, but I am beginning to realize that I needed something that has the ability to scale with the airline as it expands. I also hope to help out around her a bit more, since I am paid to work with MVC on PHP on a daily basis Simulated Continental is moving to phpVMS soon so this should be fun.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 19 replies
I have just (15 minutes ago) received an email from under the display name It seems totally random to me, see quote: Any ideas what this is about? :s
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Anyone have any experience with it? Thinking of moving from SMF over to that. SMF project seems to be dying. Anyone have an extra license or want to donate towards the cost of a license?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Anyone still fly the PSS 757? Personally I merged it with the New QW757 its awesome! One problem. I am missing a lot of SIDs/STARs with the most current AIRAC 1002 anyone have the same issue?
Last reply by piper338, -
- 0 replies
I stumbled accross this automatic backup script for cPanel users who have access to Cron Jobs. I use it to back up my phpVMS site. Hope somebody finds it useful! Add the file 'fullbackup.php' in your home directory (/home/(username)/). Configure your cPanel login and theme details, and then your ftp details and email notification details (it can be a remote ftp server!): <?php // PHP script to allow periodic cPanel backups automatically, optionally to a remote FTP server. // This script contains passwords. KEEP ACCESS TO THIS FILE SECURE! (place it in your home dir, not /www/) // ********* THE FOLLOWING ITEMS NEED TO BE CONFIGURED ********* // Info required fo…
Last reply by Kieran, -
Whats Karma?
by Kyle- 2 replies
??? Whats karma?
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 6 replies
didn't know if anyone ever tried this. I threw and image in a few of my mail charters...have a look.
Last reply by vancouverA380, -
Hey guys... recently I have been asked to make about 4 non FS related websites... Rather than start from scratch I plan on just using a CMS and skinning it. What is your favorite CMS? Pros/Cons Personally I like WordPress, but I am interested in trying new stuff. Anyone use eZ Publish?
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 0 replies
This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl][/iurl]
Last reply by joeri, -
- 6 replies
Hello guys we are proud to launch our new website with the phpvms log system, working perfect!!! Kind regards Bart-Ceo.
Last reply by mark1million,