Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
My New Gaming Rig (Completed)
by Guest N402KC- 0 replies
Hola, Im so excited i just wanted to share with everyone, hehe. Its 2:33 AM And I have Completed my New Desktop. Ive been running on a Laptop (XPS M1530), and now i have my new desktop. Specs below; (PS, I was on a budget, So no i did not get top of the line); Case: Coolmaster HAF932 Motherboard: Gigabite P55A-UD3 CPU: Intel Core i7 860 Ram: 4 GB Patriot Ram 1800MHz Video Card: Nvidia GTX260 Superclocked Hard Drive(s); [1] 32GB Solid State Drive; [2] Western Digital "Black" 500 GB 7200 RPM; [3] Western Digital 1TB Drive 850 Watt Power Suply (8 pin) Heatsink: Corsair Liquid Cooling Self Containing Heatsink CD Drive: Some $50 one I got Operating System: Windows 7…
- 4 replies
HEy guys, i'm was wondering what was phpvms 1.0 like. IF you still have the file for 1.0, i want to see it. Please
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 2 replies
hi all I had another account before this, but now I can no longer do I log-in has been eliminated. Why? watch the last post of this topic: this was my Profile:
Last reply by mattia, -
- 1 reply
I truly think that we should all do a flight on Christmas or around that date... Just the Ceo's... That would be fun and a nice get to know everybody.. You get on Skype or something Just an idea.
Last reply by twelka3, -
- 2 replies
Hey, I was wondering if I change the FsPax cfg or the FACARS cfg can i send the pirep information to multiple databases at once ? Or is is possible to have one database on a server that can be accessed by websites on other servers ? I ask because i have two websites, on two different servers and would like to show information about pireps flown from my airline on my other website. since i am a css and php virgin I thought that i would ask here first. thanks
Last reply by kbohme, -
- 2 replies
My father just got an activation call pending 24-48 hours to the staging area for immediate deployment to port au prince in Haiti for reliaf work. My father is an EMPA here at ft. hood and will most likely end up managing a US hospital camp.. So urgent. I just hope he isnt there to long
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Seeing that it is nearing Christmas and is December, here is a Christmas song for you guys.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Hope you all have a great one, and an awesome new year! Thanks for making this a great year for phpVMS.
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I want to move the location of where the cockpit is shown on fsx as its sitting next to the wings and not at the front. How can I config the cockpit to be at the front. Its fine on out side view but is incorrectly positioned on internal thanks
Last reply by avdesigns, -
Question About HTML Tables
by Guest N402KC- 2 replies
Hi, Quite funny that I do not know the answer to this, But I've seen a few sites that have roster's with 1 row being 1 color and another being another. While the roster is all automated, How i can i create it so it knows to make like the next row a certain color and the one after that another. For an example, Check below;
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone, I want to set up Google Translator in my site ( but I have this problem: I placed the translation bar in the home page, when I choose the laguage to translate the page, it works precfetly but when I click in a link the new page appears in spanish (Default language). How can I set Google Translator to translate the whole site?. Thank you.
Last reply by Imanol, -
This is an SOS to any station…help I am lost in virtual space. If there is a kind gentle soul and or souls out there willing to help me find my way I would be eternally grateful. Here is the long and short of it. I as most of you know have been doing the scheduling routing and flying to create a data base for Pontchartrain Airlines. I am pretty proud of what I have done. Here is where the problem comes in. My head nearly explodes when I try in figure out how to put the data into a working airline web site. The bottom line is I know nothing about designing a website and or painting the aircraft skins. The PHP product to me looks like it would create a dynamite site. Henc…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Posibbly my favourite time of the year as it is any irish persons. A day of drinking partying and a day of great craic what more could you want Anyway a hearty happy st patricks day from Ireland
Last reply by Kieran, -
- 1 reply
So after some help from the good people on here and google and a few other forums here is a repaint I am quite proud of. with weathering effects and logos. Check it out tell me what you think. Angel Air VA repaint Scott
Last reply by joeri, -
Anyone have any experience with it? Thinking of moving from SMF over to that. SMF project seems to be dying. Anyone have an extra license or want to donate towards the cost of a license?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Hello, i'm wondering about one thing .. example: PILOT001 and PILOT002, they are in the same airline, both are using FSAcars reporting system .. the PILOT.ini file is the same except "PilotNumber=PILOT001" so, if PILOT001 will change his .ini file to "PilotNumber=PILOT002", he will send his report to PILOT002 account .. am i right? I find line "passwd=" and "Password=0" Please give me sollution, how and where to configured their own unique password. Step by step if possible Many thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
by emersonbraga- 1 reply
Where do I find the files in PHP to put on the site of my VA vaCentral?
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
For conversions... I suck at these... // Convert units from gallons to lbs if(self::$unit == 'lbs') { $result->jeta = $result->jeta / 6.4; // 6.4 pounds per gallon $result->lowlead = $result->lowlead / 6.4; } elseif(self::$unit == 'kg' || self::$unit == 'kgs') { $result->jeta = ($result->jeta / 6.4) * .45359; $result->lowlead = ($result->lowlead / 6.4) * .45359; } Basically I start with the fuel price, per gallon. Then to convert to price per lb, divide by 6.4. To KG, I convert to lbs, then multiply by .45 to get to kg. This correct, seems rig…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Just wanted to drop by and give a quick hello to everyone. I have not been on in ages and even shut my sites down. I have major helth issues now on top of getting married and graduating college in a couple weeks. Hopefully I can get a VA site going again and join back in here at the community again. Take care everyone and remember, Keep the blue side up!
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 1 reply
ok.... there are miltiple airlines all using phpvms. is it possible to pull information from all the airlines databases onto a single website. there would be no entries made to databases, simply a list of information. I was just wondering, before I pull my hair out trying to figure it out if it is even possible ?
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I just bought Maldives from Aerosoft and was wondering if anyone has a list of all flyable airports in this scenery mainly the codes to enter them in the phpvms database for my airline. I googled around already, but only found 5 airport icaos from Maldives, but can't find the codes for the airports with the water runways etc. Hope someone can help me out. Thanks! Edwin
Last reply by Edwin, -
- 2 replies
SpringsAir Airlines is hiring for a web design coder. Musts: have experience have proof of work applied at As far as the operational aspect We are currently rebuilding our website system to include some new things. like: Automatic teamspeak registration New Website skin Dafsim and much much more. Grand Reopeaning is TBA. Current Stage: Building Stage
Last reply by Coolkid122, -
- 1 reply
Dear PHPvms users, I have to say, wow to this Virtual Airline system. Just these past days, my staff and I have been doing a bit of research, and has passed many other American Airlines Virtuals in the Virtual World! I have to say, this would not have been possible, without the help of Nabeel, SimPilot, Jeff and many, many more. Kudos to everyone! Regards Ada
Last reply by MAT, -
- 2 replies
Pretty cool:
- 0 replies
I can safely say I speak for alot of people in saying.. Please refrain from posting Help topics that can easily be answered by a short trip to the Docs section of the website. If you are planning on developing on the current system and have code questions or anything relating to editing or creating Modules, please visit the API documentation before asking nabeel a question(Trust me guys...he is busy enough). Links to what I have just mentioned: API- Docs- If you have any questions that cannot be answered by visiting these pages.... Simply state your question in the Support forums for further a…
Last reply by Leiserson, -
- 0 replies
Hello! I would change the "skin" of the search and booking schedule ... When I change this he say error
Last reply by Gianluca, -
- 0 replies
I can pay, send me a link to your portfolio, and some pricing based on per-page basis. I have a concept, just need help with some definition... just stuff in photoshop. PM me, if you are interested, or know of anyone...
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, Over at UKMil (a freeware UK Military addon site) we have our own military based VA. We have been looking for a PRIEP system for a while and i found a link to here on Flight Sim World. I have set it up on our own server, and added myself and played around with the RAnks Hubs and A/C etc. Im just wondering if there is a way to manually change my rank from (what we have it as) Officer Cadet to Air Commodore.. i have set it up that 1000 hours is requried to be an AC. Now I am the "CEO" as you civvies call it, and i want my rank to appear as an AC immediatly.. so how would i change it without having to fly 1000hours within the next few weeks? Thanks.. We a…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Hello i was wondering if someone can help me with a skin. I was also wondering if they can put it on there for me
Last reply by jauger, -
- 2 replies
Google PHPvms review
Last reply by Nabeel,