Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
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Hello. I'm hoping to have a couple new skins released this weekend.
Last reply by RogerB, -
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Hello, I change the color of the water and landscap on my live map, how can I add this code or should I add? [ { "featureType": "landscape.natural", "stylers": [ { "color": "#ffffff" } ] },{ "featureType": "water", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" } ] } ] it is a json code recovered here Thank you very much
Last reply by massilia68, -
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well its my first Post for Asking help i have a problem i uploaded the Template on my Testside so here is a link well the Problem are that i have needed many cheat to bring this to work, at last it works now but the sliders and change from mainside to pilotcenter should work with a popup but it not want work i dont know what i must change any advise would be kind. Iam a noob on PHPVMS and PHP so pls dont be to much technical, well at first i will send you my code: SOLVED THANKS
Last reply by SiedlerP, -
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Hello, Website designer needed contact me on skype please daniel_cormack thanks
Last reply by VirtualBMI, -
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When a schedule with a very long route is entered to the point it overflows the table. How can I scroll the overflow here?
Last reply by Jimmy_S, -
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Hello! My name is Thomas and I own soar virtual airlines.( ) As we continue to grow I would like to get a custom skin for the VA. I was wondering if any of you would be willing to develop us a skin for free or a low price? If you are, either PM me or email me at Thanks!
Last reply by thawksworth, -
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I am currently working in this skin at http://jacobslisting...x.php/Frontpage and I am trying to align the Recent Reports etc... to the right side like the Crystal default skin. Any ideas?
Last reply by in2tech, -
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hey guys is there anyway, when creating a flight that the next flight number in order appears in the box without looking it up ? Thanks guys Wazza
Last reply by Boogace, -
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Hi all, I really need your help. I am setting up a virtual airline and need a custom skin. I have tried making it myself but I am getting really confused. I have a budget of near £0 so instead of asking someone to design one for free. (unless someone is willing) I am wondering if anyone will help me create my own skin. I don't want anything fancy just something simple yet personalised.
Last reply by bambam35614, -
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Hello; I have a problem with my other pages of my skin, at the level of the images of the logo and my footer. I join you the code of the layout to know if there is pad of them ure no code and 2 capture of the website. Thanks Images 2.tiff Image 1.tiff <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title><?php echo $page_title; ?></title> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/Rexair-virtual/css/grid.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" /> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/Rexair-virtual/css/camera.css" rel="stylesheet" me…
Last reply by Florian8262, -
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Hi , I have a problem I changed the template of my site because the former was beginning to date and I perceive a white background with black letters running around visible on my site in question: How's being done and how to fix the problems! Regards Roman
Last reply by airbus2005, -
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Hey guys, I have a problem with the Skyline Skin for my VA, the problem is, I have two items (To explain easily) 1st Item: The banner for my VA. 2nd item: An announcement. I want my banner on the top, and the 2nd item below "Welcome To Fura" I put my banner on the top as I want, good.. but when I put the 2nd item (Below the Welcome) it replaces my banner with the 2nd item, why? (The Items Are Images)
Last reply by BPOI, -
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How Can I Fill in and create page for Seperated Link, About Tab in the Lance Skin?" Thanks
Last reply by mltpilot, -
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Hello, im having some issues with the ICE skin by Ian Robb. The slider images on the home page work fine, but when you click onto another page they vanish and it goes to a blue background. Does anyone know what is causing this, if anyone knows the ICE skin please get in touch.
Last reply by jrobertson1, -
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Hello guys, I´m totally new into phpvms, an found this Ocean Blue skin, but now i just have some issues about it. On my frontpage, index.php, the live flight tracker will not show the map, so im looking for some help to figure this out.. Also in the header, where the slider is, i want to remove the avatar my profile, anyone please help me out.. Best regards Michael [Please delete, moved to paid services]
Last reply by DanishFlipper, -
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Hi, I am looking for someone to skin my VA website for me. I don't have ANY money so I can't pay you but what I can do is I can display your name on our VA website one we are up and running. Please send me an email at Thank you so much in advance.
Last reply by omarmerhabi, -
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I recently made a module that distributes MySQL storage with two machines in a datacenter, thus the pilot can choose a server to connect, all integrated it with vms I did also an integrated page with the machines and phpvms that monitors the server status and it kind of connection, connected status, off, slow connection, server maintenance I need the opinion of you that I can change ? Previous version:
Last reply by pedrobrandine, -
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Hello, I have created a template for phpvms, now I have the well known Jquiry problem. can someone take a look and fix it for me? offcourse I will pay for it. The site is: Kindly regards, Rick Winkelman
Last reply by ncd200, -
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Good evening , I would like to have more informations about skinning. How can i create my Skin with DreamWeaver because i'm a very big noob in php html css and others. When i try to follow this tutorial : nothing apears. I'm trying to search a webmaster to help me and no body can help me without a salary... What are the tools required to create one skin and what's format using ? php ? html ? tpl ?? Other ? Please help me !!
Last reply by Ismaelpec, -
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Hi everyone... The " acars_map_bubble " is editable? and where can I find the css to edit it?... Thanks
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
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hello, I am looking for someone who may be able to help me skin my virtual airline as I know nothing but some very basic work with php. I already have my domain and phpvms5.5 set up any help would be grateful.
Last reply by pilotking9, -
Anyone have any good Hawaiian Virtual Airlines skins or templates to use or recommend?
Last reply by BlakePope, -
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Hello! I am the CEO of Qatar Airways Virtual and I was wondering if anyone is interested in making my VA a custom skin for phpVMS. The platform we are using is Infinite Flight and instead of using ACARS applications, we would use LiveFlight. If you are interested message me, and I would gladly look over your proposal and idea for design! Budget: $30-50
Last reply by brent11292, -
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Hi guys - the default installation of iCrew LITE sometimes does not automatically go to the login page if you visit the site while not logged in, or when your login session expires. I'm posting the fix below. Hope this helps some of you: In index.php in the root of phpvms: define('CODON_DEFAULT_MODULE', 'Frontpage'); change to: define('CODON_DEFAULT_MODULE', 'Profile'); And in modules/Profile/Profile.php: public function index() { if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { $this->set('message', 'You must be logged in to access this feature!'); $this->render('core_error.php'); return; change to: public function index()…
Last reply by aktorsyl, -
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One issue I picked up with iCrew LITE, when you edit your own profile - you get an error saying the email address is not filled in (while it is), and your custom data fields also don't insert into the database. Both fixes are listed below: In profile_edit.php: Change: <input type="text" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $userinfo->email;?>"> to: <input type="text" name="email" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $userinfo->email;?>"> and, further down in the same file, Change: echo '<input type="text" class=" name="'.$field->fieldname.'" value="'.$field->value.'" />'; …
Last reply by aktorsyl, -
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Evening All, I am proud to announce within the next few weeks the release of the Blizzard system from Start System 's will be released, the first airline to get the new CMS is vWest Atlantic. there CEO has been helping us through the transition to get the new system up and running in a matter of weeks. the final touches are being done
Last reply by Michael2015, -
Last reply by Jonah0037, -
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In the old version of the site I had muiltiple airline icons showing on the live map. I've since updated to V2 and now its using different maps. Is there anyone who can help recode to have the multiple inair icons working again. Reference to this code how would it be implemented for Openstreet maps ? var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); flightMarkers[flightMarkers.length] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pos, map: map, icon: url+"/lib/images/inair/"+data[i].code+"/"+data[i].heading+".png", flightdetails: data[i], infowindow_content: detailed_bubble }); I've tried just replacing the following code but hasnt worked. iconUrl: url+"/lib/images…
Last reply by miniarma, -
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G’day all! Let me start by saying I just picked up phpVMS a day ago because my web developer left the team so I had to start from scratch. I managed to get phpVMS installed on my subdomain ( and subsequently installed Mark Swan’s CrewCenter (which is absolutely beautiful I might add). The issue now is that I’m trying to play around and set up a colour scheme that my VA will use but I’m unable to do so. I would appreciate if someone could point out where I could edit the values so the menu bar, background etc. colors can be customized. Another question is how I can customise the layout of the CrewCenter. I figured editing the layou…
Last reply by SilverJet, -
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Hi, am looking for someone who can do skinning and customized an VA Award page with this module . thanks
Last reply by blue3294,