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ticket #58
Last reply by joeri, -
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This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl][/iurl]
Last reply by joeri, -
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This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl][/iurl]
Last reply by joeri, -
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This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl][/iurl]
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl][/iurl]
Last reply by joeri, -
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This topic has been moved to General Discussion/Off-topic. [iurl][/iurl]
Last reply by joeri, -
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Why are my airline hours not showing in VA central?
Last reply by bazzaviator, -
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This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl][/iurl]
Last reply by joeri, -
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Ok Well Heres The Thing, I try to send the Schedules to VAcentral Get this error: Try to send Pireps to vacentral, get this error; ^^ Would be nice to fix the above as there now 64th... Also, Just a little erm, Sort of annoyance, I cant see the VACentral links in the admin panel, I have to type in the link manually - I dont mind but some people may I ran the unit test, I got these errors, If there important then i will raise these ones in a separate support ticket,
Last reply by Thomas, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, In the process of setting up our web site to automatically send a pirep, when a pilot submits his flight on our web site. For the most part, it seems to be working as I do receive a 200SuccessUpdated 1 of 1 message however, I am also getting the following: An Error Was Encountered Error Triggered: [2] fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given Line 80 in file /var/www/phpvms/api/core/functions.php An Error Was Encountered Error Triggered: [2] mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource Line 237 in file /var/www/phpvms/api/models/update_model.php An Error Was Encountered Error Triggered: [2] mysql_num_row…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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Hello, I'm VERY new to all this...working on getting my VA going, work in progress.... I have 2 questions so far in regards to using FS Flight Keeper and phpVMS. 1) When I'm flying it shows me on the Live Map but the distance is way off. For example I was flying KFLL-MYNN and it shows me 4800miles from my destination, when the actual distance is more like 160nm. How would I go about correcting this? 2) When I complete flight and submit my Pirep it shows all the flight information except the Aircraft Type. I can edit the pirep and select my aircraft and then all is fine, but I was wondering how to make it show the aircraft without having to edit this part. When I s…
Last reply by gigemaggs99, -
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ok I set up the manual ranks but my pilots are saying that they only have and hour until their next promotion. How can I change that? My ranks are military based so I have no need for hours, and I set up the ranks to where they are 0 for 2nd LT and 9 for General. Also for newhire, How can I make it automatic that they get 2nd LT? Thank you for your help
Last reply by Michael Anderson, -
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Done ok thanks
Last reply by Passion, -
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hello to all my site I need to divide the civil division for the rank and the military I could say if there is a way to do this?
Last reply by Gaetano5004, -
Last reply by Strider, -
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hi guys i finaly got in to my VA Central account and went to register my VA and it says my Airline Already Exists how is that possable when ive checked the airline list and i didnt see it anywere my va is Eurojet Virtual code EJT can any1 help me with this EDIT: okie it is there >. but things have changed on it like the website address how can i access it can the admin change it over to this account Regards, Michael Eurojet Virtual
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
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Recently we had a recruiting drive that netted us 22 new members, of them 8, never got out of the gate [Never made a flight] so after 72 hours if they fail to report for duty, we drop them from the roster. Now I can understand taking a hit at VA Central for deleting inactive members who have contributed to the program and just moved on. But we lost two slots for deleting pilots who never contributed a single flight? I thought I understood the formula but this has me puzzled. If we want to maintain our ranking, does this mean you never delete pilots whether they have contributed or not?
Last reply by Bluemax, -
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Is there a way to add an airport to your data base? PAED Elmendorf Air Force Base Anchorage, Alaska, USA FAA Identifier: EDF Lat/Long: 61-15-04.8500N / 149-48-23.4500W 61-15.080833N / 149-48.390833W 61.2513472 / -149.8065139 (estimated) Elevation: 212 ft. / 64.6 m (surveyed) Variation: 21E (2005) From city: 3 miles NE of ANCHORAGE, AK Time zone: UTC -8 (UTC -9 during Standard Time) Zip code: 99506 Thanks
Last reply by EIA703, -
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Hi. Maybe I posted the following lines in a wrong forum, some years ago, so I'm gonna paste them below, hoping to get some cues. Regards and thanks ------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm looking for a software which could help a VSOG (Virtual Special Operations Group) to manage fleet, and pilots in a similar way FSAirlines does, allowing to have and track individual aircrafts with particular register numbers, located in a particular place each time, as well as maintainance, risk of having any kind of failure due to bad maintainance or due to, for example going beyond the aircraft limitations. A way to enhance and provide realism to a virtual Airforce Base,…
Last reply by Gavilan, -
Virtual Airline: MVS Due to an error in sending information from the VA, we have awarded the prize for 5000 hours, when really we have only 1845 hours. Could you correct this? We do not want awards, we have not yet achieved. Sorry for my poor english
Last reply by clsard, -
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I've seen this and other similar responses, but that made me and my airline (Atlas Virtual Airlines) extremely confused about how the whole Point system works. I've read that it's basically based on numbers of PIREPs filed and active pilots, with actively flown scheduled routes, live fuel price usage etc. somehow being factored in. The big question is... what does that mean? How do you get those numbers, and what do we do to raise or otherwise control our ranking? My airline's been using vaCentral for roughly two years, but we've only seriously looked at the system for so long... With a possible reorganization and expansion coming up on our agenda, I'd like to get th…
Last reply by renegade343, -
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It does not work with the server FSInn. Before it worked. Any solution?
Last reply by polirom, -
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I made an account on VA central and added my airline to it (Dominican Airways) and I changed my e-mail on the account to something else, But now when I log into the account the VA's that I have are not on there or anything and I can't manage my account so can someone help me please?
Last reply by Dominican Airways, -
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Hi, we are making a new VA and we have allready made a webpage and paid for it. and we used Do any one of you know if phpVMS is working on Webs pages? Joachim Buerskog Virtual Widerøe
Last reply by buerskog97, -
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it seems to me va Central is not updating my Airline stats and score etc?
Last reply by Ashj24uk, -
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Hello, I recently made a local_config.php file to put the code that VAcentral gave me. Now on my airline on VaCentral, It has the correct number of Pilots and Pireps, but now hours. Any ideas?
Last reply by EZY0001, -
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Hello and thank you all for such a wonderful and intuitive system. (Sorry for the runnon post, but I can't seem to use a carraige return.) I haven't maintained a website since the days of Allaire Homesite and WsFTP. I've never used style sheets or server-based systems. I have no problems running any of the Flight Simulator or Virtual Airline functions. Everything works GREAT! I'm used to seeing pages I that I can't edit and alter, then upload and that's all there is too it. How do I get my front page to say something other than, ... "Welcome to phpVMS! Posted by phpVMS Installer on 04/28/2013 Thanks for installing and using phpVMS! Check out the docs for help …
Last reply by RandyCain, -
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I have searched and can't find the answer to this question. When you start a flight you have say 10,000lbs on board, you then land and have 2,000 on board. Now there is obviously some fuel used for Taxi as the 10,000lbs is on takeoff and the 2,000lbs is on landing. Which makes sense, but the 2,000lbs I take it is not counted as an expense to the Airline only fuel used with some calculations for Taxi? Is this correct?
Last reply by Charlieg, -
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Hi all, Firstly i would like to apologise if this is in the wrong section! I have a query, my VA has over 300 aircraft and i'm going through a phase of updating certain information within the fleet etc, doing this through the php admin center is painstakingly long, so i was wondering whether it would be possible to add aircraft in a similar way of adding schedule i.e in a .CSV format? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If someone can remove this post please, just realised i have indeed posted it in the wrong section!
Last reply by JakeWright, -
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I read this in Va central tips & tricks: Enter proper flight times in your schedules How work this? we must set the departure & arrive time in admin panel (edit schedule), or is enough with flight time? If a pilot takes more time than specified or less remove points in va central? How win points? Regards!
Last reply by ARV187,