Code Snippets
Pieces of code you can use around your site
314 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
I want to display the pilots Hub in the pilot center but I can't figure it out. I don't even have a clue as to what code to be using. If anyone has done this would you mind to post the code? Thanks in advance. Keith
Last reply by JustinRomaine, -
- 9 replies
Hi is there a quick way of displaying the current flight bids on another page just like they are in the admin section?
Last reply by Aaryan, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, Im trying to have some kind of a document center in my pilot center, So I created a category in the downloads called Documents, Now I want to display only that Category in the Profile_main.tpl I used <?php MainController::Run('Downloads', 'index'); ?> and it displays all the downloads. How would I accomplish this could I use an IF statement? Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by piper338, -
- 4 replies
Hello users I will make a Last Flight and Date in pilot center and pilot public center! This code works in "Pilot Center" <li><strong>Last Flight: </strong><?php echo $report->code . $report->flightnum; ?>(<?php echo $report->submitdate; ?>)</li> And I will Last Flight and Date works in Pilot Public Profile How can I create this? please help. Best regards.
- 14 replies
Good day, I'm trying to display current bids, in table format, in the main body of the front page without much luck. The problem is that no data is displayed even though there are bids, there are also no error messages displayed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Mark
Last reply by Harryh, -
- 13 replies
This may have been covered before but is there a way to Put the ADD BID link on the Pilot Brief page. This would help my pilots so that instead of hitting the back button on their browser they could just add the bid to their schedules from the Pilot brief page. When you use the back tab it bring up all the current schedules. Any ideas? I tried to put the add bid code in from the schedule_results.tpl on to the schedule_briefing.tpl page and all I got was the word ADD BID but it had no action to it. Thanks for any help in this,
Last reply by AUZ, -
- 16 replies
Hey Guys, Well this is a record, I aint asked for help for a bit of time! Ok, So is there a way to do something like this... (UK FLAG) Total Pilots: 100 (US FLAG) Total Pilots: 100 (DE FLAG) Total Pilots: 100 etc... Thomas.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 12 replies
Hey, If you would like an awards table if your site, use this code. The table is totally plain, but fully customisable using your standard table css/html. profile_mail.tpl <p> <strong>My Awards</strong><br /> <?php if(!$allawards) { echo 'No awards yet'; } else { /* To show the image: <img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /> */ ?> <ul> <table width="790" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5"> <?php foreach($allawards as $award){ ?> <tr> <td width="25%"><center><img src="<?php echo $…
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 0 replies
This topic has been moved to Releases. [iurl][/iurl]
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Getting airport country names
by Guest chikolol- 3 replies
sorry to post this again, i know i have posted this before but no one answers me, how can i call for the country name of the airport to show in schedules details along with the airport name, i know something like $schedules->name pulls our the airport name but how about $schedules->country would that work?
- 28 replies
$last_location = PIREPData::getLastReports([PILOT_ID], 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); echo "This pilot's last location is: {$last_location->arricao}"; Of course, replacing the [PILOT ID] with the variable holding the pilot's ID
Last reply by Marmus, -
- 11 replies
1_Edit the "frontpage_main.tpl" in /core/templates or /lib/Skins/. 2_ Place this code: <h3>Users Online<br /> <?php $usersonline = StatsData::UsersOnline(); $guestsonline = StatsData::GuestsOnline(); ?> </h3> <h4 class="style6">Pilots Online </h4> <?php foreach($usersonline as $pilot) { echo "<p>"; echo '<img src="'.Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location).'" alt="'.Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location).'" />'; echo " {$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname}<br />"; echo "</p>"; } ?> <br /> Have <?php ech…
Last reply by Thomas, -
- 5 replies
I would like to set something up on Pilots Profile where only people in Groups can see the content, this has failed. I wondered whether anyone knew a code that would work were only Certain groups can see the content.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 20 replies
I know most of you would get this working yourself, but for you who dont here is a sample of the code I use to display custom chart snapshots and links in the pilot briefing page. Also included are the links we use for weather: First of all I gathered all the links for the airports we fly to, based the charts on the lokal vacc at vatsim because many AIP sites require you to log in: I placed snaphost of the ground layout with format ICAO.gif in folder named images/charts . Image size 387*594. It is a bit of work, but I think the result is good. Have only received possitve feedback so far ;D Links placed in the airporttable under 'chartlink' and added a row for link to l…
Last reply by jonesrobin,