Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
It is a great pleasure to announce that TexAir Virtual Airlines has returned to the virtual skies after a long hiatus. We have a great, fully-functional, new website (at our old location I might add) with lots of features and awards for pilots to pursue. We return with the same all-Boeing mainline fleet and that one-of-a-kind massive flight schedule similar to that of a legacy carrier, but with lots of routes no one flies thrown in. We've upgraded our terminals at all of our old hubs in Austin, Denver, Las Vegas, Portland, Minneapolis, Washington, and Tampa - once again making it obvious why everything is bigger about Texas. What has changed is our atti…
Last reply by TXA100, -
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Heritage Virtual Airlines is looking for dedicated Staff Members for our New Systems. We have re-vamped our Entire Web Sites, and in doing so, have become extremely Busy . We are Currently looking for Hub Managers, Training Officers, CEO Secretary, and One Sr. Chief Airline Captain. Of course Our doors are always open to all, so come on down, and check us out. You might be surprised. And yes we have been around for 12 years. Go figure. lol. Here are some links for ease of access peeps: Main Site PHPVMS Site We offer currently 27 active web sites, sorry can't post all those links here. And we have figured out a…
Last reply by Heritage1, -
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Ladies and Gentlemen, As you all well know by now, things here at FlyUAA are constantly in motion, and to that end, and after many requests, I am proud to announce that we have a new way to fly here at FlyUAA along with a new rank structure this change will take effect on April 2, 2016. Below I will outline the changes, but rest assured that one thing will never change, and that is the concept of you fly what you want, where you want, when ever you want. We ae looking for motivated pilots and staff to man new staff positions. So now for a list of changes: 1. Gone are the CAT restrictions. 2. You will make more virtual dollars to spend in the Pilot Shop. 3. We now ha…
Last reply by FlyUAA, -
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Hi All, I'd like to invite you all to join a Brand New Virtual Airline 'JetGo' The JetGo Vision JetGo has a dream like all Virtual Airlines - 'To Become the best'. How will we deliver the best experience to our pilots though Firstly, we are committed to serving you flights in at least 10 countries per continent. We already Fly to Europe, North America, Caribbean islands, Africa (South) and of course the United Kingdom! There are many more countries that we would like to offer you infact, from now until June, 30 new routes will be made PER WEEK! Currently, JetGo has 3 hubs; EGKK (London Gatwick), EGSS (London Stansted) and TVSV (E.T Joshua Airport). We Have plans…
Last reply by abeallen16, -
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Patriot Airlines is now recruiting! Follow these links: Thanks in advance for our new pilots!
Last reply by Kapitan, -
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I am proud to announce that I have now launched Glaros! We are open on giving our pilots the freedom of flying wherever they want, we allow pilots to request Hubs/Locations, Aircraft & Schedules & we also let our pilots fly any aircraft in our fleet on any route at anytime. At the moment we do not have liveries or a Teamspeak server but we will be implementing those features before the end of the March 2016. Check us out at: I look forward to seeing you in flight, Obinna Onyemaobi - CEO
Last reply by InsitusGroupVice, -
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If anyone would like to, I need some plane skins done for my airline.
Last reply by BaconTuxedo, -
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Hello, I am pleased to announce the launch of ATS, Star Atlas VA. We have opened our doors to pilot applications and staff applications and are continuing work on our website. Some more information on the airline: Crew Bases EGKK TBPB YSSY KMIA We allow our pilots to fly ANY ROUTE in our schedules, ANY AIRCRAFT in our fleet, at ANYTIME! Always Check Fuel!!! Do you like smartCARS? That's our tracker we use it to track our flight you think that's all? No!! You can restore your flight progress from the cloud after a simulator or computer crash, also It has an Integrated streaming radio by JetStream Radio with live DJ’s. Supports Flight Simulator X Deluxe and S…
Last reply by StarAtlas, -
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Hi, recently i got the idea to start up the swedish airline Virtual Malmö Aviation and i started with it yesterday. Malmö Aviation have 12 aircrafts in there fleet, 2 RJ85 and 10 RJ100. They ordered some Bombardier CS plane and the first one will arrive next year. They are flying domestic in Sweden and also a few charter routes. I can't really complete this project alone and i need at least one person that is glad to help and know a lot about PHP and starting upp VA:s. I do already have a PHPVMS website for the airline but i still have to fix the acars and more stuff like that. Please answer this topic if you are interested in this and glad to help me starting it u…
Last reply by Adde01, -
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Hello! I'm going to start Novair virtual which is a swedish charter airline. You can take a look at and if you want to help me to build this airline it would be awesome! If you have any questions you can just comment! Happy landings, Andreas
Last reply by Adde01, -
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Virtual Delta Aviation Group is an Airline Group looking at simulating real world SkyTeam operations. We use a custom type rating and booking system that makes sure that pilots know how to fly the aircraft. Our ranks aren't based on hours as we think that hours don't show a pilot's skill. We have over 30 different airlines with 5000+ aircraft. With 40000 routes to choose from, you'll never run out! The airline uses a SmartCars system to record flights. We also provide our users with Xacars for Xplane support. All users will start at the CRJ program and work their way up to 747s and A380s. If you love realism, this VA is for you. Have any questions? Contact staff@virtuald…
Last reply by 997R8V10, -
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AirTran Virtual Airways has recently received a major makeover. We've (more of I) have decided to go for something... a little more resembling of a professional career. Let me kick off with the website (main focus of each and every virtual airline) First off was a complete separation of just a website for the airline from the crew center (phpVMS). That is located at, the main URL. Just something nice and simple... Next off is the specialty. I have taken phpVMS and "twisted" it in a way that is wasn't quite designed for (which was website/crew center all in one bundle). It isn't hard, but then it was, since I had to do some major customization…
Last reply by alblua, -
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Accepting Pilot and Staff applications We have several management and staff vacancies available, if you think you have what we are looking for, if you have current or past experience with the phpVMS system, then we want to hear. email the CEO,
Last reply by smurphy, -
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We are accepting new pilots and staff application process @ , rather pro or inexperienced. We have many great features. First, in the pilot center, (must be logged in to access) we have a schedule finder with the real-world schedules from American,British,Jet blue and more. There, you can bid on flights and fly them. To make flying more enjoyable, we have a ACARS program available in the pilot center. All ACARS flights will show up on the live map. Whether you enjoy flying cargo half way around the world in a jumbo freighter, making short hops in Alaska or just flying regularly scheduled domestic flight, we have something for you. With over…
Last reply by fsxpilot123, -
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Hi , I am Ercio Furquim ,CEO Virtual Varig and was looking for alliance in order to do events on IVAO. what I was thinking is something like picking a day 2 airports and we fly on opposite directions . Or if your guys have other ideas I am open to listen .Lets share the sky !!
Last reply by ercio, -
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Accepting Pilot and Staff applications We have several management and staff vacancies available, if you think you have what we are looking for, if you have current or past experience with the phpVMS system, then we want to hear. Please email the CEO, for a list of current vacancies. The Flight hours of vafinancials - IVAO and VATSIM will be credited to your new Pilot Account IF you provide a link to verify your hours of transfer. Virtual American Airlines is proud to bring you a brand new Great looking website, State of the art Training Center that will be ran by Real World Pilots, community forums, Community TeamSpeak3 Server, Briefing / Dispatch…
Last reply by CEOVAA, -
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Hello there everyone, Let me start off by introducing ourselves. We are Chaz Perkin & Jack Wilkinson, and we are delighted to announce the opening of a new Jet2 virtual airline, known as Virtual EXS or vEXS. The idea to open Virtual EXS was brought up by myself back in June, and we have spent the last three months planning and forming the virtual airline. We have two aims for Virtual EXS. One is to become one of the biggest and most successful Jet2 virtual airlines available in the immense flight simulation & virtual airline community. Our second aim is to replicate Jet2's operations as closely as possible. We don't have a opening date as of yet - we aren't rus…
Last reply by Ariel, -
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Welcome to Virtual Aurigny Group (VA), and thank you for your interest! Virtual Aurigny is a new airline that started in 2015 completely from the ground up, to what you see today. Our vision is to have a realistic, professional virtual airline, and a place that is organized; plus, enjoyable and fun to use your flight sim, learn, and FLY! My standing policy, as I write this, is as long as this airline continues to operate, everyone will have a voice; whether it is from the newest trainee, to the executive staff, regarding the direction of VA. We strive to make this a pleasant experience for everyone and have a group that shares a common interest. The flight operation of …
Last reply by Mickey, -
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Hello everyone! Finally, after many many hours of work on both our website, schedules and repaints, we are finally ready to open up Braathens Virtual to the public. Here you will find correct schedules, with correct flight numbers, departure and arrival times, and aircraft types. We have the complete fleet of Braathens painted on PMDG's 737-700, and -600 (Simulates the 737-500). We are aware that there are some minor repaint mistakes on the tail on the 737-700, that will be taken care of. You might also notice that there are as of yet no freeware aircraft available, there will be shortly, so no need to worry. As of right now, we are using kACARS_Free for our flight …
Last reply by Hammerhead, -
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Hi, I am looking for possible staff for a new VA please email: Joel Europe Virtual Co-Owner
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
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Hi, im verry interrested of what you think about the design of our VA?
Last reply by Sander283483, -
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Hi everyone! Closed.
Last reply by Waters10, -
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Hello all, If anyone is interested in a staff position with our recently new VA ( please email me at We have the following positions open (all descriptions can be emailed upon request): Vatsim Manager & Event Coordinator IVAO Manager & Event Coordinator Assistant Manager Financial Manager Pilot Activity Auditor Interview will be conducted on teamspeak. If you are reading this post we are STILL hiring. It will be deleted or edited once all positions are filled. Thanks.
Last reply by yorgosGK, -
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Fly American Virtual is your one-stop-shop for American and One World partner routes. We allow our pilots to fly ANY ROUTE in our schedules, ANY AIRCRAFT in our fleet, at ANYTIME! We don’t require pilots to pass a test, or build hours to fly our aircraft. Fly American Virtual is the only virtual American Airlines that allows pilots to fly all aircraft types from day one. With fAVA, you'll never have a problem not finding the route you want to fly. If a schedule you want to fly is not available, or you want to fly a totally different route, you can create your own charter flight using our ACARS-integrated "create-a-flight" feature. We don't go off rejecting PIREPS …
Last reply by tobyrice01, -
- 1 reply
Legacy Airlines is proud to announce that we will be launching this Friday, 10-17-15! We pride ourselves on giving our pilots the freedom of flying wherever they wish. We also allow pilots to fly aircraft in our fleet on any route! We let pilots request aircraft for us to add to our fleet. We have an active teamspeak server that allows our pilots to interact with other pilots and our amazing staff team! Legacy Airlines will also soon become a partner and ATO with VATSIM! Come on and check us out at: Thank You, Taran Salyers, Legacy Airlines-CEO
Last reply by Taran, -
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Deletion of thread
Last reply by InsitusGroupVice, -
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We are accepting new pilots and staff application process @ , rather pro or inexperienced. We have many great features. First, in the pilot center, (must be logged in to access) we have a schedule finder with the real-world schedules from American,British,Jet blue and more. There, you can bid on flights and fly them. To make flying more enjoyable, we have a ACARS program available in the pilot center. All ACARS flights will show up on the live map. Whether you enjoy flying cargo half way around the world in a jumbo freighter, making short hops in Alaska or just flying regularly scheduled domestic flight, we have something for you. With over…
Last reply by fsxpilot123, -
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Hello! I am the CEO of a Virtual Airline namely VirtualChannex. We are based around the operations of and Jet2 Holidays and we are pleased to announce we are recruiting new pilots! We aim to become well established in the next few weeks amongst the flight simulations community and hope you will be there to do that with us. If your interested please visit For any queries contact Regards, Oliver - CEO
Last reply by MC1028, -
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X-Line Virtual Aviation is a phpvms based VA for X-plane pilots. We have a running website and accepting registrations. We also need help to make the website look better and implement some nice features. Take a look at Programmers who want to help can send an email to
Last reply by XLineVA, -
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Island Virtual is now known as Fly U.S Airways Virtual Fly U.S Airways Virtual is still under construction so please bare with us while we set everything. The following staff positions are still open for applications: KJFK Hub Manager EGKK Hub Manager TNCM Hub Manager KDFW Hub Manager KSEA Hub Manager Requirements for Applicants: Previous VA Staff Experience Preferred. Previous VA Experience Required. At least 16 years of Age. TeamSpeak & a Legal Copy of Xplane,P3D, FS9 or FSX. Be able to operate smartCARS, KACARS etc.. All applicants please send and email to with your details. NOTAM: Website Sti…
Last reply by fsxpilot123,