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623 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hi there, I am looking at creating my own Virtual airline, but have no experience atall when it comes to creating a website and installing VMS etc.. I have Adobe Dreamweaver yet dont know how to use it, and dont have a clue what to do with skins and codes. Sorry to be such a pain! any help with this matter, or even a web designer willing to create me a website (I will pay if required), would be greatly appreciated, I also need a few repaints done, I have taken time to create a ZIP file with all the details needed including my logo and a design templeate, colours and everything else you require to make the reapints. Please get back to me via email southwest.exoti…
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 1 reply
Hi I was wondering if anyone fancied a little painting job for my fleet at all? Here is my fleet: PMDG B738-winglets POSKY B738-Winglets LEVEL D-Winglets POSKY B763-Winglets Aibus A320 If you can help please get in touch! Kind Regards Scott Drury
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 4 replies
I would like to know i want is able to create a new repaint for my virtual airline. This repaint must be like this unfortunately it is for Boeing 737. Firstly i would like to have one repaint for an Airbus 320 Wilco Edition. After that and if i find a good repainter i will request another one for Airbus 343 Wilco. Standing by for your answers.
Last reply by airmermaid, -
- 0 replies
Hey everyone, I decided to begin creating templates for phpVMS. I am offering this for a VERY low price (eg, like $2, but it can be negotiated later) for a custom template. Live preview of the template can be viewed for your benefit during the creation of the template, and can be changed to your likings. **You do not have to pay until the template is fully complete and you are satisfied with it! If you are interested please contact me through, or if you have any questions PhpVMS SimFlightGen - (I am the CEO at SFG - Look for username Jason Email:
Last reply by Jason, -
- 18 replies
Hello all, A few weeks ago the first version of the Integrated Pirep System was released. This PHP-based flight logging system logs your flights flown on IVAO and/or VATSIM, based on a booking system or automatic detection. Your pilots won't need a flight logging client (like FSAcars or FSPAX) anymore! And because phpVMS is so immensely popular I created a special phpVMS version of the IPS. Interested? Checkout! For only €20 you have this system running on your phpVMS website Check for more information about the IPS. Greetings, Jasper Bussemaker
Last reply by 4961301, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, Does anyone do repaints here and are willing to do a couple for me? I am after the default 747's in fs9 /fsx and the PMDG 747 repainted for easyjet Let me know if we can do business, Cheers.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 3 replies
Hey there, We´re currently searching for skilled php and Web-Developers to support uns creating new Mods and Modules using PHPVMS. If your interested, contact us at Thank you CEO
Last reply by Jasper Bussemaker, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I am looking for a aircraft painter to paint 2 type of aircrafts. Please email me at Thanks
Last reply by airmermaid, -
- 6 replies
Hi All, Would like a skin designed for my new VA, Futura, here is what we are looking for - Custom Pilot Centre - Custom Public Pilot Profile - Integration with a few of Sim Pilots Addons Would like to see examples of work done previous and a rough quote for the job please Would like it done before the end of March Kind regards Connor
Last reply by Connor1994, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone! I have started a VPS Teamspeak 3 server which has unlimited slots. I am selling you a teamspeak 3 server with your own connection address and unlimited slots for just £2.50 a month complete with maintance support. If interested or you would like more information please get into contact with me via WLM / MSN - Skype - bfs.davidt Email: Regards, David
Last reply by amcpilot, -
- 1 reply
Hello, We´re currently searching for skilled php and Web-coder to help us finish our web site using PHPVMS. we pretty much having everything in place but we cant figure out how to code in our links and add things to our website. this will be paid services. If your interested, contact us at Thank you Ohio Express Airlines President & CEO Justin Caughenbaugh
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 1 reply
We are a new VA, Our previous and original web guy either got bored or didn't wanna help us anymore. Lookin for a honest hearted person to help us out down in the caribbean. Free is can.
Last reply by Bikekid260, -
- 0 replies
Hello! I do offer FSX repainting services. If anybody is interested contact me via private message with details. If you would like to see some of my work again private message me. Thanks
Last reply by Bikekid260, -
- 0 replies
In order to celebrate the one year anniversary of Patriot Virtual I would like new skin developed. Some of the things I'm looking for are listed below: -- Web 2.0 look and feel -- Custom Pilot Control Panel -- Custom Public Pilot Profile -- Integration with a few of Sim Pilots modules If possible, I'd like this projected completed by the end of February. If there are any designers interested in this project please message me and we can discuss this in detail. Thanks, Keith Thanks, Keith
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hey Dave, First of all a Merry Christmas. I guess I should be directing my request to you because you are the developer of the addons I would like. The following is what we are looking for. How much would you charge us if you were to provide us with your code? We are also interested in your Tour System and The Pilot Dashboard! could you quote the Prices for those as well?
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 4 replies
Hello Everyone, Is it ok if i put a link in my signature for a web host i am with? The Reason I would like this is that I have been with about at least 6 different hosting company's and this is the best so far. When i Submit a ticket i would get a reply within 10 mins and loads more.. Please let me know if it ok and thanks. Best regards, Daniel
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 7 replies
- 3.4k views 0843 2893 108 phpVMS Members, "Speedytech is an online support group offering various types of support to both company and personal projects that are based online" Speedytech provides technical support and general support to all types of companies/projects large or small HOW WE DO IT We have a dedicated staff team who all have experience in running and maintaining projects/companies and are ready to lend a hand to those who need it We have solutions to the most common queries and issues relating to the making of companies/projects and their websites For information on more services we provide visit our websi…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
Dear all, i kindly need via PM a quotation for a fresh template design for my VA, with also personalized modules. Best regards, Simon
Last reply by Simon, -
Skin Needed
by Allan- 0 replies
If anyone is interested in making some money, I need a theme, please contact me at Best Regards, Allan
Last reply by Allan, -
- 0 replies
New VA startup looking for a skin with some options: drop down menus access to outside pages and whatever addons I choose Please PM reply with quote or for more information Thanks Chris
Last reply by ACVA_CEO, -
- 0 replies
Starting a new VA. Have years of upper level management experience, virtual and real life. I used to be decent with HTML/Dreamweaver, but never bothered to learn PHP (doh). Anyways, I'm looking for a simple, yet effective skin/website for Rocky Mountain Connection and am willing to pay the standard rate for someone to set everything up. Please email me at appwx86@GMAIL.COM or PM me. Thanks, Sean
Last reply by Rocky Mtn. Connection, -
- 1 reply
Hello. We need a painter for our fleet. PMDG B1900C Aerosoft Beaver FS9/FSX Aerosoft Twin Otter X Lago Twin Otter FS9 Flight One ATR 72-500 fs9/fsx Anyone that can take the job?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
I'm looking for someone to paint my VA fleet in FSX. I will pay for this service. I don't need anyone to design the graphics as I already have them in psd files. All I need is someone to find me good quality FSX aircraft and then paint them using our graphics and colors.. I do not need an auto installer either. I need the following aircraft painted. EMB 170 CRJ-900 Airbus A319 Airbus A321 Boeing 738 Boeing 744 Boeing 763 Boeing 772 PMDG FSX 744 - Livery Only If you want to see what our fleet looks like just check out my sig banner. If you are interested in this job please PM me. Thanks in advance, Keith
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
We need to consolidate a project within a short period of time therefore we are looking to open a business partnership with a programmer with excellent expertise in the following fields: 1) PhPvms interface 2) PHP coding 3) CSS Styling 4) Ajax & jQuery Personal requirements are, flexible, open minded and optimal communication skills. Must have either Skype or Team Speak (client side) and a PayPal account. Initial work assigned will be a quick project involving easy to medium skills in order to establish qualifications. Long term relationship is possible after the evaluation period. Please reply to this post or contact us directly at human_resources@flystarall…
Last reply by Fly Star Alliance, -
- 0 replies
B767Designs are extremely close to opening their site which can be found HERE! We will be offering Phpvms skins,Repaints,Website Design and much more... Whilst We are still under consrtuction, come say hi and check out our forum at: HERE! Seen You There! Jonathan
Last reply by Jon, -
I am looking for someone to design a new skin for my Virtual Airline. Designer must have experience in this field and can provide me with work that has already been completed. It needs to be user friendly and browser friendly. If anyone meets the bill please send me a pm with your work. as well as expected pay rates. Thanks to all that apply.
Last reply by Jon, -
Skin Needed
by Allan- 2 replies
Hey was wondering if anyone is interested in designing me a skin, if you would like to chat my email is im using joomla right not but a pain in the ass to use with phpvms considering you have to use to login names. someone please contact me ASAP! Kind Regards, Allan Benjamin USA Flight Club founder
Last reply by Jon, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I need help setting up a blog and forum for our website. If anyone can spare a hand, please let me know. Thanks
Last reply by joeri, -
- 19 replies
Flightguy123 repaints have now opened! We currently are offing a $2.99 deal for all PHPvms forum users. All you need to do is send in your user name, and VA to get this promotion! We have a variety of planes that we can paint for you! On our website on the left we have a complete list of aircraft. We currently are working on other VA's, but the expected time of you receiving your fleet is approx 1.5 weeks! Hurry in, our staff are ready to help you with all your needs! Our website is
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 37 replies
Hi everyone! Me and a friend are starting Teamspeak 3 server sales. We currently are trying to be as cheap as possible and offer 15 User Slots for $2.50. We also sell 4.50 for 30 slots. Now, I understand that most VA's get 10 person TS3 servers, we do those too The prices above are just standard, for any other slot numbers please e-mail We will respond in 24 hours or less and get you a special price. 25% discounts for all VA', final price comes to $1.88 for 15 slots per month. And for 30 slots, price comes down to $3.38. Real cheap, affordable prices! Thanks Ada Erzurumlu
Last reply by joeri,