Virtual Airlines News
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454 topics in this forum
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Dear All, During the past days, I have seen some double posts in this category and I decided to add this topic for your convenience. This board of the forum is a post-only board. This means that no one can answer to the topic you are posting. It is just used for your virtual airline's announcements. Posting topics which require others feedback is not that useful for the rest of the forum members cause they are not able to answer you. Also, each topic must be validated by a forum moderator prior shown to the public. So, if you can't see your topic, there is no need to worry about it or reposting it again. Just wait and a moderator of the forum will validate your topic.…
Last reply by servetas, -
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Looking for pilots and staff to join a new VA Continental Airlines Virtual, Brian Akers-Founder
Last reply by Strider, -
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Brining the topic of website developers up-to date for 2023, I would like to point out that I have time and resources to help any virtual airline using PHPVMS especially version 5 get more services and visuals for the website. I have recently re-designed a menu system that uses images like the menus you find on MSFS 2020 and indeed x-plane 11/12. Another feature I have developed is a process where for booking a flight you get to see a list of flights to airports in the schedules that you have not flown to before. Where you have lists of items that are often 100's long such as looking at all your pireps is a challenge to try and improve the look of a page and to avoid th…
Last reply by LesJar, -
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Given that it is important to support PHPVMS especially V7 , I feel that we need to show the world of Flight Simulation that you can run a Virtual Airline using Version 7. It is to this end that I have built a new virtual airline that has a unique and welcome feel to it hence the name of the virtual airline reflects this view. The virtual airline that you are welcome to visit and join of course is called Virtualairhygge and is based at So what is with the name 'hygge' . Well in fact it is an olde Norse word. Norse being the ancient language of norther Europe around the Scandinavian countries. Hygge means 'togetherness' and as such t…
Last reply by LesJar, -
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Music City Airlines, a Virtual Airline, was founded in August 2021. Using Microsoft Flight Simulator allows Virtual Pilots to fly routes all over the world. Virtual Pilots may join and start flying immediately and start their career moving up the ranks. The Pilots are compensation is based on their Rank. Ranks are based on the number of hours flown. Each Rank has a compensation amount per hour flown associated with it. Pilots receive, the number of hours flown times the Rank amount.
Last reply by AirPred48, -
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Hello all, Thanks to Mr Aaryan Kappor I'm happy to announce the rebrand has been completed. At this moment in time we are seeking staff members to fill the ranks. We currently require the following: Vice President Assistant Operations Director HR Manager Assistant HR Manager Events Coordinator FMv has been in operation since October 2017 . Check us out today Https:// Pm if you require more
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
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CALLING ALL FIGHT ENTHUSIASTS... TUI Virtual Group has hopes to become a new VA however, this is impossible without a management team. As Chairman of TVG, I am delighted to announce We are searching for dedicated flight sim enthusiasts who would like to join the management team of an upcoming VA “TUI Virtual Group”. We are looking initially for 5 main roles. · Chief Executive Officer · Chief Operations Officer · Director of Operations · Fleet Coordinator · Routes Manager Job Descriptions are attached. For more information, please email…
Last reply by emeralddogplays, -
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hello we are a group of special operations / military and we are looking for developers that wanna work at this kind of VA/ area. we have lots of ideas and also great challenges to propose. We believe that is a great project that can be positive to all. We are also Sponsored by Thrustmaster and if we can give the correct steps, we will add other great brand to our project. Our site:
Last reply by Heritage1, -
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Hey Folks , I would like to introduce you to LiteJet Virtual. We now simulate Jet Airways Jet Konnect Etihad Airways Druk Airlines (Royal Bhutan Airlines) Nepal Airlines SriLankan Airlines Biman Bangladesh We might not have a payware ACARs , But we definitely have an amazing CrewCenter by Mark Swan! Features : - Internal Webmail (By David Clark) - Live Map - METAR (By Parkho) - Worldwide Charts (By Parkho) - Weather Map by WindyTV - Indian Scenery's Database with direct download Many More features Under Development Join us Today!
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
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Hi Everyone, The Chief Operations Officer position is vacant currently at this time. Former COO, Anthony Edwards, will not be holding this position anymore. So, if you are interested in taking this important job to continue our operations, email our careers department, through: Please consider properly before you decide to take this position. I'm sure most of you are familiar with what a Chief Operations Officer does. He is second in charge of Cathay Virtual, and helps a lot throughout my work and all staff work. If I happen to be absent or not able to access the site, the COO will take charge. Please before making this decision, take thes…
Last reply by TomNastovski, -
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Often referred to as the sixth Great Lake, Georgian Bay features more than 30,000 islands and 2,000 kilometers of shoreline. Georgian Bay's beauty is serene. Windswept pines, majestic towering cliffs, endless beaches and clear blue water all create a one of a kind destination. Parry Sound, the largest natural harbour on Georgian Bay, was named by Captain Henry Bayfield after Sir William Edward Parry, the Arctic explorer. Bayfield surveyed the 30,000 islands in the early 19th Century. This is a staging point for trips not only to your cottage nearby, but also for countless exploration possibilities of the beautiful French River and Muskoka areas. The Parry Sound Area Muni…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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we have a question is possible to have a radar/ alert system so we can detect aircraft of other military groups? Example: detect and post at website spanish airforce aircrafts + FAF + italian airforce...on air (IVAO/ VATSIM)
Last reply by servetas, -
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This month we are trying something new for our challenges where we will follow a real world flight in real-time and see if we can do better. It’s totally up to the pilot to choose a route and aircraft (as long as you’re rated for it). The real world ops title says it all. Pick a real world flight and fly it online at the same time the real flight is making the same flight in the real world. This however means there is no time offsetting allowed. So if you choose to fly during daylight hours, you will have to pick a fight that is flying somewhere in the world at the same time. The easiest way to pick a fight is to visit and select a flight. You…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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Hello all, There is a new Air Berlin Virtual Airline. We are Virtual Air Berlin, we (to date) are the most modern Air Berlin VA in the the virtual airline community. Here at Virtual Air Berlin we simulate the operations of our real world counterpart, the official Air Berlin. At Virtual Air Berlin you can have competition between fellow pilots on day to day operations by checking out the leaderboard and rankings. We are a warm and friendly airline, where you can socialize with other pilots on our Teamspeak and forums to learn new things regarding aviation to develop your flight knowledge. At Virtual Air Berlin, we have our custom coded points system built in to our PI…
Last reply by MooneyPilot99, -
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We have launched virtual airberlin and we at virtual airberlin invite that you come check us out as we are the only official airberlin VA. we have a great fleet to fly with thanks to our realworld counterpart in aircraft choice with aircraft's such us 737 to a320 family as well as the long haul a330 to short commutes of the dash8 q400 regards virtual airberlin staff
Last reply by matteo3, -
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Virtual Trans World is hiring new Pilots for its hubs in LAX, JFK, STL, MCI and international hubs in SJU and CDG. Please check our HR at:
Last reply by roland1504, -
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With one of the most dangerous approaches in the United States, Eagle County Regional Airport serves the world-famous ski resorts of the Eagle-Vail area in Colorado. The Airport is largely seasonal, with the greatest number of scheduled flights operating during the winter months. During the ski season, Eagle County Regional Airport is the second busiest airport in Colorado after the Denver International Airport. Eagle serves as a great alternative to Denver for skiers in the Eagle Valley because of its close proximity to the major international ski resorts of Vail, Beaver Creek, Copper Mountain, Keystone and Breckenridge. Due to the abundance of flights into Eagle Count…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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We have all seen the countless YouTube videos of the crazy crosswind landings at Birmingham Airport. Well it’s your turn to try your hand at it. Birmingham Airport (EGBB) formerly Birmingham International Airport is located 5.5 nautical miles (10.2 km; 6.3 mi) east southeast of Birmingham city centre, at Bickenhill in Solihull, England. It has a CAA Public Use Aerodrome Licence (Number P451) that allows flights for the public transport of passengers or for flying instruction. Passenger throughput in 2015 was over 10.1 million, making Birmingham the seventh busiest airport in the UK. The airport offers both domestic flights within the UK, and international flights to de…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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Join today at . Participate in our first event and receive double hours.
Last reply by akersbrian0777, -
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Hi Everyone, Cathay Virtual Group is seeking a new staff member, to take up our currently vacant Human Resources Manager (HRM) position. If you bring experience from working in the Human Resources Department of other VAs or are personally interested in taking the role, I encourage you to think about taking the job. If you are currently seeking VA employment opportunities and would like to work with HR Management for a great virtual airline, contacting these emails, will get you in touch with the Cathay Virtual Staff Team: - Please send all main enquiries and Expressions of Interest (EOI) to this email. If you would like to personal…
Last reply by TomNastovski, -
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Hello all, I have a friend who is starting a new virtual Air Berlin. His name is Morgan Walton, I am the CEO he is the owner.I am looking for 2 staff positions to fill at this point in time. These positions are COO and Human Resources, I prefer to have someone who has had past experience with either of these jobs.If you are interested please contact me through messages here on the forums or shoot me an E-mail at Thank you. -Anthony Edwards
Last reply by MooneyPilot99, -
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Coming this October 2016 To the VA Community Introducing Frontier Virtual Airlines. Takes - Off again. We will be offering up to date routes and schedules. Updated Fleet. Custom built ACARS. Staff/ Pilot positions available. HR, Den Mainline Hub Manager/ Express Manager/ Chief Pilot - Mainline and Express/ Events Coordinator. New features include smart brief Pilot dispatch reporting system. No fleet restrictions. Forums page to stay up to date with the latest news and events/ post your best screenshot. Much more. Sign up today @ Policy Handbook On behalf of Jack the Snow Rabbit (o…
Last reply by akersbrian0777, -
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- 2.9k views The Alaskair Vision This virtual airline was set up in September 2016 with the ambition of being a freight and passenger airline serving remote communities in Alaska. Aligning to the TV show "Flying Wild Alaska", our pilots and aircraft must endure harsh weather conditions, short take off and landings and demonstrate a high degree of skill. We felt that there was a distinct lack of virtual airlines targeting the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness and all it has to offer. As well as this, most virtual airlines concentrate on the big commercial aircraft such as the Airbus and the many Boeing aircraft. Whilst we also enjoy flying these, we…
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
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Samos Airport is named after Aristarchos of Samos, an ancient astronomer and mathematician, and lies within 5 km from the nearby town of Pythagorio. The airport features a single short runway serving both arrivals and departures. The airports surroundings leave little room for error or mistake on the behalf of the pilots – with nearby mountains and sea at the end of the short runway. Samos is the island airport with the most notorious landing approaches in Greece. It involves pure stick and rudder demanding hand-type of flying in between mountains. There are often strong Meltemi winds blowing from the north during the summer months which further contribute to the diffic…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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Anyone who holds a pilot’s licence in the real world know what it means to stay current. It doesn’t really take much, a medical every few years and required amount of flight time which requires that you to fly an hour at least once a month. So this month, we are keeping current on our flight hours. In order to do that, all the restrictions are coming off. You pick the airport, you pick the route, and you even get to pick the aircraft as long as that aircraft is a single engine piston powered prop. This month, the challenge is to pick your favorite airport and single piston aircraft and head out on an hour or so VFR flight. You can just go on a sightseeing trip and r…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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On Saturday, September 24th, 2016, Canadian Xpress reached a milestone as we have officially logged over 100,000 flights. The 100,000 flight was logged by Dave Weese (CXA007) at approximately 03h00z. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our pilots for their support in helping make us one of the most active Canadian virtual airlines. Your participation in our events, challenges and contests is what has made Canadian Xpress® the continued success that it is. For the latest Canadian Xpress Virtual Airline flight statistics, please visit our home page located at *Canadian Xpress accepts 50% of your VATSIM, IVAO or other Vi…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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Hello! is looking for new pilots to fill our ranks and to operate our routes on VATSIM. We currently operate the hubs of KAUS, KSFO, KBOS, RJTT, EGLL, and YSSY in a spokes configuration. At Volarent Virtual Airlines we allow pilots to choose the routes, planes, and times that they fly while still maintaing a realistic atmosphere. We do not limited where you can fly based on your rank, and we accept most applications to join. We are a VATSIM-based virtual airline, while you are certainly not required to fly on the VATSIM network, it is highly recommended as it helps spread the word about Air Volarent. In addition, we welcome all FSX and X-Plane 10 users to our…
Last reply by randomderecho, -
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Howdy once again from the Texas-friendly skies! We're still looking for fresh, new faces for our dedicated family of av geeks to converse and fly with. Here's a refresher of some of the many features we offer: - Our Fleet Modernization Project is almost near completion and well ahead of schedule! We have an amazing, new, fresh livery on our airframes, and we're even introducing a few new ones. - Our new paints include both freeware & payware models or textures for all of our aircraft (FSX only). - We fully support Microsoft Flight Simulator X, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004; and we partially support Prepar3d with a wide variety of ACARS clients to choose from, inc…
Last reply by TXA100, -
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ValuJet Virtual Airlines honors the lives that were lost on-board ValuJet Airlines Flight 592 on May 11, 1996. Formed as a tribute to the victims, their families, and former employees, ValuJet Virtual simulates the historic real-world operations of ValuJet from 1993 to 1997. With a focus on historic accuracy, the ValuJet Virtual team has replicated the original timetables, fleet, and core competencies of the former real-world airline. In addition to historic operations, the ValuJet Virtual team has developed a modern fleet and route structure, to simulate as if ValuJet had continued to operate into the present. This modern option is for members that prefer an evolving ope…
Last reply by nextgen86, -
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Airwego - Press Release / Update - September 2016 Since opening back in 2000 Airwego has constantly evolved. The website has been redesigned several times, aircraft liveries have been updated, schedules have been published and then republished. However the one constant has been our pilots. A group of individuals that enjoy flying with a virtual airline that offers “Minimal Rules but Maximum Funâ€. Recent times are no exception to this evolution with many key projects coming to conclusion over the last few months. Towards the end of 2015 the website came under review. While it served our purposes it did need a redesign to reflect our progression as a virtual a…
Last reply by lionwing,