General Discussions
167 topics in this forum
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Hi, this question is the most asked one and with the SimBrief improvements we have in v7 this matter become critical ... Here you can find the basics about the logic and how to setup your fares/subfleets/flights properly. 1. Main Fares You can define your fares in admin/fares. These will be your main fare types, which will then be used in your subfleets or flights. The main idea here is to define only the basics, so you can change them later when needed. Think fares like the seats in your plane (or cargo space), which can be sold as tickets. They are not in flight services or extended service types like WiFi, Hot Meals, Extra Snacks, Economy Premiu…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
As you may have noticed, phpVMS v7 comes with built in SimBrief API integration and aircraft can be configured in some different ways to achieve better planning results. Below you can find some key instructions and settings with their effects. Main Requirement is a valid SimBrief API key, to get one kindly check SimBrief documents (website/support forum) and complete your application, when you have your key ready, just insert it in settings. While waiting for your API key you can define your Subfleets and Aircraft as below; Subfleet Definitions; Here only important field is "SimBrief Type", when it is defined it will be used…
Last reply by a7c12a5, -
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- 2 replies
Hi, This is technically not a guide, but an overall explanation of v7 systems related to automation and why CRON is needed etc. What is CRON ? Basically CRON is the name of "Scheduled Tasks" in Linux systems. Imagine it like a person executing tasks in behalf of you, a helper or an automation. Why it is needed and important ? Well, if you want to execute every single script needed for automation then you do not need it, but most of us do not have that much free time, specially we can not be online 24/7 to click some links every single minute or at best every hour. So CRON is important because it does exactly this…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 0 replies
Looks like it is a little bit hard to find download links for phpVMS v7 development builds. This topic aims to ease that process for everyone Do NOT download old beta builds (like beta 3 and beta 4) as they are really old (more than 3 years). At least a VA should be using beta 5 (which is more than a year old), best options is to use latest development build. Below links will give you LATEST DEV Build; Also do not wonder about the "potentially unstable" note about latest commit, it is far mor…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 0 replies
Image says it all Source is Just a reminder; You can NOT change internal units in phpvms v7, so even if you want to have fuel units displayed in KGS this will NOT change the price you should be entering in admin area. Hope this helps
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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- 5 replies
Ok, this is the second part of my guides. I got a lot of questions about them, how to define, how to make them compatible with SimBrief, how do the real companies handle different types or configs etc. etc. And unfortunately I see some PhpVms friends having struggle with defining them. So what is it ? All airlines do have aircrafts, we call them fleets. But most of the airlines do have different types of aircrafts under their fleets, imagine like having both Airbus A320 and Boeing B737-800 at the same time flying for the same airline. Then you need some "Subfleets" to separate them during operations. And things got really messy when those aircrafts have differ…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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I think, this will be the last of my guides for v7. Below you can see the pre-defined expenses or expense categories; Subfleet Block Hour Cost Subfleet Delay Cost (per minute) Fuel Cost ( 100LL , Mogas , JetA1 ) Ground Handling Cost Pilot Salary Fare Cost Ok, but what are they ? How realistic are they or how they can be used to get something similar to real world. Well, that's the main problem Subfleet Block Hour Cost Actually this is the aircraft block hour cost, it is the cost to operate an aircraft and for ease it is defined in subfleet level (like many other things) and entered hourly b…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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I do get lots of personal messages/questions about this, "ok I installed v7 what next ?" Here you may find your answer, if not do not hesitate to ask (not personally but via forum so everyone can benefit from the answer) 0. Which version should I download and install ? Definitely NOT beta4 or beta5 ! Please download and install LATEST DEVELOPMENT ( in short terms dev or latest dev) build, it is much more stable compared to any beta builds and have many improvements. If you install beta4 and have some errors (you will have them for sure), the first reply to your support question will be "install latest dev". 1. How do I install v7 ? P…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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- 5 replies
Hi after reading V7 Guide How to set up fares I would like to set up my fares using the simbrief default profiles and 4 fares similar to the guide Economy,Business, First Class and Cargo. Does anyone know how we can programatically retrieve the simbrief default profiles aircrafts data so I can build de fares by the aircraft ICAO. Each subfleet maps to a default simbrief profile by the aircraft ICAO. Any Freighter aircraft would have its own subfleet. I just want to avoid doing this one by one. 😬 Thanks for the assistance.
Last reply by a7c12a5, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, We started to use the PHPVMS7 along DH Basic and Special and we have been testing it with SmartCars3 since 2 weeks. We just came to realized that since February 24 all flights are not showing any revenue anymore, but only the expenses. I am not a pro by any means on PHPvms and I checked all my settings regarding the fares, etc... Fares have not changed at all so I don't believe there is a reason of why the airline is not generating any revenue on each flight. Also on the /admin/finances page is there a way to see the total finance of each airline? I only get the option to see each month but is not counting the finance of the previous months…
Last reply by MRavilet, -
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- 9 replies
PHPVMSGEN is now available as a free service to provide data for import to PHPVMS. It will give you 5 csv files or a number of files per type depending on volume of content the following AIRPORT,FARES,SUBFLEET,AIRCRAFT and FLIGHTS. You simply compile your requirements in a configuration file and send this file to me and I will process it and send you the files back along with a generation report with installation notes. It should be noted that PHPVMGEN csv files are installed into PHPVMS without any additional software being required and as such they conform and act within the operation and core procedures of PHPVMS. if you are intereste…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 6 replies
Possibly a silly question from a phpvms V7. Sometimes when saving or doing other stuff on the website I get a 419 Page Expired. In this case particularly when trying to save the newly acquired VMS license, but it's not the only example. Any tips? What am I missing?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, Is there any way to autoreject pirep if the incorrect airframe is used for a flight? For example, we have a subfleet and an aircraft, say an A320. But instead of the defined aircraft in the subfleet, an A321 or even a B737 has been used for the flight. And the pirep has been filed. We want to encourage pilots to fly with the correct aircraft and livery. My second question. Is it possible to build a function to reject pireps without the correct livery? Reject it by the incorrect Airline ICAO, as the Airline ICAO is present in the livery folder in the aircraft.cfg and the acars read it. Thank you for the infos. Have a safe flight.
Last reply by fsmvirtual, -
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Hey guys, Its been a while Has anyone managed to get a schedules scraper working, there was one a few years ago using flight aware, what are people using now to pull data? Thanks, Mark.
Last reply by PaintSplasher, -
- 1 reply
Hello, We are in need of contact, something they are not providing on their website. Since phpvms is referred as an official affiliation, this contact was triggered. Best Regards, Pedro Sousa
Last reply by PaintSplasher, -
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- 11 replies
I have been trying to get the ACARS for phpVMS 7, the hosting site does not respond to my request. I have tons of issues with downloading data as CSV or uploading CSV, my email notifications do not work and when I try to oder acars app I keep getting that my email is not verified which I have done. Is there ANYBODY that can help me out. Thanks in advance, Gerald S.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Hey, first I want to mention that this is not a personal commercial promotional post. My goal is simply to encourage people to explore and use phpVMS 7. It's a powerful platform with great customization options for virtual airline management. Yes, I have a lot of experience but nothing is impossible. Creating themes and designs for phpVMS version 7 with Laravel offers great flexibility without needing WordPress for custom homepages. Since phpVMS is built on Laravel, you can leverage modern tools to craft unique, responsive designs directly within the platform. Themes are built using Blade, Laravel's templating engine, which allows for easy separation of logic and presenta…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 5 replies
Hello, how can I put the pireps option automatically approved in phpvms 7?
Last reply by vFAB, -
- 1 reply
If someone want export the phpvms7 flights to volanta, can be done exporting database data to csv with the next sql script. NOTE: If you have flights currently in volanta and are the same of phpvms7 this isn't overwrite, so you will have duplicate flights in Volanta (Volanta + phpvms7 flights) SELECT dpt_airport_id AS Origin, arr_airport_id AS Destination, block_off_time AS DepartureTime, pireps.flight_time AS Duration, AS Airline, flight_number AS FlightNumber, aircraft.icao AS AircraftType, registration AS AircraftRegistration, route AS Route, block_on_time AS ArrivalTime, distance AS Distance, fuel_used AS Fuel FROM `pireps`, `aircraft`, `airlines…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Dear friends, I'm trying to send a manual pirep, but the list of aircraft does not appear in the drop-down menu to select it, if anyone has already been through this or knows how to fix it, could you give me a tip! Attached an image to make it clearer! thanks!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I would like to take the list of pilots, as well as the MAP, to an external page, other than PHPVMS, can anyone give me some tips on how to do this? ex: my phpvms is at: ( and I want to take some data only to ( which is also in the php language. thanks!
Last reply by vFAB, -
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Hi all, We are a VA with about 150 members. We are considering moving to phpVMS. We are an offline VA, so the question is whether phpVMS can also be used without an ACARS system? Thanks, Stijn
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 4 replies
Hello All, Major newbie and general phpVMS idiot here. Anyone know why my list of airports does not show up in the dropdown menus when trying to add flights? Thanks, Mike
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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- 14 replies
Good day everyone, My virtual airline is doing a feasibility study and research of options for next year's migration plans. We have been using VAFS for the better part of a decade. We like phpVMS' stability, control and flexibility, in addition to being compatible with SmartCARS. However, starting the VA from scratch is out of the question, therefore migrating as much data over is a key consideration. To this end, I have searched but found no information on how to import existing PIREPs (not flight schedules) and pilot accounts into phpVMS. We have a programmer that can take VAFS PIREPs and parse them into any format, CSV or otherwise, requ…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Good morning, i want to thank ProAvia and DisposableHero for their continued support in the forum because thanks to you and a lot of my patience (I'm not very practical) I managed to install phpvms 7. everything works great! I only have one question to ask at the moment: I've set up a series of ranks by also including the pilot's pay. However, I would like the pilot to receive his pay only when he flies (passenger scheduled) with the company. They will be free to fly any other route (charter) but without receiving pay. how can I do?
Last reply by KnightAviation, -
Hi all, We have just started an airline and went with pounds and dollars to begin with because it made everything straightforward. We're considering switching to kilograms and euros though - and wondered if anybody else has switched - and what was involved. I'm guessing we would need to take the airline offline while doing it, and run some queries to convert all of the weights, rates, etc across all of the affected tables. As I said - wondering if anybody else has already done it in the past.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 8 replies
Some time ago I created my own program to bulk generate flight information (for VABase) - and have been thinking about doing the same for phpVMS - to work out for a given aircraft on a given direct route, how long it would take - which can then be used to auto-populate scheduled flights in one go (e.g. with 5 airlines, 10 fleet groups,100 aircraft, and 50 airports around the world, generate the thousands of sensible looking flights taking off and landing within sensible hours, with fairly accurate time calculations based on aircraft performance. I just wondered if anybody else has done this - to save re-inventing the wheel.
Last reply by jonbeckett, -
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- 3 replies
Hello! I have setup a cargo flight with the Boeing 377, but it loses money. What is the best way or the right way to setup my cargo fleet? Thank you.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hello. Is it possible to add the live acars map on a page out side of the dashboard of the phpvms 7? My home page out side of the main phpvms file structure in the public_html folder, I would like it if I was able to add the acars map to the home page. Thank you for your time.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 7 replies
I like the division by tabs of the downloads section but I would like to make some suggestions as to what could be done to give a sub-division of the section like Aircraft Having all the Aircraft you can download from the Virtual Airline on what amounts to one page gives rise to fragmentation as repaints get done. You can start with an A320 repaint and do other types and then come back to another A320. It would be nice to be able to have subdirectories so that you can slot your aircraft into the same place as all the other A320's. As a precursor to this many Virtual Airlines support different simulators as does PHPVMS so it seems logical to have a major tab for each…
Last reply by DisposableHero,