Disposable Hero Addons
Addons, Modules, Widgets, Skins, etc by Disposable Hero. Guides found in this forum are specific to Disposable Hero Addons, etc.
24 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Dear all, As of version v3.6.x I will be only updating my addons via GitHub, so there will be no future updates uploaded to download section of the forum. Sorry but it really takes time for me to sync two different sources and keep track of release notes on two different locations. Below you can find the repository links, release page links and finally how to get notifications when an update gets released. Disposable Theme Main Page : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableTheme Readme : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableTheme#readme-ov-file License : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableTheme#License-1-ov…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi, I am getting lots of private messages regarding how to install or update Disposable Addons, decided to write a simple guide for that ... Hope it helps 1. Where are your addons ? You can find them here at forum, check Downloads section. Also you can grab them directly from GitHub too, link to my Github Repositories is also here at the top of this sub-forum. 2. Which source should I use for download ? I do prefer using GitHub 'cause it is the main source for them and once you get used to downloading things and manually installing/updating your coppies, it would be much easier for you to follow updates. …
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Here you will find most common errors you will encounter during install/update/usage. 500 | Server Error This really means nothing and it is not helpful at all. So please do not message me or open a forum topic with just this message (or a screenshot showing that blank page). To understand what is going on we need more info about that error, what you can do; Enable APP_DEBUG in your env.php (by default it is disabled/false) and re-visit that page. There you will see the error in detail, you can post a full screenshot of that page. Check your laravel logs (they are located at storage\logs folder of your phpvms), the error w…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I got the following error message today. I suspect that it is related to SmartCars 3. Do you know the error and what does it indicate? maybe it comes from free flight Attempt to read property "dpt_airport_id" on null Context: { "view": { "view": "/var/www/vhosts/german-sky-group.eu/httpdocs/phpvms/resources/views/layouts/SPTheme/modules/DisposableSpecial/widgets/assignments.blade.php", "data": [] }, "userId": 2, "exception": "[object] (Spatie\\LaravelIgnition\\Exceptions\\ViewException(code: 0): Attempt to read property \"dpt_airport_id\" on null at /var/www/vhosts/german-sky-group.eu/httpdocs/phpvms/resources/views/layouts/SPTheme/mod…
Last reply by PaintSplasher, -
Hello everyone, I've noticed that on long flights, costs quickly go into the negative. For bookable flights, I can adjust the costs when creating the flight. For free flights, however, only the default value from the subfleet configuration (Flares) is used. Is there a way to adjust the costs so that long flights are not unprofitable, but short-haul flights don’t become overly profitable? Maybe a dynamic adjustment or an alternative calculation method? Additionally, I’m wondering if I might have set up Flares incorrectly or not optimally. Are there any recommended best practices for configuring them to ensure a balanced co…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hello, can you tell me how / where I can customise the page dp_page. Unfortunately I have not found the path to the page Thank you & greetings
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 2 replies
Hello, For some reason I can no longer see flags and badges. Also click spots with icons are also invisible though clickable. https://www.fofvirtual.com phpvms7.0.2 Disposable V3 latest theme files from Github
Last reply by Jerry, -
- 1 follower
- 33 replies
View File Disposable Theme (Current) *** IMPORTANT *** This is the v3.7.x series theme, it is compatible with latest Disposable Addons (Basic and Special Module) and phpVMS v7 released builds (like v7.0.2) Please check the online readme file from GitHub for update process. If you need to use older builds, like you are stuck at php7.4.x or php8.0.x due to hosting limitations, check my GitHub page for v3.0.19 and v3.3.1 Submitter DisposableHero Submitted 11/22/21 Category …
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
We have our site based on phpVMS with your addons . I am looking to translate the content of the footer which contains the rules of the Va and the GPDRD and Staff. Can you just give me a little indication of the file to be modified? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, I've successfully implemented the disposable v3 theme on my website, and most features are functioning as expected. However, I've encountered a few issues that require attention: 1. Flight visibility: After assigning subfleet to specific subfleets, these flights no longer appear on my VA's flights page. This unexpected behavior is affecting the visibility of scheduled operations. 2. Aircraft display discrepancy: The 'dfleet' page is not displaying my current aircraft inventory, despite these aircraft being visible on the Airlines page. https://my-example-va.com/dfleet 3. ACARS integration: It's worth noting that I haven't yet integrated the ACAR…
Last reply by CartesianPixels, -
- 36 replies
View File Disposable Extended Pack Disposable Extended Pack (Disposable Special Module) This is a combined multi feature module offering below; Tours (with Awards and a tracking Widget) Free Flights (with full SimBrief integration) Maintenance System (can be extended by Disposable Basic module) Market (Pilot Shop) Monthly Flight Assignments NOTAMs Configurable per flight dynamic expenses (Catering, Parking, Landing, Terminal Services Fees etc) Configurable per flight dynamic income (Duty Free and Cabin Buffet Sales) Some static pages (About Us, Rules & Regulation…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone Despite of reading all docs and converstaions related with the subject and even reading it well I do not understand how to put it running, like how to create API's and do not even know where to put those green lines mentioned on the readme files. If anyone willing to help will appreciate even if I have to pay for it. thank you
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Good Evening. Would someone be able to explain to me how the events widget works and how I can create a page showing all the events upcoming. I have read and tried to understand the API key, and what goes where, but I just don't understand it, so a quick guide on how to set up events using this module would be awesome. Thanks for your help!
Last reply by 4JSL, -
- 1 reply
How to change the map, like Mapbox, Google Maps, etc., and Where to place the api key ? in the Disposable PHPVMS 7 beta 5 skin?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
I am try to add additional text after the "private name" that produce the Pilot name in many of blades or widgets. I want to add "EAL" +pilot_id from the users table. For example, the Pilot Roster lists me as "Richard L" but I would like for it to show me as "Richard L - EAL102" adding the EAL plus pilot_id from the users table. If you show me how to do it to one blade I think I can figure it out... Thank tyou, -Richard aka Nacman @DisposableHero
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 7 replies
Hi there, I have a news item that shows up once you log in. I would like to have this same News item show up on the first page before login. I have home.blade and app.blade loaded up and I am trying to follow the help part about "DBasic.news /dnews" but I think that is for a menu item. Also looking at the widget section oof the FAQ, but doesn't mention news. This is probably so easy, but it still isn't making perfect sense to me yet. So what would I edit and what would I put in the edit to get news to show up to users who haven't logged in yet or first time visitors. Thanks, -Nac
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I have a small problem, we are creating our new site entirely based on Phpvms, on the registration page the boxes IVAO and VATSIM id's are missing. Or is it because we have upgraded to the latest version of the theme in full? Is there a missing widget maybe or something else.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 8 replies
I have distance set to NM in admin, but weather pages are showing Visibility in km. Any way to have that use either NM or Miles?
Last reply by sgraypgh, -
- 6 replies
Sorry to be that guy, but I have looked everywhere to find the Ops Manual page to update with no luck. Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction.
Last reply by sgraypgh, -
- 5 replies
Hoping somebody can help here... I've installed a few pages from DB pack which are all showing correctly but I'm struggling to get the next follow on pages which are returning "500" errors. In the "nav.blade" file i've placed the following which all show correctly: DBasic.hubs /dhubs DBasic.stats /dstats Do I need to add the sub directories somewhere, and maybe do another step? dhubs/EGSS (or any other ICAO) is showing as the link on the hubs page but returns to "500" error when clicking on the orange hub name in the hubs page. (airports/EGSS works fine by the way) /dstats returns the "500" error when clic…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 2 replies
G'day DH and web-savvy friends, I'd like to seek advice and suggestions on how best to handle the following situation where there is limited space due to a small browser window size - is there a graceful way to display part or all of the information? Technically, it isn't the window that is small, just part of the theme that is not utilizing the full width, it seems like an invisible column on the top half. (Please see attachments.)
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
View File Disposable Basic Pack *** IMPORTANT *** This is the v3.7.x series module, it is compatible with latest Disposable Addons (Theme, Special Module) and phpVMS v7 released builds like (v7.0.2) Includes: Handy Widgets, Stats, Airline, Fleet, Hubs, Ranks, Awards, Jump Seat, Aircraft Transfer, Random Flights, API Endpoints and more. This is a combined and enhanced version of all old (and discontinued) Disposable modules. This module pack is fully compatible with Disposable Theme v3.7 series and up, or any theme using Bootstrap v5.x along with FontAwesome v5 icons at it's core. Check on…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 2 replies
Sorry, but I don't understand the "Call the widgets anywhere you want like you call/load others" on the README. I installed Disposible Tools & Widgets but cannot figure out how to put any of the widgets into a page on my phpvms7 website. Disposible Tools & Widgets seems to be installed as on the "Online Readme" Can I get an example of how to put TopPilots widget on a page? Thanks, Tim F., FDC1601
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hi, first of all congratulations for your "Tools" are very useful, visiting the folders (.. \ modules \ DisposableTools \ Resources \ lang \) for example, you can find the various languages ... I was wondering how I can set up such example the it? Thanks Mirko75
Last reply by DisposableHero,