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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/20 in all areas

  1. There is a guide to developing addons here: https://docs.phpvms.net/developers/addons With a sample plugin created here: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms-module If there are issues, something is missing, or you just have questions about best-practices, let me know. Any addons that aren't created in this way will a) have a good chance of messing up someone's install b) get wiped out in an auto-update, and therefore, will be locked and removed until they're compliant. I know modification and addons are a huge draw, so I'm not trying to restrict that, and yes, the process is a little more complicated and there is a learning curve, but it's for long-term viability and the good of the ecosystem that these rules are going to be enforced. Your addon should also be submitted here: https://forum.phpvms.net/files/category/8-add-ons/ Thanks!
    2 points
  2. God! You are the man! One more time, thank you so much!!
    1 point
  3. Is there a way to install phpVMS 7 on localhost (XAMPP)? Or is it not possible? I'm trying to install it several times, but it never works. The page that says "phpVMS not installed" (https://prnt.sc/siiqrn) loads normally, however when I press the "Head on to the installer>" button, it redirects me to the XAMPP dashboard (localhost/dashboard - https://prnt.sc/siiqz3) and not to the installation page. In the structure files looks like this (https://prnt.sc/siiq6o😞 htdocs/ ├── phpvms And in the phpVMS index.php it looks like this (https://prnt.sc/sije6o😞 $path_to_phpvms_folder = __DIR__.'/../phpvms'; phpVMS version: 7.0.0-beta.4 php version: 7.4.5 EDITED For users who are experiencing this problem when installing phpVMS on XAMPP, do the following: Solution 1: by @Laurent Go to your XAMPP control panel; And in "Config" button of Apache, select the file httpd.conf; Search for this line: DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/" and change to DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/phpvms" Close XAMPP completely and open it again. Solution 2 (Without moving files from the public folder): by @Nabeel Move phpvms files to your htdocs folder as normal, but WITHOUT moving files from the public folder to the phpVMS folder; Go to your XAMPP control panel; And in "Config" button of Apache, select the file httpd.conf; Search for this line: DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/" and change to DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/phpvms/public" Close XAMPP completely and open it again. NOTE: In both solutions, the link to phpvms will be "http://localhost", this means that other projects that are in the htdocs folder will NOT work. If you want to go back to normal (other projects working), you will have to go to httpd.conf again, and change the DocumentRoot to the default (DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/"). Solution by @Laurent and @Nabeel (Thank you so much again!)
    1 point
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