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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. I am running 744. Some of my charters are still not showing up. I have tried deactivating and reactivating, didn't work. And I checked the day of the week also. This is really messing up my operation as many of my charters are tied together. Would some of you other VA's have a look and see if your schedules are doing this?
  2. RogerB

    front bids

    I guess its a way to debug the database for that module. Nabeel just forgot to remove it.
  3. I just wanted to remind you this needs removed from the front bids module. DB::debug();
  4. RogerB


    You added a description on the admin panel?
  5. If you search around, there are many posts like this and they explain how to do that. You must edit the core_navigation.tpl file to reflect your skin's CSS.
  6. I believe you have to treat the 2 pages as one in some cases. the <div> tags
  7. RogerB

    Forum inside phpVMS

    This forum is SMF, it is already integrated..
  8. I just did a flight with the latest build, the PIREP is sent but does not close the bid. XACARS is sucking my bean bag big time at this point so we will stick with FSAcars.
  9. And this is all after I sent all pilots an email to use it........ >
  10. Yes, it didn't work at all. it shows on the map as acars closed the entire time.
  11. Good enough to be online? No offense but I highly disagree......
  12. I have the latest beta, Xacars didn't close or send my last flight report. And yes i downloaded the config. I checked it, all the links appear to be correct and the site said it sent with success.
  13. No, just did a test page, all good.
  14. You have to put another line in for XACARS....or just replace the fsacars line.
  15. First I have a couple of schedules that won't show for some reason, it seems to be random. After installing the latest update the frontbids module is jacked, you can see on my front page. And the schedules_view template shows up way to the left in IE only, I checked my code, there are no errors.
  16. Yeah, there are no waypoints so it will be off.
  17. You need to edit the navagation.tpl file.
  18. Heres Mine!! One of many...
  19. You will find phpvms is way better than VAbase.......
  20. I am having the same issue with both of my sites now. I have checked the code and there are no clear issues. My issues are viewing a schedule, they are only left alligned in IE..
  21. RogerB

    vaBase skin

  22. RogerB

    vaBase skin

    If you don't have time Nabeel, I will make it.
  23. There are video tutorials that are very helpful, if you watch carefully you will see its not that hard. Nice site by the way.
  24. You clearly didn't say installed......LOL Glad it worked!! Its really not that hard.
  25. I am using beta 1.2.712 and it seems the flight search has a bug. I did a search for b103 flights, the system is including B1900 aircraft in the search for some reason.
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