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Everything posted by Ariel

  1. Alright guys, before we go on as to how this topic has been brought up several times, and has been resolved, let me point out that i have been through all of those topics and nothing works or has anything to do with my issue. Now what im going through is the add bid link is not clickable and when it is it says its No Route Passed. I just moved hosting. With my previous host provider i didnt have this problem. It just happened when i moved. All of the js files are where they are supposed to be <title>Search - Virtual Delta Airlines</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var baseurl = "http://www.vdelta.org"; var geourl = "http://ws.geonames.org"; </script> <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="http://www.vdelta.org/lib/css/phpvms.css" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.0/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.vdelta.org/lib/js/jquery.form.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.vdelta.org/lib/js/phpvms.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/lib/skins/.../anylinkmenu.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/skins/.../menucontents.js"></script> </head> Can anyone help me out with this please!
  2. i was about to say the same thing! and completely agree with your first post!
  3. Okay well it turns out that he wont be taking any request anymore. So maybe someone who already has this module can help...i am trying to display the rewards records on a different page. and have tried many codes and none are working so i might be doing something wrong or the actual code might be completely different i will post the codes i have been using With this one i get nothing...it says that there is no records when there is. <?php if(empty($userinfo->pilotrecords)) { echo 'No Records Available'; } else { echo '<table class="tablesorter">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th width="10%">Date</th>'; echo '<th width="10%">Points</th>'; echo '<th>Notes</th>'; echo '</tr>'; foreach($userinfo->pilotrecords as $note) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'.date(DATE_FORMAT, $note->date).'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$note->point.'</td>'; echo '<td width="50%">'.$note->note.'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } ?> With this one i get nothing but the space where it should appear its just clear no data is being displayed <?php echo RewardsData::get_pilot_records($pilotid); ?> And last but not least with this one i get nothing but it saying ARRAY <?php echo RewardsData::get_pilot_records($userinfo->pilotid); ?> Can anyone be of assistance please!
  4. Hey! So now that i have purchased the Pilot Rewards system and may i say i love it...i remember bring up the idea of making different reward levels (ex. Gold, Silver, Platinum) but didnt get any feed back on it. So now i ask is it something we can do. Or if it can be done to my system, i dont mind paying extra for it! This feature will really go in very well with our planned rewards program we would like to offer our pilots
  5. Congrats on that Chase....you guys are good! Keep up the good work!
  6. For a starting and upcoming airline, it doesnt look bad at all... hopefully as time passes by you guys slowly or rapidly upgrade the site features. I would say you guys are on the right path to success! Best of luck with the VA
  7. I dont quite understand what you are telling me is coming from. I was just wishing you and your VA good luck and best wishes! Thats all!
  8. Frederic, Best of luck with your VA, site looks amazing i must say. Good luck with your codeshares with the other VAs!
  9. That did the trick! Thank you!!
  10. This would be a great addon since the last version from Kyle is no longer supported and last time i checked that thread the module was not working. I am highly interested!
  11. I dont see a thread for v3.0 so i suppose i will post here I keep getting this error message when trying to access the Screenshot Center Notice: The template file "/home/vdeltaor/public_html//core/templates/Screenshots/screenshots_viewer.tpl" doesn't exist in/home/vdeltaor/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 The template file stated in the error message is there. I have installed everything in the correct place and have re installed the module but nothing seems to work...any help?
  12. Oooohh come on guys vDelta currently uses skyline theme! Didn't you guys notice lol
  13. works like a charm! and looks awsome! Keep up the great work!
  14. Ariel


    well now that was quite rude. and not helpful at all. have been noticing that very often from you. What has this forum come to now! If there is something you got to say in regards to his order fulfillment then go right ahead and say it. saves everyone the time to contact you in regards to routes and stuff. If you have nothing to say then you shouldnt of commented!
  15. @Zach how can i be of assistance?
  16. I and vDelta is highly interested in something like this. Anyone actively developing this?
  17. Does anyone happen to know the code to put the hub a new pilot is in to put into the New Pilot email CEOs get when some one registers
  18. I dont mean to be rude either but you can buy a 5-10 slot teamspeak for like a buck or two. I have always believed that donations is not the way for a VA to live or survive. If you have no money to invest in your own project then i dont think you are ready.
  19. We are introducing more and more codeshares, everyday! www.vdelta.org www.fb.com/vdeltaairlines
  20. Worked like a charm thanx again Daniel!
  21. Chase are you still looking? i have some one who did ours. Nothing to fancy but man he does a great job. I think you saw our video but here it is again to reference his work!
  22. Is there a way to display them in order by airline with out having to input them in order?
  23. He said first professional va, not first VA ever created!
  24. Ariel

    Line 28

    There is actually no need for a video if you ask me. Thank you though im sure it will be helpful to others but deleting the local.config.php file did the trick and that is what is causing this problem. I dont know why considering i used an old version of phpvms and the new version considering only 1 file was updated but deleting that file is what will fix all this!
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