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Everything posted by Ariel

  1. WOW...Daniel is right. The main page had me alittle bit....and i mean ALITTLE bit...almost nothing....but then i got to the main phpvms page...and lord have mercy! Major need of some cosmetic redoing. Im sorry dont me to be harsh if that is the way im coming across but need some work done on them phpvms pages! Best of Luck!
  2. A link to the va would be nice
  3. Well glad you're back in business
  4. Actually name.com is of very good quality but my suspicions are with you. .. somethings fishy around here
  5. So did you decied to close shop too or did they shut you down! your page is returning nothing but a page not found error!
  6. Jordan good google translate spanish! lol
  7. Yea what daniel said....5.1 is way too high check fuel prices for your nearest airport and that should give you a rough idea as to wat it should be or so! i have mines set to 0.80cents
  8. como que todavia tienes problemas con el slider. Miro una imagen bajo el slider...no se si es la imagen trasera del slider!
  9. actually with a few changes obviously it works...but...its pulling up the subjects of the post but when i click on a subject it takes me to the error page that says the post doesnt exists....what could be possibly wrong?
  10. Turns out i guess it was the acars system. Going to mark this solve with the side note of...If you have smartCARS chances are you must be experiencing the same thing and might want to contact development about it!
  11. Great video love the different schemes on different aircraft. ..good work
  12. Oh okay...will do then thanx Ryan
  13. but the flight log shows numbers in pounds not KG
  14. it was pointed out to me that even though we changed the fuel weight it was giving the numbers on phpvms, its still giving kilograms after being changed to pounds example one of my pilots did a flight KLAX-KMSP started with 54822lbs of fuel and ended with a use of 34939lbs. (by far everything is still accurate) when submitted and phpvms does all of its calculations, it says 15848.1 fuel used @ 0.8 / unit if you convert the 34939lbs to kilograms you get the roughly 15848kgs which phpvms is saying is pounds.... there is something wrong here becuase the way i am being charged for fuel is still in kilograms even though the back end settings are in pounds. I am being charged wrong. Dont get me wrong...my va is not bankrupt and im actually making revenue which is a good thing...but how can i fix this so i get charged in pounds...did all the settings given here http://forum.phpvms....nge-fuel-price/
  15. Actually i was having this problem but it was pointed out to me that even though we changed the fuel weight it was giving the numbers, its still giving kilograms example one of my pilots did a flight KLAX-KMSP started with 54822lbs of fuel and ended with a use of 34939lbs. (by far everything is still accurate) when submitted and phpvms does all of its calculations it says 15848.1 fuel used @ 0.8 / unit if you convert the 34939lbs to kilograms you get the roughly 15848kgs which phpvms is saying is pounds.... there is something wrong here becuase the way i am being charged for fuel is still in kilograms even though the back end settings are in pounds. I am being charged wrong. Dont get me wrong...my va is not bankrupt and im actually making revenue which is a good thing...but how can i fix this so i get charged in pounds...did all the settings given here!
  16. This actually worked! Thank you SO much!
  17. I have searched all over the forums and have not found anything on it. The gcmap went from flat showing my pilots 10 last flights to being a huge globe map showing the flights. Is there any way to keep the map in flat view? I searched gcmaps website and found no solution!
  18. Love the logo design! over all good looking site...best of luck with your VA!
  19. Going to have to agree with Strider this time...There is alot of room for improvement! Best of Luck with your VA!
  20. no problem glad i could help! good luck with your everlasting journey!
  21. looks great....but.....i dont know...i personally hate blurry logos...it just shows the quality your putting into it...i dont mean make everything clear and shinny but...atleast clear so i took the time to redo your logo to make your site look a bit better heres the logo just right click and save. save it as logo.png so you can just upload it to your server and wala magic!
  22. wow super late reply...sorry about that...thank you mike!
  23. no error here...looking good...keep up the good work!
  24. well your site is up but there seems to be some sort of error Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) (2002)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in/home/www/AAVirtual.me/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 99
  25. yea over here at vDelta NO MANUAL PIREPS...only if there is a good reason to file one...we use smartCARS pretty cheap and has lots of great features...as well as new features being added on in the future...great investment if you ask me....pilots love it!
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