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Everything posted by Ariel

  1. Im with sammy on this one...it will pay off in the long run!
  2. yea same here This webpage is not available
  3. im assuming permission to certain files might be the reason to it but i could be wrong...really dont know why its doing that...make sure template files and images have proper permissions!
  4. OH NO NOT ANOTHER ONE MONTHER!! that sounded funny!!!lol
  5. Ariel

    Getting started

    from what i see on your code you cut out one of the closing <div> tags and that might be giving you your sintax error ...you should be cutting out <div id="left"> <div id="box"> <h3>Recent Reports</h3> <?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> </div> <div id="box"> <h3>Newest Pilots</h3> <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> </div> and should look something like this <?php // Show the News module, call the function ShowNewsFront // This is in the modules/Frontpage folder MainController::Run('News', 'ShowNewsFront', 5); ?> <div id="left"> <div id="box"> <h3>Recent Reports</h3> <?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> </div> <div id="box"> <h3>Newest Pilots</h3> <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> </div>
  6. Hey Matthew, really like the feel of the site...gives it that FRESH umph not most VAs have!! best of luck for you all!!
  7. okay we have hit another bump on the road this time its been taking me long to bring it up to you guys but heres the problem.... this code worked fine $sql='SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots ORDER BY pilotid DESC LIMIT 4, '.intval($limit); problem is ...i have to change the number everytime there is a new pilot...right now that number is at 25 out of 33 pilots that i have...how can i do it so i dont have to log in server side to change this number to show the latest pilots!?!? HELP!!
  8. Ariel

    Getting started

    Hi Laura, first and fore most want to say WOW for being the first female ive ever seen here on phpvms and the FS community....not many of the members in the community are female and thats great that you have come to join us now with your question...the piece of code is in the layout.tpl and that template is used globally by your skin on phpvms there for will appear on every page....you might want to move it to the page where you want it displayed....assuming you just want it in the home page since most of that information relates to that page you can move it to frontpage_main.tpl
  9. UPDATE! He decided to keep the airline and promote it!!! good for him!! atleast thats what i think...according to his avsim announcement!
  10. Parkho, I am for ever gratefull....this did the trick and i thank you SOOOOOO much!! idk what i would have done with out it!!! i owe you one!!
  11. Well it made the change...but now its just showing 10 pilots...which i guess its right i have the limit to show 10 but its showing the first 10 pilots...i have a total of 14 so it should show DAL004 to DAL014 but instead its showing DAL001 to DAL010 i what it to show the last 10 recent pilots not the first 10 pilots check it out so you can see what i mean www.vdelta.org
  12. its been sold....oliver checked already!
  13. so i know im about a year later on this...but it works fine its listing the limit i set it too...but how can we get the order around...its listing the pilots from recent to oldest for example the list is from pilot DAL014 to DAL004 I want it to show from DAL004 to DAL014 and keep on adding the newest pilots to the bottom of the list how can we change that!!?? if its even possible!
  14. hes one of those that sign up to VAs and doesnt fly ...more like a ghost account and has opened a couple VAs from what ive seen since ive been here...i believe hes opened BMI not that long ago!!
  15. OH NO not another Cormack VA...(btw i take full credit of the name CormackVA)!!
  16. hola drmele, no se mira mal el sitio...aun que puede verse mejor pero no se miral mal....les deseo buena suerte con su aerolinea ! miro tambien que tinene dos sitios? http://www.aeropostal-va.tk/ y http://aeropostalva.mipropia.com/index.php/ eso si se mira mal!! ojala que lo arreglen!
  17. Thanx Andrew means alot coming from you!!
  18. I guess I should have clarified what exactly was my idea..I don't want a slider...I want a pic randomizer when the page is refreshed not every so seconds!!!!
  19. Yea I was under this assumption to...will definitely be contacting him soon
  20. I haven't kept up with any of his products so sorry if I didn't know it was kacars...it looks very different from the last time I saw kacars custom
  21. That's a custom kacars...thought it was different
  22. Where do we inquire
  23. Will this acars be available to other VAs? I'm quite interested!!!
  24. Strider has a very good point there...and so does Sava....most of my comments on here are perceived as rude....harsh and blunt...though that is not my intention that is the way I come off to people in forums as they don't hear the emotion behind what I say but I have to deal with that and expect/hope others understand and feel the same way I do to what I say
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